Featured Matches - ISML 2012 Ruby Period
Ruby 1 — Sunday, 1 July 2012

Haqua du Lot Herminium (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
vs. Elucia de Lute Ima (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
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For about a couple hundred years now, this friendship and rivalry has withstood the burning flames of Hell. The two demons here today have spent many years together, gradually strengthening their bond as time went on. Eventually, they managed to obtain the same job—the role of serving as a Spirit Hunter. Now, the time has come for Haqua du Lot Herminium and Elucia de Lute Ima to battle it out in order to determine which of them is more superior. With an excellent academic record and the title of District Chief providing her with some statistical leverage, it may seem that Haqua already has this battle in the bag. However, despite her clumsy personality and childish behaviour, Elsie's recent captures have proven that success is not totally dependent on one's skills. In a battle where both contestants lack something that their opponent has, it is very hard to predict the outcome. And so, with all eyes set on these two demon girls, which of them will rise to the top and further increase her reputation within the depths of Hell? Selama sekitar beberapa ratus tahun dari sekarang persahabatan dan persaingan telah mempertahan api pembakaran neraka. Kedua setan di sini, hari ini telah menghabiskan bertahun-tahun bersama, secara bertahap memperkuat ikatan mereka dengan berjalannya waktu. Akhirnya, mereka berhasil memperoleh pekerjaan-sama peran melayani sebagai Spirit Hunter. Sekarang, waktunya telah tiba bagi Haqua du Lot Herminium dan Elucia de Lute Ima untuk pertempuran itu untuk menentukan siapa di antara mereka lebih unggul. Dengan catatan akademis yang sangat baik dan pangkat Kepala Distrik memberikan dirinya dengan beberapa memanfaatkan statistik, mungkin tampak bahwa Haqua sudah mempersiapkan pertempuran ini dari awal. Namun, meskipun perilaku ceroboh kepribadian dan kekanak-kanakan dia, menangkap terakhir Elsie telah membuktikan bahwa keberhasilan tidak sepenuhnya tergantung pada keterampilan seseorang. Dalam pertempuran di mana kedua kontestan tidak memiliki sesuatu yang memiliki lawan mereka, sangat sulit untuk memprediksi hasilnya. Jadi, dengan semua mata diatur pada kedua anak perempuan setan, yang dari mereka akan naik ke atas dan lebih meningkatkan reputasi mereka dalam kedalaman Neraka? |

Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto) vs. Kasugano Sora (Yosuga no Sora)
The first round of the Ruby Period forces our eyes open wide with its feature of two doll-like girls. Goko Ruri, better known under her alias, “Kuroneko”, is a top-class representative of otaku aristocracy. She is known as a person with an unusual otaku hobby, including cosplay. Even within her hobby, she seeks excitement with the highbrow aspects of a particular genre. Sora is known as a person with a sharp tongue, and whose dangerous attitude hides her true sensitivity. Her weak health robbed her of her childhood. After losing her parents, she only wanted to stay near her brother and protect him; her fear of continual loss in some cases pushed her feelings only one step away from loving her brother. In this match involving two girls with cute appearances, only one can become the cutest. Who will become the winner in this match, Kuroneko or Sora? Putaran pertama Periode Ruby akan menampilkan sebuah pertandingan di mana berdiri dua gadis yang penampilan mereka seperti boneka, membuat mata kita dipaksa untuk membuka lebih luas hanya untuk menonton pertandingan ini. Goko Ruri, atau lebih baik dikenal dengan Kuroneko, adalah perwakilan kelas atas aristokrasi otaku. Dia dikenal sebagai orang dengan hobi yang tidak lazim dengan gadis-gadis lain, yaitu cosplay dan otaku. Karena hobinya, dia berusaha mencari kegembiraan hanya dalam aspek intelek dari hobinya. Sora dikenal sebagai orang dengan lidah tajam dan sikap berbahaya untuk menyembunyikan sensitivitas sejatinya. Tapi sebenarnya dia punya kesehatan yang lemah yang merampok masa kecilnya. Setelah kehilangan orang tuanya, ia hanya ingin berdiri di dekat kakaknya, dan melindunginya karena dia takut kehilangan kakaknya di beberapa kasus, membuatnya hanya satu langkah lagi untuk mencintai saudaranya. Dalam pertandingan yang menunjukkan dua gadis dengan penampilan lucu, hanya satu menjadi yang terlucu di antara yang lain. Siapa yang akan menjadi pemenang dalam pertandingan ini, Kuroneko atau Sora? |

Akemi Homura (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica) vs. Suzutsuki Kanade (Mayo Chiki!)
After two full periods and fourteen matches, the outlook looks grim for Akemi Homura and Suzutsuki Kanade. Perched in the bottom half of the Nova leaderboard, their chances of making it into the Postseason seem to be dwindling with every passing match. With only six wins between them, both of the contestants have tasted defeats in eleven of their fourteen matches. The hype surrounding Homura’s show seems to be dissipating. Far from the early predictions that she would be well in the mix-up for period necklaces, she struggles to even break into the top 16. While her merchandise is still selling strong across the world, her fame doesn’t seem to be staying. For Kanade, not being the main girl in her show’s harem puts her in a predicament. These types of anime usually wane from people’s memories because the industry is saturated by the genre. While her personality is different from most, she still finds it hard to perform as admirably as her co-heroine. With a victory paramount to both Homura and Kanade, which maiden will snatch it and give her chances for a Postseason appearance a much needed boost? Setelah dua periode penuh dan empat belas pertandingan dimainkan, prospek memang terlihat suram bagi Akemi Homura dan Suzutsuki Kanade. Bertengger di tengah-tengah puncak dari leaderboard Nova, kesempatan mereka untuk membuat ke dalam musim posting tampaknya akan berkurang dalam setiap pertandingan berlalu. Dengan hanya enam kemenangan di antara mereka, kedua kontestan telah merasakan kekalahan di sebelas dari empat belas pertandingan. Para hypes di acaranya yang mengelilinginya tampaknya akan menghilang. Jauh dari prediksi awal bahwa ia juga bisa bertahan di mix-up necklace period, dia berjuang untuk bahkan masuk ke 16 besar. Sementara merchandise tentang nya masih laku keras di berbagai sisi dunia, ketenarannya tampaknya tidak turun. Untuk Kanade, tidak menjadi tokoh utama dalam acaranya, yang umumnya diklasifikasikan sebagai 'harem', menempatkan dirinya dalam kesulitan ini. Jenis acara ini biasanya memudar dari memori masyarakat karena industri ini jenuh dengan genre ini. Sementara kepribadiannya adalah atipikal bagi sebagian besar, ia masih merasa sulit untuk tampil sebagai pahlawan mengagumkan sebagai co-nya. Dengan kemenangan sangat penting untuk kedua Homura dan Kanade, yang manakah gadis yang akan merebut itu dan memberi kesempatan mereka untuk penampilan musim ini dimana dorongan yang sangat dibutuhkan? |

Ikaros (Sora no Otoshimono) vs. Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Round One of the Ruby Period is just one step away once again. Now, both Ikaros and Katsura Hinagiku are prepared for their first match in this period, but have arrived with different situations. The president of the student council, Katsura Hinagiku came here as the 2009 champion of ISML. She has quiet confidence in her statistics so far in this year's Regular Season. Ten wins and only four losses place her at 9th in Stella Division’s overall standings, and she has almost secured her way to the Postseason. Meanwhile, Angelic helper Ikaros is still trapped at rank 26, with only four wins and ten losses. If she wants to go to the Postseason, now is her chance to fix her record, a chance that may disappear forever. In this match of opposites, who will become the winner? Hinagiku, who wants to secure her ascendance to the next step, or Ikaros, who want to fix her record? Putaran pertama Periode Ruby tinggal satu langkah lagi. Sekarang baik Ikaros dan Katsura Hinagiku yang mempersiapkan diri untuk pertandingan pertama dalam periode ini, dengan situasi yang berbeda. Presiden Dewan Siswa, Katsura Hinagiku, datang ke sini sebagai juara ISML 2009. Sekarang dia cukum meyakinkan dengan catatan statistik nya di Musim Reguler. Sepuluh kali menang dan hanya empat kali kalah, menempatkan dirinya di peringkat 9 di Klasemen Divisi Stella secara keseluruhan, dan dia hampir mengamankan jalannya untuk Post Season. Sementara itu, Ikaros, pembantu Angelic, masih terjebak di peringkat 26 di Klasemen Divisi Stella secara keseluruhan, dengan hanya empat kali menang dan sepuluh kali kalah. Jika dia ingin pergi ke Post Season, sekarang adalah kesempatannya untuk memperbaiki catatan, atau kesempatan itu akan hilang selamanya. Dalam pertandingan ini dimana mereka berdua memiliki situasi yang berbeda, siapa yang akan menjadi pemenang dalam pertandingan ini? Hinagiku yang ingin mengamankan posisinya ke langkah berikutnya, atau Ikaros yang ingin memperbaiki rekor dia. |

Izumi Konata (Lucky ☆ Star) vs. Hiiragi Kagami (Lucky ☆ Star)
As I am whisked to the clubroom, I am amazed that it is kind of empty. Only two people are in there: a pair of sapphire and amethyst-haired lasses. I approach them with the Newspaper Club’s task of interviewing them. Since one of them is currently reading a novel, I interview the other first. The sapphire-haired maiden introduces herself as Izumi Konata—she seems like a friendly person, yet it bugs me that her focus is not on me, but instead on her computer screen. She tells me that she is still in the midst of finishing her eroge. After a short conversation with her, I politely call for the other maiden, but much to my chagrin, she seems upset with the interruption. Hiiragi Kagami, as she introduces herself, almost egoistically states that she needs to finish her light novel and doesn’t have time for a long-winded interview. But suddenly Konata interjects, giving me some respite as she challenges Kagami for a video game match. Thinking that it will be a nice scoop, I decide to stick around and watch the match unfold. Ketika saya berjalan ke ruang klub, saya takjub bahwa clubroom ini punya banyak ruang. Hanya dua orang berada dalam ruangan: sepasang teman berambut safir dan zamrud. Saat aku ditugaskan oleh klub koran untuk mewawancarai mereka, saya mendekati mereka. Karena salah satu dari mereka saat ini sedang membaca sebuah novel, yang terbaik adalah jika gadis lain yang diwawancarai pertama. Gadis berambut safir memperkenalkan diri sebagai Izumi Konata. Dia tampaknya seperti orang yang ramah, namun yang masih mengganggu saya bahwa fokusnya bukan pada saya, tapi layar komputer. Dia memberitahu saya bahwa dia masih di tengah-tengah menyelesaikan erogenya. Setelah percakapan singkat dengan dia, aku dengan sopan memanggil gadis lain, tetapi saya kecewa, dia tampaknya kesal dengan interupsi. Hiiragi Kagami, saat ia memperkenalkan dirinya mengatakan egoistically bahwa dia perlu menyelesaikan novel ringan dan dia tidak punya waktu untuk wawancara bertele-tele. Tapi tiba-tiba Konata menyela, memberi saya istirahat beberapa saat ia menantang Kagami untuk pertandingan video game. Berpikir bahwa itu akan menjadi berita bagus untuk klub saya, saya memutuskan untuk bertahan dan menonton pertandingan ini. |

Index L. Prohibitorum (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
vs. Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate/stay night)
While most would frown upon the desire to be spoiled, that is hardly the case for either Index L. Prohibitorum and Illyasviel von Einzbern. Scarcely befitting of a person who houses over one hundred thousand forbidden magical grimoires, Index acts like a typical imōto with her stubborn, ‘I am always right’ attitude, yet is devilishly cute and adorable. Willing to go the extra mile if her hunger is not satiated or she is displeased, she is atypical for a nun. Yet despite her childish and sometimes brash demeanor, she values her friends, especially a certain boy, above anyone else. For Ilya, being born and raised as the heir apparent to a prominent family has led to her well being and sheltered lifestyle. Playful and angelic in appearance, one would be surprised to learn her real nature and prowess in arcane magic. While she cares little for those who are not related to her, once a person becomes dear to her, she will do all it takes to stay close to him or her. Which maiden needs to be spoiled more—the nun of the Neccesarius Church, or the Magus from the Einzbern family? Sementara sebagian besar akan mengerut ke atas ketika mereka ingin dimanjakan, namun tidak untuk Indeks L. Prohibitorum dan Ilyasviel von Einzbern. Hampir sebagai orang yang menampung lebih dari seratus ribu grimores terlarang, Indeks bertindak seperti imōto - keras kepala, "aku selalu benar" namun bersikap nakal, lucu dan menggemaskan. Bersedia bekerja ekstra jika rasa laparnya tidak kenyang atau dia tidak senang, dia tipikal biarawati. Namun, untuk sikapnya kekanak-kanakan dan kadang-kadang kurang ajar, dia menghargai teman-temannya terutama anak tertentu di atas yang lainnya. Untuk Illya, terlahir dan dibesarkan sebagai pewaris keluarga terkemuka telah mengarah padanya kesejahteraan yang akan dihadiri oleh mereka yang dekat dengannya. Suka bermain dengan penampilan bagaikan malaikat, seseorang akan terkesima mengetahui sifat aslinya, dan kecakapan dia di masteries masih misterius. Sementara ia peduli sedikit untuk mereka yang tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga, sekali seseorang menjadi sayang padanya, dia akan melakukan semua yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi dekat dengan orang tersebut. Siapa gadis yang lebih manja - biarawati dari Gereja Neccesarius atau Magus dari keluarga Einzbern? |

Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs. Kotobuki Tsumugi (K-ON!)
After the flurry of K-ON! match-ups in Aquamarine, it is time once again for two more members of Hōkago Tea Time to do battle with one another, namely the bassist and the keyboardist. Although both Akiyama Mio and Kotobuki Tsumugi are the more reserved members of the band, they are also very different. Possessing long, black hair and a nice figure, Mio is arguably the shyest girl in the group, but makes up for it with her hardworking attitude and great singing voice. She is often the one who ends up writing the lyrics for the band’s songs as well. Tsumugi, or “Mugi”, as she is usually called, boasts luscious blonde hair and a pair of unique eyebrows, and is the ojō of the group, having been born into a wealthy family. Aside from her role as keyboardist, Mugi also supplies the Light Music Club with a seemingly endless supply of high-end teas and sweets, much to everyone’s joy. So as this musical battle gets underway, which musician’s performance will be the most pleasing to your ears—Akiyama Mio’s or Kotobuki Tsumugi’s? |

Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen & Sanya V. Litvyak (Strike Witches)
vs. Subaru Nakajima & Teana Lanster (Mahō Shōjo Lyrical Nanoha)
Teamwork is essential in these types of matches, and these two friends need to work well together if they want to achieve a victory today. Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen is known to be a shrewd girl who has the power to see the future, but uses it to taunt her enemies and friends to victory. In contrast, Sanya V. Litvyak is a quieter pilot who is mostly seen working at night to protect the base from any sudden danger. Eila became very close to Sanya and gets angry if other people also start to get close to her. However, Eila and Sanya must learn to work together such that each can use her own abilities to their full potential. Subaru Nakajima and Teana Lanster have been working together during and after graduating from their school. Subaru is a kind and energetic girl with a strong will to motivate others, help them overcome their troubles, and do their best. Teana is a more serious person, trying hard not to burden other people and training to her fullest potential. While the two originally did not start out well, over time they managed to become best friends and are now usually together most of the time. Which team will be able to overcome the odds and defeat the opposing side for the victory? |

Aikawa Ayumu & Yoshida Yuki (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
vs. Furuya Chihiro & Sanka Rea (Sankarea)
Zombie love is all over the place as Aikawa Ayumu and Yoshida Yuki, and Furuya Chihiro and Sanka Rea, fight to see who the best team is. Ayumu has always wanted a normal life, but that drastically changed once he was revived as a zombie and had supernatural girls living in his house. His life became even more hectic when he accidentally kissed a kind, yet timid, vampire ninja named Yuki. Because of tradition, they are now considered husband and wife. Yuki tried her best to become the bride of Ayumu’s dreams, and after he first questioned her motives, he decided to allow her to do as she pleased. By coincidence, while Chihiro was in the process of making a resurrection potion, he met Rea, who had her own problems with her family life. Rea, although proper and sincere, was quite mischievous and stole some of the potion for herself. Due to an unfortunate accident, she was revived as a zombie, and, as promised if such a thing were to happen, lived under his care from then on. Things become hectic when Chihiro tried to keep all of this a secret, but he eventually manned up and told his family the truth. With each side having its own zombie in the team, which group will still be alive by the end of this match? |
Thanks to Eclairs, Jeffrey-sama, chan12, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 and negikishi (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 and negikishi (Indonesian).
Ruby 2 — Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Honma Meiko (AnoHana) vs. Yui (Angel Beats!)
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From the world of spirits comes two young girls so lively that it's hard to believe they actually have regrets restricting them from ascending onto a higher place. Those who are wary of their presence find it hard to keep up with these containers of energy, and often find themselves becoming exhausted in the mere process. For Honma Meiko, better known as Menma, her sudden appearance one summer day, years after her death, was very surprising. Despite realizing that she was indeed a ghost, Menma had no idea what unfulfilled wish of hers was causing her to remain as a spirit on Earth. And because of her positive outlook, she wasn't too concerned about this matter. Similarly, Yui did not seem bothered by her situation in the Afterlife. Even though she knew what her unfulfilled wishes in life were, she made no attempt to fulfill them. But luckily for the two of them, having friends who truly cared allowed them to finally pass on in the end, without any regrets and with a content look on their faces. Now that they have returned to the human world once again, who will you choose to support? |

Shiomiya Shiori (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
vs. Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
One of the fixtures during the second round of the Ruby Period includes two contestants, Shiomiya Shiori and Hasegawa Kobato, who share the same seiyū. While both are voiced by Hanazawa Kana, the maidens share little in common. Librarian Shiori is a shy girl who prefers to fill her time reading the books in the school library. So deep is her love for them, that—much like a moving library index—one can approach her and ask where to find any books he or she desires. She also writes a novel to pass her free time. On the other hand, middle schooler Kobato is almost a typical girl, procrastinating on homework and staying indoors when it’s blistering hot outside. But, she has a penchant for the occult gained from watching a certain anime. Claiming that she is a vampire who has lived for ten millennia, her facade breaks easily as she becomes worked up. As the camp championing the voice actor will have to pick either one of the two girls, which one will gain their favour? |

Haruna (Kore wa Zombie Desuka?)
vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desuka?)
As another day approaches Aikawa’s household, both Haruna and Eucliwood Hellscythe give different parting gifts to the owner of the household as he leaves for school. A bento full of fried eggs is often what the self-proclaimed genius masō shōjo gives him. The daily bento Haruna gives him encapsulates her perfectly: bright, cheerful, and sweet. The bento prepared are so tasty, that most of the class is willing to trade their own food to get a bite. As for Eucliwood, a note stating, “Have a nice trip,” is enough to stir the boy’s delusions. Due to certain circumstances, the Necromancer of the Underworld doesn’t talk, which results in her exuding an alluring and mysterious aura. Imagining Eucliwood acting either cutesy or little sister-like is the norm for the zombie with whom she lives, as she seems to give him tacit consent to fantasise as he pleases. If forced to pick one out of the two, which parting gift would be preferred—the energetic bento prepared by the shorthaired Haruna, or a simple, yet captivating, message from the longhaired Eucliwood Hellsycthe? |

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!)
vs. Elucia de Lute Ima (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
Nakamura Yuri has immeasurable experience regarding how to deal with an angel. That experience, in turn, may prove its effectiveness in dealing with a demon. Elucia de Lute Ima has no experience in handling such an opponent, but her spirit and willpower certainly will give Yuri an uneasy match. As this restless Ruby clicks its gears to the second round, Yuri and Elsie will continue their fight against each other. Excuses will be useless now, as their opponents will show no mercy towards them. They both need to triumph, as Yuri sits precariously in third place and will need further wins to keep the distance between her and her rivals. On the other side, Elsie will fight tirelessly to snatch a victory in every single battle in order to find herself a position in the Postseason. Trapped in a battle between elite members: this is where we are now. The girls not only bring their ambition to the battlefield, but also their respective organizations. SSS continues its tradition of rebelling against a god, and will clash with an organization consisting of the gods of death—truly a match to watch with pride and glory. |

Sakura Kyōko (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica)
vs. Akemi Homura (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica)
“Disappointing” is one word among many that can be used to describe the performance of the only two Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica girls to make it into the Regular Season. Having only managed to scrape up four wins combined—one for Sakura Kyōko and three for Akemi Homura—the hype at the beginning of the year seems like a distant memory. No longer is Kyōko seen as a Top 8 contender, nor is Homura slotted to become this year's powerhouse. Instead, the two mahō shōjo find themselves dwelling in the bottom half of the Nova standings, desperately trying to grab the wins that are quickly slipping by. Today, this desperation has resulted in the two fighting over a much-needed victory. Despite being comrades on the job, both girls know just how much a win here will boost their weakening morale; they are willing to do anything in their power to win. So when this clash between Kyōko the expert spear-wielder and Homura the military weapons specialist comes to an end, which of the two will be the last one standing? Enttäuschend ist ein Wort unter vielen, die verwendet werden, um die Leistung der beiden einzigen Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica Mädchen, die es in die Regular Season gemacht beschreiben kann. Nach nur gelungen, kratzen bis vier Siege kombiniert eine für Sakura Kyoko und drei für Akemi Homura-der Hype zu Beginn des Jahres scheint wie eine ferne Erinnerung. Es ist nicht mehr Kyoko als Top 8 Anwärter gesehen noch ist Homura geschlitzt, um die diesjährige Kraftpaket geworden. Stattdessen finden die beiden sich maho Shōjo Wohnung in der unteren Hälfte der Rangliste Nova, verzweifelt versucht, die Siege, die schnell rutscht durch zu greifen. Heute ist diese Verzweiflung in den beiden Kämpfen über einen dringend benötigten Sieg führte. Trotz seiner Kameraden bei der Arbeit, wissen die beiden Mädchen, wie viel ein Sieg hier ihre Schwächung Moral zu stärken und sind bereit, alles in ihrer Macht Stehende tun, um zu gewinnen. Also, wenn dieser Konflikt zwischen Kyoko der Experte Speer-und wielder Homura die militärischen Waffen-Spezialist zu einem Ende kommt, wird, welche der beiden die letzte Stellung sein? |

Asahina Mikuru (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Akiyama Mio (K-ON!)
Aside from having the same producer, these girls share a certain character trait. Acting innocent and harmless and having an attractive figure gives us the feeling that these characters were created for the sole purpose of moe. In Asahina Mikuru’s case, that’s partially true. She was kidnapped by the SOS Brigade leader to become the moe-element of the newfound club. But even though Mikuru filled that role fairly well, she was quickly surpassed by her fellow club members in terms of popularity—this can be displayed nicely by their ISML records. On the other hand we have Akiyama Mio, who never really had the intention of being moe. Cooperating in a re-founding of the Light Music Club with her best friend Ritsu didn’t really help her calm reputation, as Ritsu and the other members of the club proceeded to put her in all kinds of situations. They brought her fame as a moe-filled character, which eventually led to her greatest ISML success in 2010. We have a heated battle coming up as these two girls prepare for their first Ruby 2012 match. Will Mio prevail and take a step forward to her second necklace, or will Asahina Mikuru surprise everyone and cause an upset? En plus d'avoir le même producteur, ces jeunes filles partagent un trait de caractère certain. Agissant innocente et inoffensive et ayant une figure attrayante nous donne le sentiment de ces personnages ont été créés pour les moe-fins dans leurs spectacles respectifs. En cas Asahina Mikuru c'est partiellement vrai, avoir été kidnappé par le chef de file SOS Brigade de devenir l'élément moe-du club retrouvée. Mais même s'elle ne pouvait remplir dans le rôle assez bien, elle s'est rapidement dépassé par ses membres du club en termes de popularité ce qui peut être affichées bien par leurs ISML-records. D'autre part nous avons Akiyama Mio, qui n'a jamais vraiment eu l'intention d'être moe. Co-refondation du club Light Music avec sa meilleure amie Ritsu n'a pas vraiment aidé sa réputation calme parce que Ritsu et les autres membres du club la mettrait dans toutes sortes de situations qui ont fait sa renommée en tant que son caractère moe-remplie qui a finalement au plomb pour ses plus grands succès des ISML en 2010. Quoi qu'il en soit, nous avons une chaude lutte à venir étant donné que ces deux filles se préparer pour leur premier match de Ruby 2012. Est-ce que Mio prévaloir et prendre un pas en avant pour peut-être son collier seconde, ou la volonté Asahina Mikuru et tout le monde surprenant créer la surprise? |

Tōsaka Rin (Fate/stay Night) vs. Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!)
The previous period has yielded three wins apiece for both Tōsaka Rin and Sanzen’in Nagi. But both contestants have differing sentiments towards the conclusion of the Amethyst period. For Rin, that period saw her performance drop, as she managed to garner five wins during the first period. Sitting perilously close to the cut-off point for the Postseason, the dark-haired magus knows that she can ill afford another stage like that if she is to be in the mix-up for the season ending finale. With her winning the first round of the current period, she seems to be trying to rectify her mishaps. Meanwhile, Nagi manages to add two extra wins as compared to her solitary win in the opening period of ISML 2011. She is still located in the lower reaches of the Stella leaderboard, but if she can keep her upward spiral for the remaining periods, then her only way is up. Although she lost her match in the previous round, it was one against someone statistically stronger than her. In the fifth bout between them, who will reign victorious? Pour les deux Tosaka Rin et Nagi Sanzen'in, la période précédente a permis de dégager trois victoires chacun pour eux. Mais, les deux compétiteurs auront différents sentiments envers la conclusion de la période améthyste. Pour Rin, cette période a vu sa performance a chuté comme elle a réussi à engranger cinq victoires au cours de la première période. Assis près de la valeur limite pour l'après-saison, le mage aux cheveux sombres sait qu'elle peut difficilement se permettre une autre période comme celle, si elle est d'être dans le mélange pour la saison se terminant finale. Avec son remportant la première manche de la période actuelle, elle semble d'essayer et de rectification de ses mésaventures dans la phase préalable à Ruby. Pendant ce temps, Nagi parvient à ajouter deux victoires supplémentaires par rapport à sa victoire solitaire dans la période d'ouverture du ISML 2011. Alors qu'elle se trouve encore dans les cours inférieurs de Stella chef de file conseil d'administration, si elle peut garder sa spirale à la hausse pour les autres périodes, son seul moyen est en hausse. Bien qu'elle ait perdu son match dans le tour précédent de la période de Ruby, il était contre quelqu'un qui est statistiquement plus fort que son. Dans le combat cinquième entre eux, qui régnera victorieuse? |

Kawazoe Tamaki (BAMBOO BLADE) & Isayama Yomi (Ga-rei: Zero)
vs. Konpaku Yōmu (Tōhō Project) & Konohana Lucia (Rewrite)
They say that it is not the blade that makes a person strong, but the one holding the weapon who holds the true strength inside. Indeed, each of these swordswomen has her own reasoning for taking up the blade and using it to fight. Kawazoe Tamaki fights for her own honor as a kendo prodigy. Although very serious when it comes to training and honing her skills, Tamaki can sometimes reveal a cute side, having a strong interest in anime and doing other adorable things via her seniors. For Isayama Yomi, it is to become a role model for a dear friend, someone whom she treats as her younger sister. Yomi must take up her blade for good and not hesitate for a moment; not doing so would place several hundred lives at the risk of death. Konpaku Yōmu unsheathes her blade to protect her maiden, even if she is confounded sometimes by what she says. Yōmu has a strong sense of loyalty and will sacrifice her own life if it means that her mistress will be safe and sound. Konohana Lucia lives for the sake of the future in hopes of chartering the eventual barren land. With a strong sense of justice, she makes sure to protect the school from various quirks and mischief presented by several students and keeps the school a safe place. With all four of these girls having something to fight for, will it be the team of Tamaki and Yomi, or Yōmu and Lucia, who will have their blades singing the song of victory? |

Morimiya Yorito & Morimiya Aono (sola)
vs. Nagase Jun'ichi & Nagase Minato (Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka)
It was not supposed to be like this. All Morimiya Aono ever wanted was the kind younger bother that she adored more than anything else. Morimiya Yorito was everything to her. Although Yorito is mostly seen outside taking pictures or looking at the sky, his warmth and kindness were all that she ever needed. She may not like the dolls that he gives her in every visit to the hospital, but it shows just how concerned he is about her. She wanted this moment to continue, however small and meaningful it was. Nagase Jun'ichi was originally seen as a delinquent, continually getting himself into fights. If Nagase Minato had not entered his house, his life would have been completely different. Minato does her best to do everything for him and, most importantly, control him. While Jun'ichi now has a nice guy demeanor, the boy who he was in the past continues to haunt him as he tries to live as normal of a life as he wants. With Minato's motherly love and sisterly care, his life slowly turns for the better. Siblings were meant to be there for each other, to care about each other. But how long can either relationship last as their match progresses? Es sollte nicht so sein. Alle Morimiya Aono jemals wollte, war, dass jüngere Kinder kümmern, dass sie mehr als alles andere liebt. Morimiya Yorito war ihr ein und alles. Obwohl Yorito befindet sich meist außen zu fotografieren oder schaut in den Himmel gesehen, waren seine Wärme und Freundlichkeit alles, was sie jemals benötigt. Sie können nicht wie die Puppen, die er ihr gibt jedem Besuch im Krankenhaus, aber es zeigt, wie er über sie geht. Sie wollte diesen Moment, um fortzufahren, so klein und sinnvoll es war. Jun'ichi Nagase wurde ursprünglich als delinquent zu sehen. Wenn Nagase Minato war nicht sein Haus betrat, würde sein Leben haben Bein komplett anders. Minato tut ihr Bestes, um sicherzustellen, dass alles für ihn tun und vor allem, ihn zu kontrollieren. Während Jun'ichi hat jetzt einen netten Kerl Auftreten, fährt der Junge, der er in der Vergangenheit gehabt, ihn zu verfolgen, wie er so normales Leben wie er oder wollte leben versucht. Mit mütterlicher Liebe und schwesterlich Pflege, sein Leben dreht sich langsam zum Besseren Alles wegen ihr. Geschwister waren gemeint, dort zu sein für einander, um einander zu kümmern. Aber wie lange kann entweder laden Ihre Beziehung Achse fortschreitet Spiel? |
Thanks to Eclairs, JLoable91, Roo-loves-Elsie, Jeffrey-sama, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by JLoable91 (German, French).
Translations by JLoable91 (German, French).
Ruby 3 — Thursday, 5 July 2012

Fear Kubrick (C³ - Cube×Cursed×Curious) vs. Kuroi Mato (Black★Rock Shooter)
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Is there not already enough pain and suffering in the world being continually exposed to hatred and negativity? Some people don't realise how good they've got it in life, experiencing very little hardship. Isn’t there a way to stop all this suffering and create a world where no one hates and no one is hated? Not everyone is like Kuroi Mato, an innocent, sensitive, and meek girl, always feeling that she is fighting somewhere against the fear and betrayal she has to live through in her life. However, instead of giving up, she gains courage. There are also other ways of pain: torture and punishment. Claiming to be a "cursed tool," a terrible torture device born from the Inquisition, Fear Kubrick has seen things that are indescribable for most common people. And sometimes, she still relives those moments of utter darkness. She wants to change and find a way to free herself from this ancient curse, to be set free from all evil—something humans love to wish for. As we proceed on our path, we will find perseverance and bravery, and eventually we will reach our goal! Apakah ada rasa sakit tidak cukup dan penderitaan di dunia sudah, sedang terkena kebencian dan aura negatif? Beberapa orang tidak menyadari betapa baik mereka punya itu dalam hidup, hanya mengalami rasa sakit yang sangat sedikit. Apakah tidak ada cara untuk menghentikan semua penderitaan ini dan menciptakan suatu dunia dimana tidak ada yang membenci dan tidak ada yang benci? Tapi tidak semua orang seperti Kuroi Mato, seorang gadis yang tidak bersalah, sensitif dan lemah lembut, selalu memiliki perasaan dimana dia sedang berjuang di suatu tempat di luar sana terhadap rasa takut dan pengkhianatan dia harus hidup melalui dalam hidupnya. Namun, saat ia tidak menyerah ia belajar untuk mendapatkan keberanian. Ada juga cara lain yang mengerikan: penyiksaan dan hukuman. Saat ia mengaku menjadi "alat terkutuk", sebuah perangkat penyiksaan yang mengerikan dari Inkuisisi, Fear Kubrick telah melihat hal-hal yang tak terlukiskan bagi masyarakat umum. Dan terkadang ia masih dapat menghidupkan kembali saat-saat kegelapan total. Dia ingin mengubah meskipun dan menemukan cara untuk membebaskan diri dari kutukan kuno. Dibebaskan dari segala kejahatan, manusia pasti akan senang. Tapi seperti yang kita lanjutkan pada jalan kita, kita akan menemukan ketekunan dan keberanian dan akhirnya kita akan mencapai tujuan kami! |

Elucia de Lute Ima (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
The gentle breeze has now gone, and is replaced by a swirling vortex. The calm atmosphere is but a distant memory as the stench of death and despair fills the air. As I struggle to regain my composure, I try to trace how I got into this predicament. Suddenly, the suffocating silence, which has been engulfing the place, is replaced with a bang by the sound of clashing rods. I try to locate the source of noise, my eyes fixating on two girls across the horizon. One of the maidens wears some magical raiment on her shoulders. Using the raiment as an extension of her body, the dark-haired maiden continues her assault against her opponent. As her broom is about to land a hit, the silver-haired girl manages to block the direct hit using her scythe. Clad in some weird armour, she then changes her weapon into a pen and writes something. After a moment’s pause, both of them notice me and beseech me to witness their duel and its winner. As I silently watch the confrontation continue, I wonder which girl will win—the shinigami Elucia de Lute Ima, or Eucliwood Hellscythe, the Necromancer of the Underworld? Angin lembut kini telah hilang, digantikan oleh pusaran berputar-putar. Suasana tenang hanyalah kenangan sebagai bau kematian dan keputusasaan bisa dirasakan. Saat aku berjuang untuk menenangkan saya, saya mencoba untuk menelusuri bagaimana aku sampai ke dalam kesulitan ini. Tiba-tiba, dengan keras, keheningan menyesakkan yang telah melanda tempat itu digantikan oleh suara bentrok. Ketika saya mencoba untuk menemukan sumber kebisingan, mataku terpaku kepada dua gadis di cakrawala. Salah satu gadis memakai beberapa pakaian magis pada bahunya. Menggunakan pakaian sebagai perpanjangan ke tubuhnya, gadis berambut gelap terus melawan serangan lawannya. Sapunya terbentur ke tanah, gadis berambut perak berhasil memblokir tembakan langsung menggunakan sabitnya. Mengenakan baju besi yang aneh, ia kemudian merubah sabit ke dalam pena dan menulis sesuatu. Setelah jeda sesaat, mereka berdua melihat saya dan mohon saya untuk menyaksikan duel mereka, dan menyaksikan pemenang. Saat aku diam-diam mengawasi konfrontasi untuk melanjutkan, saya ingin tahu gadis yang akan menang - Elucia de Lute Ima atau Eucliwood Hellscythe? |

Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs. Hiiragi Kagami (Lucky ☆ Star)
Setting up a group of friends is not as easy as we might think it is, especially if the others like to act as they please. Both Akiyama Mio and Hiiragi Kagami must figure out the best way to organize their friends. Akiyama Mio is the only bassist in Hōkago Tea Time, an arguably less prominent position, and is not the leader of the band. But sometimes Mio shares an important role, like becoming a singer if her friend cannot sing at any given moment. She forces her friends to train whenever they are lazy, and even reprimands their band leader if she is unable to make a firm decision. In some cases, Hiiragi Kagami also faces similar troubles. Kagami saw that her friends, including her twin sister, were too lazy to study, always having poor grades and completely dependent on her for help. To fix this, she always obeys whatever her friends desire, but in exchange, she forces them to study more to improve their scores. Both of these girls want to fix their friendships, but who will succeed? Kadang-kadang mengatur sekelompok teman tidak mudah seperti yang kita pikirkan, terutama jika mereka bertindak sesuka hati. Baik Akiyama Mio dan Hiiragi Kagami harus mengetahui bagaimana cara terbaik untuk mengatur teman-teman mereka. Akiyama Mio hanyalah Bassist di Band Hokago Tea Time, posisi yang kurang menonjol di bandnya dan juga bukan pemimpin dalam bandnya. Tapi kadang-kadang Mio membuat beberapa peran penting dalam band-nya, seperti menjadi penyanyi jika temannya tidak bisa bernyanyi pada momen tertentu, memaksa temannya untuk latihan jika ada yang malas, atau menegur pemimpin band mereka jika dia tidak bisa mengambil keputusan tegas. Dalam kasus lain, Hiiragi Kagami juga menghadapi kesulitan yang sama. Kagami melihat bahwa teman-temannya, termasuk saudara kembarnya juga, sangat malas untuk belajar, sehingga mereka selalu mendapatkan nilai yang buruk dan tidak bisa mandiri jika tidak ada bantuan dari dia. Untuk memperbaikinya, ia selalu mematuhi apa pun yang diinginkan oleh teman-temannya, tetapi sebagai gantinya, ia memaksa temannya, termasuk adiknya, untuk belajar lebih keras untuk mendapatkan skor yang lebih baik. Kedua gadis ini ingin memperbaiki persahabatan mereka, tapi siapa yang akan berhasil dalam memperbaiki persahabatan mereka? |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!)
This match-up sees two of the ‘Four Tsundere Wonders’ square off against one another. Aisaka Taiga and Sanzen’in Nagi share a lot of similarities with each other, yet they are worlds apart in the Stella Division standings. Both maidens are voiced by Kugimiya Rie, one of the A-ranked seiyū in the industry. They also share a cold and hostile exterior, but hide sweetness underneath. While Taiga’s family is not as rich as her counterpart’s, the fact that she lives in a high class apartment alone means that her family is still well off. And even though her outer appearance is doll-like—with long, wavy hair and pretty chestnut eyes—those who know the Palmtop Tiger can testify that she snaps a lot. The heir to the Sanzen’in family is so rich, that for her, buying an entire supermarket is just spare change. Her childish appearance of long, twin-tailed hair and cute facial expressions belies her favourite past times, which are reading manga and watching anime. As dust settles from this friendly bout, which tsundere will emerge victorious—the bokken-wielding Taiga, or the money-flashing Nagi? Dalam laga di putaran ketiga Periode Ruby melihat dua "Empat Tsundere Wonders" berkeliling satu sama lain. Aisaka Taiga dan Sanzen'in Nagi memiliki banyak kesamaan satu sama lain, namun mereka jauh berbeda di klasemen Divisi Stella. Kedua gadis yang disuarakan oleh Rie Kugimiya, salah satu seiyū peringkat A dalam perindustrian. Mereka juga berbagi "sisi dingin dan bermusuhan", namun di baliknya manis.Keluarga Taiga tidak sekaya rekannya, fakta bahwa dia tinggal di apartemen kelas tinggi saja berarti bahwa keluarganya setidaknya sangat kaya. Meskipun penampilan luarnya seperti boneka, dengan rambut bergelombang panjang dan mata cokelat cantik, mereka yang mengetahui Tiger Palmtop tahu bahwa ia suka banyak berulah. Pewaris keluarga Sanzen'in begitu kaya, yang baginya, membeli sebuah supermarket seluruh hanyalah untuknya. Penampilan kekanak-kanakannya dengan rambut panjang , kepang dua dan ekspresi wajah lucu memungkiri semua orang, baik yang membaca manga dan menonton anime. Bagaikan debu mengendap dalam pertarungan, siapa tsundere yang akan muncul sebagai pemenang - yang memegang bokken dari Taiga atau uang berkedip dari Nagi? |

Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate/stay night) vs. Tōsaka Rin (Fate/stay night)
The Fifth Holy Grail War is finally heating up, and the two heirs of the three main branches are locked in a death match. As the banquet of death takes place in her secluded castle, Illyasviel von Einzbern acts like a proper host, ‘entertaining’ any guest who tries to free another captured Master. But one of the infiltrators is Tōsaka Rin, who is protected by her own trusted Servant, Archer, who heralds from one of the three great knight classes of war. Attempting to blast through the indomitable barricade prepared by the host in the shape of Berserker, Rin and her troupe find it hard to locate any chink in his armour. Complementing Ilya’s natural magical aptitude, the strongest Servant is made more terrifying with its hulking size and sheer strength. Even with her own magical abilities, Rin cannot subdue Berserker, nor can she reason with Ilya for her ‘trespassing’. With all means exhausted, Archer decides to take matters into his own hands and face the goliath alone. As Rin and her mates make their way across the forest, she hopes beyond hope that her Servant can upset the odds and emerge triumphant against Ilya’s behemoth... |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!)
Quiet and loud, unsociable and outgoing, reserved and energetic—when searching for two characters who are polar opposites of each other, look no further than the two contestants here today. Nagato Yuki represents the taciturn end of the spectrum, rarely letting any words slip between her lips as if each one is a precious treasure. She is often seen reading a book by herself in the club room and is very reserved, often preferring to be a spectator rather than a participant when it comes to social activities. Hirasawa Yui, on the other hand, may possibly be one of the most energetic and spontaneous teenage girls one will ever come across. There never seems to be a moment where she's not happily chirping away with her friends or ferociously devouring sweets and tea during club gatherings. Because of her outgoing personality, her presence within Hōkago Tea Time is very noticeable. As these two totally different girls make their ways towards the stage, it'll be interesting to see how this unpredictable battle will go. In the end, who will you support—Nagato Yuki or Hirasawa Yui? Tenang dan keras, tidak ramah dan suka keluar, pendiam dan energik - saat mencari dua karakter yang berlawanan satu sama lain, tidak terlihat lagi dari dua kontestan di sini hari ini. Nagato Yuki mewakili dari pendiam, jarang membiarkan kata-kata menyelinap dari sela bibirnya seolah-olah adalah harta berharga. Dia sering terlihat membaca buku sendirian di ruang klub dan sangat pendiam, sering lebih memilih untuk menjadi penonton daripada peserta ketika datang ke kegiatan sosial. Hirasawa Yui, di sisi lain, mungkin dapat menjadi salah satu gadis remaja yang paling energik dan spontan seorang pun yang akan datang. Ada sepertinya tidak pernah menjadi saat di mana dia tidak bahagia pergi dengan teman-temannya atau melahap permen dan teh selama pertemuan klub. Karena kepribadiannya, kehadirannya dalam Hōkago Tea Time sangat terlihat. Saat dua gadis yang sama sekali berbeda membuat jalan mereka menuju panggung, akan menarik untuk melihat bagaimana pertempuran ini diprediksi. Pada akhirnya, siapa yang Anda dukung-Nagato Yuki atau Hirasawa Yui? |

Hinamori Amu & Hoshina Utau (Shugo Chara!)
vs. Miyanaga Saki & Amae Koromo (Saki)
Whoever said enemies cannot be friends? All four of these girls have pointed out that even though they may be on opposite sides, they can still have respect for each other. Hinamori Amu and Hoshina Utau are rivals in love and battle. Amu’s mission was to protect the eggs and purify any tainted ones, while Utau sang to draw the eggs out for corruption. Utau has a strong affection for her brother, but is highly agitated when she finds out he is more interested in Amu than in her. Despite several verbal and physical clashes, the two made amends with each other and became the best of friends. Amae Koromo was feared as a monster at the mahjong table with her cruel treatment of other players. Although Miyanaga Saki feared Koromo’s power at first, not only was she able to overcome it, but she also provided a glimmer of hope for the remainder of the players as she proved that one does not have to be a monster in order to reveal one's power. Through Saki's determination to fight until the end, Koromo had fun playing with someone who was actually able to defeat her. From then on, many people realized that Koromo was not that scary of a girl to begin with. Will it be the team of Amu and Utau, or Saki and Koromo, who will prove that their friendship is strong enough to obtain the victory? Qui a dit que les ennemis ne peuvent pas être amis? Tous les quatre de ces filles ont fait remarquer que, même si elles peuvent être dans le côté opposé, ils ont encore le respect de l'autre. Hinamori Amu et Hoshina Utau sont rivaux dans l'amour et de bataille. Amu avait pour mission de protéger les œufs et les purifier s'ils sont entachés tout Utau chante ton attirer les oeufs afin qu'ils puissent être entachée. Utau a une profonde affection pour son frère, mais il est très agité quand elle découvre qu'il est plus intéressé par l'Amu-que dans son. Malgré plusieurs affrontements verbaux et physiques, les deux se faire pardonner les uns aux autres et devenir le meilleur des amis. Amae Koromo a été facilement craint comme un monstre dans le tableau mah-jong avec son traitement cruel des autres joueurs. Alors que Miyanaga Saki craignait son pouvoir dans un premier temps, non seulement elle était capable de la surmonter, mais elle a également fourni la lueur d'espoir pour le reste des joueurs comme elle a prouvé que l'on ne doit pas être un monstre afin de révéler son pouvoir. Grâce à la détermination de Saki à se battre jusqu'à la fin, Koromo serait effectivement avoir du plaisir à jouer avec quelqu'un qui était en fait capable de la vaincre. A partir de là les gens se rendent compte que Koromo n'était pas si effrayant d'une jeune fille pour commencer. Sera-ce l'équipe d'Amu et Utau, ou de Saki et Koromo, qui serait la preuve que leur amitié est suffisamment forte pour obtenir la victoire? Siapa yang mengatakan musuh tidak bisa berteman? Keempat gadis-gadis ini telah menunjukkan bahwa, meskipun mereka dapat di sisi berlawanan, mereka masih menghormati satu sama lain. Hinamori Amu adalah Hoshina Utau adalah saingan dalam cinta dan pertempuran. Misi Amu adalah untuk melindungi telur dan mensucikan mereka jika mereka tercemar sementara Utau menyanyikan ton guna menarik telur keluar sehingga mereka bisa ternoda. Utau memiliki kasih sayang yang kuat untuk kakaknya, tapi sangat gelisah ketika dia tahu dia lebih tertarik pada Amu dari dalam dirinya. Meskipun bentrokan verbal dan fisik beberapa, kedua akan menebus kesalahan satu sama lain dan menjadi yang terbaik dari teman-teman. Amae Koromo dengan mudah ditakuti sebagai rakasa di meja mahyong dengan perlakuan kejam nya pemain lain. Sementara Miyanaga Saki takut kekuatannya pada awalnya, tidak hanya itu dia mampu mengatasinya, tapi dia juga memberikan secercah harapan untuk sisa pemain saat ia membuktikan bahwa seseorang tidak harus menjadi sebuah rakasa untuk mengungkap kekuasaan seseorang . Melalui tekad Saki untuk melawan sampai akhir, Koromo akan benar-benar bersenang-senang bermain dengan seseorang yang sebenarnya dapat mengalahkan dia. Dari sana di lakukan banyak orang menyadari bahwa Koromo tidak terlalu menakutkan dari seorang gadis untuk mulai dengannya. Apakah akan tim Amu dan Utau, atau Saki dan Koromo, yang akan membuktikan bahwa persahabatan mereka cukup kuat untuk memperoleh kemenangan? |

Himura Yū & Amamiya Yūko (ef - a tale of memories)
vs. Kunisaki Yukito & Kamio Misuzu (AIR)
How far will you go to keep a promise from many years ago and finally tell that person that you love him or her, or to spend as much time as possible with your loved one, even if it is only for a day? For Himura Yū, Amamiya Yūko, Kunisaki Yukito, and Kamio Misuzu, they are willing to go as far as they can if it means staying together forever. Yū and Yūko acted as guides for those who lost their ways, even when it was themselves who needed someone to bring them back again. The two met in an orphanage in a fateful encounter and fell in love with each other, only to have that love fall short. To see her again one last time, Yū would travel all over to find clues so he could see the face of the one that he wanted. Believing that he would come for her, Yūko stayed at a church, waiting for his arrival. Yukito had a mission to save the "girl from the sky." This girl turned out to be Misuzu, a student who had continually failed to make friends because of her mysterious illness. Whenever she began to make friends with other people, she would start to cry and throw a fit, not knowing the reasons for her actions. For a promise made 1,000 years ago, Yukito would do anything to find this mysterious girl and save her from the curse that befell her. Their love for each other is deep, and they will make sure their significant other remains well until the end. For two couples with their own powerful stories, which route will the voters wish to follow? Jusqu'où irez-vous faire pour tenir une promesse de nombreuses années, pour finalement dire à cette personne que tu l'aimes, ou de passer autant de temps avec votre bien-aimé que possible, même si ce n'était que pour une journée? Pour Himura Yu, Amamiya Yūko, Kunisaki Yukito et Misuzu Kamio, ils sont prêts à aller aussi loin qu'ils le peuvent, si cela signifie rester ensemble pour toujours. Yu et Yūko agi à titre de guides pour ceux qui ont perdu leur chemin quand c'est eux-mêmes qui ont besoin de quelqu'un pour les ramener à nouveau ensemble. Les deux seraient atteints dans un orphelinat à une rencontre fatidique et à l'automne dans l'amour les uns avec les autres, seuls à disposer d'une chute à court amour. Pour la revoir une dernière fois, Yu serait voyager partout et trouver des indices, si cela signifie qu'il peut voir le visage de celle qu'il voulait être avec ensemble depuis si longtemps. Pour croire qu'il sera venu pour elle, Yuko reste dans une église, en attendant son arrivée, à tout moment. Yukito avait une mission pour sauver la "fille du ciel". Cette fille serait s'avérer Misuzu, un étudiant qui n'a pas réussi à se faire des amis en raison d'une maladie mystérieuse. Chaque fois qu'elle commence à se faire des amis avec d'autres personnes, elle se mettait à pleurer et être en forme, ne connaissant pas les raisons de ces mesures. Pour une promesse faite il ya 1000 ans, Yukito ferait n'importe quoi pour trouver cette mystérieuse jeune fille et la sauver de la malédiction que sa arrive. Leur amour pour l'autre est profond, et ils feront en sorte que leurs restes spéciaux d'autres bien jusqu'à la fin. Pour deux couples avec leur histoire propre puissante, qui itinéraire les électeurs souhaitent suivre? Seberapa jauh Anda pergi akan memenuhi janji dari tahun yang lalu, untuk akhirnya mengatakan kepada orang tersebut bahwa Anda mencintai dia, atau untuk menghabiskan waktu sebanyak dengan kekasih mungkin, bahkan jika itu hanya untuk sehari? Untuk Himura Yu, Amamiya Yūko, Kunisaki Yukito, dan Kamio Misuzu, mereka bersedia untuk pergi sejauh mereka dapat jika itu berarti tinggal bersama selamanya. Yu dan Yūko bertindak sebagai panduan bagi mereka yang tersesat ketika itu sendiri yang membutuhkan seseorang untuk membawa mereka kembali bersama lagi. Kedua akan bertemu di sebuah panti asuhan di sebuah pertemuan yang menentukan dan jatuh cinta satu sama lain, hanya untuk memiliki sebuah jatuh cinta pendek. Untuk melihatnya lagi untuk terakhir kalinya, Yu pergi keliling dan mencari petunjuk jika itu berarti dia bisa melihat wajah salah satu yang ia ingin bersama bersama-sama begitu lama. Untuk percaya bahwa ia akan datang untuknya, Yūko tetap di gereja, menunggu kedatangannya setiap saat. Yukito memiliki misi untuk menyelamatkan "gadis dari langit". Gadis ini akan berubah menjadi Misuzu, seorang mahasiswa yang telah gagal membuat teman karena penyakit misterius. Setiap kali ia mulai berteman dengan orang lain, dia akan mulai menangis dan berada dalam fit, tidak tahu alasan tindakan tersebut. Untuk janji yang dibuat 1.000 tahun yang lalu, Yukito akan melakukan apa saja untuk menemukan gadis misterius dan menyelamatkannya dari kutukan yang menimpa dirinya. Cinta mereka satu sama lain adalah dalam, dan mereka akan memastikan sisa khusus mereka lainnya baik sampai akhir. Selama dua pasangan dengan cerita sendiri yang kuat mereka, siapa yang akan rute dipilih? |
Thanks to Eclairs, JLoable91, Jeffrey-sama, chan12, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by JLoable91 (French) and chan12 (Indonesian).
Translations by JLoable91 (French) and chan12 (Indonesian).
Ruby 4 — Sunday, 8 July 2012

Mikazuki Yozora (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
vs. Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
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Those words could have changed everything, yet they couldn't get them through their lips. The right moments mocked and eluded them, waiting to see when their spirits would crumble. But both Tachibana Kanade and Mikazuki Yozora would not falter. Persevering through the toughest of times, the two girls showed unmatched determination. Kanade chose to endure harsh treatment at the hands of those who misunderstood her intentions, awaiting the day when she'd be able to fulfill the one regret that had been holding her back all this time. Even through hardships, she still put on a strong front and showed no signs of giving up. In Yozora's case, her cold and aggressive behaviour stemmed from the emotional struggle with which she was dealt. Unknown to her fellow club members, she suffered by herself, waiting for the right moment to pour everything out. Fortunately for these two, their times did come eventually. And now that they're free from their burdens, both girls are ready for battle. So whose story touched you more—Kanade's or Yozora's? Kata-kata bisa mengubah segalanya, namun mereka tidak bisa mendapatkan semuanya melalui bibir mereka. Saat yang tepat menghindari mereka dari mengejek, menunggu untuk melihat ketika roh mereka akan hancur. Tapi baik Tachibana Kanade dan Mikazuki Yozora tidak akan goyah. Dua gadis ini telah menunjukkan tekad yang tak tertandingi. Untuk Kanade, ia memilih untuk bertahan terhadap perlakuan kasar di tangan mereka yang disalahpahami niatnya, menunggu hari di mana ia akan bisa memenuhi penyesalan salah satu yang telah menahan dirinya selama ini. Bahkan melalui kesulitan, dia masih optimis dan tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda menyerah. Dalam hal Yozora, perilakunya dingin dan agresif berasal dari perjuangan emosional yang ia hadapi. Tanpa diketahui anggota sesama klub, dia menderita sendirian, menunggu saat yang tepat untuk menuangkan semuanya. Untungnya untuk kedua, waktu mereka memang datang pada akhirnya. Dan sekarang mereka bebas dari beban mereka, kedua gadis siap untuk pertempuran. Jadi, mana cerita yang menyentuh Anda lebih-Kanade atau yang Yozora? |

Yui (Angel Beats!) vs. Elucia de Lute Ima (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
Life is solitude—an outlook these two girls had believed until now. No one wanted such unfortunate lives, or such bad conditions. Both Yui and Elucia de Lute Ima never complained about their previous lives; they simply enjoy what they are now. They never look back, knowing the uselessness of mourning the past. They know that the present is their most precious gift. Having shared similar perspectives, they now greet each other in the spotlight. They can't let the others dominate the match, for if they do, their own dreams will be shattered. Elsie needs to win if she wants to compete in the Postseason matches; on the other hand, Yui would give anything to secure her win, to keep up with the statistics leader. Let the restless day come to a new round, where we will see whose dream will stay alive until the end of the match. |

Holo (Spice and Wolf) vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
Which one is more moe: canine or feline? The two maidens squaring off against each other in the fourth round of the Ruby Period, Holo and Nakano Azusa, fit this question perfectly. The Wise Wolf of Yoitsu is actually a harvest deity heralding from the north. Fulfilling her promise to the people of her longtime residence, she helped them receive bountiful harvests for as long as they relied upon her. Preferring apple and fine liquor, she is very good in making profit for the merchant with whom she later travels. Azusa, on the other hand, is not really a cat. Yet her cutesy manner and defenselessness have led her senpai to dress her up mainly using cat ears. While the guitarist of Afterschool Tea Time is an adept musician, she looks up to the band’s bassist for her maturity. While Azusa is part tsundere, she also has a weakness for cake and can be easily calmed by petting her head. As the canine and feline clash, which one will come up on top—the wolf, or the cat? Mana yang lebih 'moe'? Anjing atau Kucing? Dua gadis mengkuadratkan terhadap satu sama lain di babak keempat periode Ruby, Holo dan Nakano Azusa merupaka contoh yang sempurna. Serigala Bijaksana dari Yoitsu sebenarnya adalah dewa panen, gemboran dari utara. Memenuhi janjinya kepada masyarakat tempat ia berada, ia membantu orang untuk mendapatkan panen yang melimpah, selama dia dibutuhkan. Lebih memilih apel dan minuman keras, dia sangat baik dalam menghasilkan keuntungan untuk pedagang dimana ia sedang bepergian. Azusa di sisi lain tidak benar-benar kucing. Namun, cara yang imut dan kenyataan bahwa dia cukup berdaya telah menyebabkan senpais dia untuk berpakaian dia, terutama menggunakan telinga kucing. Sementara gitaris dari band Afterschool Tea Time adalah musisi mahir, dia menengadah untuk bassis band untuk kematangan dirinya. Sementara dia adalah bagian tsundere, dia memiliki kelemahan terhadap kue dan dapat dengan mudah ditenangkan oleh dengan sentilan di kepalanya. Saat terjadi bentrokan antara anjing dan kucing dengan cara yang imut, mana yang akan datang sebagai pemenang - serigala atau kucing? |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
vs. Asahina Mikuru (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
Being tasked to observe a peculiar phenomenon is not an easy task. Both Nagato Yuki and Asahina Mikuru must keep an eye on the same phenomenon whilst keeping their identities secret from the subject. Yuki, the humanoid interface created by the Data Integration Thought Entity, is modeled as a silent bibliophile, befitting her ‘status’ as the only member of the Literature Club. A maiden of few words, she exudes a mysterious aura. While she looks like she doesn’t care, it is rumoured that she plays a backstage role in keeping that omnipotent person from becoming overly bored and remaking the world at whim. On the other hand, Mikuru the time traveller does not look like someone from the future. Cute, ditzy, and absolutely defenseless, she instead looks more like a normal high school student. While she is knowledgeable of futuristic events, she cannot openly share this ‘classified information’ without the proper authority to do so. As the pair from the SOS Brigade looks after their whimsical ‘god’, which one of them will do a better job in overseeing her subject? Mejalani tugas dalam mengamati fenomena aneh bukanlah tugas yang mudah. Untuk Nagato Yuki dan Asahina Mikuru, mereka harus mengawasi terhadap beberapa fenomena dan menjaga kerahasiaan identitas mereka dari subjek lain. Yuki, "interface humanoid", yang diciptakan oleh Badan Data Intregasi dimodelkan sebagai pendiam, cocok dengan status dia sebagai satu-satunya anggota Klub Literatur. Seorang gadis dari beberapa kata, ia memancarkan aura misterius di sekitarnya. Sementara dia tampak seperti tidak peduli, itu dikabarkan bahwa ia memainkan peran di belakang panggung untuk menahan orang yang mahakuasa dari menjadi terlalu bosan dan memperbaharui dunia pada dia. Di sisi lain, Mikuru sebagai penjelajah waktu memang terlihat seperti seseorang yang benar-benar datang dari masa depan. Manis, imut dan benar-benar berdaya, dia malah lebih mirip seorang mahasiswa sekolah normal tingkat tinggi sebagai gantinya. Sementara dia tahu masa depan, dia tidak bisa secara terbuka menceritakan "informasi rahasia" karena ia tidak memiliki kewenangan yang cukup untuk melakukannya. Sebagai pasangan dari brigade SOS terlihat setelah mengobservasi "dewa", siapa salah satunya yang akan melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik dalam mengawasi subjeknya? |

Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Izumi Konata (Lucky ☆ Star)
Ruby Round Four will be witness to an attractive match between Suzumiya Haruhi and Izumi Konata. Both of these girls share the same seiyū, but they came in here with different characteristics. Suzumiya Haruhi is known as an eccentric girl who is very interested in the existence of aliens, time travelers, and espers. To reach her goal, she collected certain people and created a club called the SOS Brigade. She also has a god-like power, and with that power she can make all her desires come true. In opposition, Izumi Konata is just an ordinary person who can stay up very long at her computer just to play a game, use the Internet, or watch anime. Despite her status as an otaku and laziness for studies, surprisingly, she can still get pretty good grades in school. She also never forgets to meet with her friends, and occasionally invites them to come and share her hobbies, like buying manga or the latest DVD. In this eye-catching match, only one can stand out as the winner. Will it be Haruhi, or Konata? Ruby babak empat akan menjadi saksi pertandingan menarik antara Suzumiya Haruhi dan Izumi Konata. Kedua gadis ini berbagi seiyuu sama, tetapi mereka datang ke sini dengan karakteristik yang berbeda. Suzumiya Haruhi dikenal sebagai gadis eksentrik yang sangat tertarik dari setiap keberadaan alien, penjelajah waktu, dan esper. Untuk mencapai tujuan, ia mengumpulkan orang-orang tertentu dan menciptakan klub bernama SOS Brigade. Dia juga memiliki kekuatan seperti Dewa, dan dengan kekuatan yang ia bisa membuat semua keinginan menjadi kenyataan, meskipun tidak mungkin dalam kehidupan normal. Di tempat lain, Izumi Konata hanya orang biasa, yang bisa berdiri sangat lama di depan komputer hanya untuk bermain game, intenet dan melihat anime, menjadikan dirinya sebagai otaku. Meskipun statusnya sebagai otaku membuatnya sangat malas untuk belajar, yang mengejutkan dia masih bisa mendapatkan nilai yang cukup bagus di sekolah. Dia juga tidak lupa untuk bertemu dengan teman-temannya, dan kadang-kadang mengajak temannya untuk datang memenuhi kebutuhannya sebagai otaku, seperti membeli manga, atau membeli DVD terbaru. Dalam pertandingan yang menarik, hanya satu untuk berdiri keluar sebagai pemenang di pertandingan ini. Haruhi atau Konata? |

Fujibayashi Kyō & Fujibayashi Ryō (CLANNAD)
vs. Hiiragi Kagami & Hiiragi Tsukasa (Lucky ☆ Star)
To care about the other's troubles, to be there for her whenever she feels down, to sacrifice one's happiness to see her happiness bear fruit—that is what it means to be a twin. The bond between Fujibayashi Kyō and Ryō is very strong, as Kyō would do anything to see her younger sister smile and be happy in her own way. But Ryō knows about the sacrifices her older sister makes so that she can spend the majority of her days full of smiles. Ryō, who is usually more timid and reserved, wants Kyō to live out her dream as well, to fulfill the desires that she could not do at first. This is the strong bond that these two share. Hiiragi Kagami and Tsukasa have their own special relationship as well. For Kagami, her main objective is to make sure that her sister does not fall into any easy traps and guide her whenever she is led astray from her path, figuratively and literally. For Tsukasa, she is more of a peaceful moderator, always checking on her sister in the event that she loses her cool to calm her down when she is angry. Despite two different personalities, they still care about each other very much and always make sure no one harms the other. Which twins will have their voices heard when this match is done and over with? Untuk peduli tentang masalah yang lain, untuk ada untuk mereka kapan pun mereka merasa sedih, mengorbankan satu kebahagiaan seseorang melihat kebahagiaan mereka yang dihasilkan - yaitu apa artinya menjadi kembar. Ikatan antara Fujibayashi Kyo dan Ryo sangat kuat, seperti Kyo akan melakukan apapun untuk melihat senyum adik dan bahagia dengan caranya sendiri. Tapi Ryo tahu tentang pengorbanan kakaknya membuat sehingga dia dapat menghabiskan sebagian besar hari-harinya penuh senyum. Ryo, yang biasanya lebih pemalu dan pendiam, ingin Kyo menjalani mimpinya juga, untuk memenuhi keinginan sendiri bahwa dia tidak bisa melakukannya pada awalnya. Ini adalah ikatan kuat yang terbagi dua. Hiiragi Kagami dan Tsukasa memiliki hubungan khusus mereka sendiri juga. Untuk Kagami, tujuan utamanya adalah untuk memastikan bahwa adiknya tidak jatuh ke dalam suatu perangkap dan membimbing dia setiap kali dia tersesat dari jalannya, kiasan dan harfiah. Untuk Tsukasa, ia lebih merupakan moderator damai, selalu mematikan kakaknya dalam hal dia kehilangan kontrol emosi dan menenangkannya ketika ia sedang marah. Meskipun dua kepribadian yang berbeda, mereka masih peduli satu sama lain sangat banyak dan akan memastikan tidak ada yang merugikan lainnya. Siapa kembar yang akan memiliki suara tertinggi di pertandingan ini? |

Haji (Blood+) & Arcueid Brunestud (Shingetsutan Tsukihime)
vs. Abel Nightroad (Trinity Blood)
& Evangeline A.K. McDowell (Mahō Sensei Negima!)
In spite of the ways that vampires are characterized and treated in traditional lore, these four break the boundaries of such stereotypes to create their own definitions of what a vampire truly is. Haji is a quiet and loyal servant who would raise his hand against anyone who tries to do harm to his mistress. Having died and been revived after doing a certain deed for his master, Haji is always watching over her to make sure she lives a peaceful life while he fights in the shadows to protect her from a tragic story. Arcueid Brunestud has a bright personality and is mostly seen trying to have as much fun as she can. Her childish nature masks a sad story of a poor and lonely upbringing, and the refusal to drink any blood in the wish to defeat the continued creation of vampires entirely. Abel Nightroad used to be a dangerous man who was feared for killing several million people in his lifetime. After the death of his peace-loving sister, Abel decided to follow her path and change his ways from a killer to a man who wishes for nothing but peace between the two races that are at war with each other. Evangeline A.K. McDowell comes across as a cruel and cold girl who has no problems showing just how strong she is to her opponents. Even so, she also has a kinder side as she helps train her classmates to become stronger as mages. It is now the vampires’ time to shine. Will it be the team of Haji and Arcueid, or Abel and Evangeline, who will prove that they are the true rulers of both day and night? Meskipun cara vampir ditandai dan diperlakukan dalam pengetahuan tradisional, keempat melanggar batas-batas stereotip seperti membuat definisi mereka sendiri tentang apa vampir sebenarnya. Haji adalah seorang hamba tenang dan setia yang akan mengangkat tangan melawan siapa pun yang mencoba melakukan kejahatan pada wanita simpanannya. Meninggal dan dihidupkan kembali setelah melakukan satu perbuatan tertentu untuk tuannya, Haji selalu mengamati gadis itu untuk memastikan ia tinggal hidup damai sementara ia bertarung dalam bayang-bayang untuk melindunginya dari cerita tragis mereka. Arcueid Brunestud memiliki kepribadian yang sangat cerah dan sebagian besar terlihat berusaha untuk bersenang-senang sebanyak yang dia bisa. Masker sifat kekanak-kanakan nya kisah sedih nya pendidikan yang miskin dan kesepian dan penolakan untuk minum darah apapun di ingin mengalahkan semua penciptaan vampir sepenuhnya. Abel Nightroad dulu aa pria berbahaya yang dikhawatirkan untuk membunuh beberapa juta orang di masa hidupnya. Setelah kematian cinta damai adiknya, Abel memutuskan untuk mengikuti jalannya andd mengubah cara hidupnya dari seorang pembunuh kepada seorang pria yang ingin untuk apa-apa tapi perdamaian antara kedua ras yang dalam perang satu sama lain. Evangeline A.K. McDowell keluar sebagai gadis kejam dan dingin yang tidak memiliki masalah menunjukkan betapa kuat ia adalah lawan dia. Meski begitu, ia juga memiliki sisi baik hati saat ia membantu melatih teman-teman sekelasnya untuk menjadi lebih kuat sebagai penyihir. Sekarang waktu vampir untuk bersinar. Apakah akan tim Haji dan Arcueid, atau Abel dan Evangeline, yang akan membuktikan bahwa mereka adalah penguasa sejati baik siang dan malam? |
Thanks to Eclairs, Jeffrey-sama, chan12, Momento10, and Roo-loves-Elsie for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Ruby 5 — Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Yui (Angel Beats!) vs. Victorique de Blois (GOSICK)
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One prefers to be under the spotlights of a brightly lit stage, rocking out on her electric guitar, while the other enjoys spending her days surrounded by the vast collection of literature at the school library; one loves to be around her friends, while the other is so accustomed to being alone that isolation seems normal. As you can see, both Yui and Victorique de Blois have contrasting personalities and lead very different lives. Of the two, Yui is the more outgoing one. As the lead guitarist of Girls Dead Monster, she always displays a great abundance of energy, both on and off the stage. However, this energy of hers has, at times, caused Yui to make rash decisions. For Victorique de Blois, although she lacks social skills, the knowledge she possesses far surpasses that of almost all girls her age. Having spent almost all her life alone, the Golden Fairy of the Library has developed a sense of independence and fully believes she is able to live without the company of others. Of these two completely opposite girls, which one will earn your vote today—Yui or Victorique? Yang satu lebih suka berada di bawah lampu sorot dari panggung yang terang benderang, goyangan pada gitar listrik, sementara yang lain menghabiskan hari-harinya dikelilingi oleh koleksi besar literatur di perpustakaan sekolah, satu suka berada di sekitar teman-temannya sementara yang lain adalah begitu terbiasa sendirian bahwa isolasi tampaknya normal. Seperti yang Anda lihat, baik Yui dan Victorique de Blois memiliki kepribadian yang berbeda dan menjalani kehidupan yang sangat berbeda. Dari dua ini, Yui adalah yang paling percaya diri. Sebagai gitaris Girls Dead Monster, dia selalu menampilkan kelimpahan besar energi, baik di dalam dan luar panggung. Namun, energi yang dimiliknya, dalam momen tertentu, menyebabkan Yui untuk membuat keputusan ruam. Untuk Victorique de Blois, meskipun dia tidak memiliki keterampilan sosial, pengetahuan yang ia memiliki jauh melampaui dari hampir semua gadis-gadis seusianya. Setelah menghabiskan hampir seluruh hidupnya sendiri, Peri Emas Perpustakaan ini telah mengembangkan perasaan mandiri dan sepenuhnya percaya dia mampu hidup tanpa usaha orang lain. Dari dua gadis yang sama sekali berlawanan, mana yang akan mendapatkan suara Anda hari ini-Yui atau Victorique? |

Elucia de Lute Ima (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
vs. Kasugano Sora (Yosuga no Sora)
The epic battles not only occur among those highest ranked in the Nova division, but also in the middle and lower ranks among those who fight for a limited number of tickets to the next round. This situation faces both Elucia de Lute Ima and Kasugano Sora, because every battle from now will determine their next steps. Elsie is known as a demon who once worked as a janitor for almost 300 years. Naive and inexperienced, she makes mistakes on the very first day and mission of her new career in the loose-spirit squad. She earnestly wishes to succeed, and this time will not let anything bring her down. On the other side, Kasugano Sora is known as a person with a sharp tongue and whose dangerous attitude hides her true sensitivity. She has a weak physique that robbed her of her childhood. She only wants to be closer with her brother, and seeks to expel all other girls who try to approach him. Her ways of protecting him bring her a step closer to loving her brother. Both of these girls want to show their individual powers, but who can maximize it for a victory? Pertempuran epik tidak hanya terjadi pada mereka yang mendapat peringkat tertinggi di divisi Nova, tetapi juga terjadi di jajaran menengah ke bawah untuk melawan tiket terbatas ke babak berikutnya. Situasi ini harus dihadapi baik Elucia de Lute Irma dan Kasugano Sora, karena setiap pertempuran akan menentukan langkah berikutnya. Elsie dikenal sebagai setan yang juga mendapat pekerjaan sebagai petugas selama hampir 300 tahun. Naif dan belum berpengalaman, sikap yang membawa ke kesalahan pertamanya pada hari ia mulai misi barunya. Tapi sebenarnya dia sungguh-sungguh ingin berhasil, dan kali ini tidak akan membiarkan apa pun membawanya ke bawah. Di sisi lain, Kasugano Sora dikenal sebagai orang dengan lidah tajam dan sikap berbahaya untuk menyembunyikan sensitivitas sejatinya. Dia punya fisik yang lemah yang merampok masa kecilnya. Dia hanya ingin lebih dekat dengan kakaknya, dan akan berusaha untuk mengusir semua gadis yang mencoba untuk mendekatinya. Cara nya untuk melindungi kakaknya memberikan langkah lebih dekat untuk mencintai kakaknya. Kedua anak perempuan ingin menunjukkan kekuasaannya, tapi siapa yang bisa memaksimalkan kekuatannya untuk menjadikannya kemenangan? |

Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
vs. Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
I was browsing at a store somewhere in Akihabara when I noticed two girls fighting over the last copy of what appeared to be a limited special edition imōto galge. The first girl was a middle-schooler with light orange hair, who I recalled was a model for fashion magazines geared towards teenagers. The other was a blonde high school student whose blue butterfly hairpin and ample bosom immediately caught my eyes. Upon asking their respective male companions, I found out the girls’ names: Kōsaka Kirino and Kashiwazaki Sena. Based on what they told me, despite Kirino being the ace of her school's track-and-field club and Sena being the admired idol of her school, they both have been buying imōto galge, anime, and visual novels covertly because of their concerns about keeping up appearances. These two girls simply want friends that accept their hobbies. It may have even been possible for them to strike up a friendship with each other because of their similar interests. But when it came to the last copy of a limited-run video game, a clash was inevitable. I decided to observe their first-time encounter to its conclusion... |

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!)
The sound of guns firing and metal clashing is loud enough to wake even the deepest of sleepers. As the two girls standing across from each other on the battlefield today have shown before, their clash will undoubtedly be both exciting and breathtaking. Having emerged from their previous and only encounter with a convincing victory, the agile Tachibana Kanade looks to make quick work of her opponent once again. Equipped with her deadly HandSonic and various Guard Skills, Tenshi has continued to show that she has no intention of slowing down, easily crushing all her opponents thus far in the Regular Season. However, Nakamura Yuri looks to even the score with ISML's only undefeated contestant. Aiding her will be a collection of firearms, explosives, and melee weapons, making Yuri a force to be reckoned with in all areas of combat. In this Afterlife clash between two of its most influential members—a battle between futuristic and old school weaponry—which contestant will be able to land the killing blow this time? Will Tachibana Kanade be able to maintain her status as the immortal angel of ISML, or will Nakamura Yuri be the first to successfully snipe the winged warrior? Suara tembakan senjata dan logam beradu cukup keras untuk membangunkan tidur. Saat dua gadis berdiri berhadapan di medan perang hari ini telah menunjukkan sebelumnya, bentrokan mereka pasti akan menjadi menarik dan menakjubkan. Setelah muncul dari mereka sebelumnya dan hanya bertemu dengan kemenangan meyakinkan, Tachibana Kanade terlihat tangkas untuk membuat pekerjaan cepat dengan lawannya sekali lagi. Dilengkapi dengan HandSonic mematikan dan Keterampilan Garda dari berbagai Tenshi untuk menunjukkan bahwa dia tidak berniat melambat, mudah menghancurkan semua lawannya sejauh ini di Musim Reguler. Namun, Yuri Nakamura terlihat untuk menyamakan skor dengan hanya sekali terkalahkan ISML. Membantu dia dalam menjadi koleksi senjata api, bahan peledak, dan senjata jarak dekat, membuat kekuatan Yuri harus diperhitungkan dalam semua bidang pertempuran. Dalam bentrokan Afterlife antara dua gadis yang paling berpengaruh di anggota-pertempuran antara persenjataan-sekolah, mana yang akan dapat mendaratkan pukulan pembunuhan kali ini? AkankahTachibana Kanade mampu mempertahankan statusnya sebagai malaikat abadi ISML, atau akan Nakamura Yuri menjadi yang pertama untuk berhasil menekuk prajurit bersayap? |

Last Order (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Hirasawa Ui (K-ON!)
Both Last Order and Hirasawa Ui are imōto, yet their similarity ends there. For Last Order, she really acts her apparent age. Cute, cuddly, and haplessly annoying, the ‘youngest’ of the clones to a certain level five esper is in fact the console which governs the whole Sister project. Set as the fail-safe mechanism for the experiment, “Mini Misaka” is set free from the ropes that bind her with the destruction of a certain high tech computer coupled with the loss of the strongest psychic user in Gakuen City. Her eternally bright smile and positive mindset are testaments to her unbroken will. The mature and responsible Ui, on the other hand, has to act like the big sister by doing the house chores. Like her sister, Ui is blessed with a great talent for playing the guitar. She is also a dependable person, as she managed to fill in for Yui when she was sick. Yet she still holds her big sister in high esteem, respecting her as the older sibling. As the two imōto clash, will Last Order’s boundless energy give her the win, or will the measured approach by Ui give her the nod instead? Baik Last Order dan Hirasawa Ui adalah imōtos. Namun, kesamaan mereka berakhir di sana. Untuk Last Order, dia benar-benar bertindak di usianya. Imut, suka diemong dan kadang kala menjengkelkan, yang termuda dari klon ke esper lima tingkat tertentu sebenarnya adalah konsol yang mengatur seluruh 'Sister project'. Yang ditetapkan sebagai mekanisme yang gagal namun aman untuk percobaan, sang 'Mini Misaka' ii dibebaskan dari 'tali' yang mengikat dengan penghancuran komputer berteknologi tinggi tertentu ditambah dengan hilangnya pengguna psikis terkuat di Gakuen City. Senyumnya selalu cerah dan pola pikir positif adalah bukti kehendak tak terputus itu. Ui yang dewasa dan bertanggung jawab di sisi lain harus bertindak sebagai kakak dengan melakukan tugas-tugas rumah. Seperti adiknya, Ui diberkati dengan bakat besar untuk bermain gitar. Dia juga orang diandalkan, saat ia berhasil mengisi untuk adiknya, ketika dia sakit. Namun, dia masih menempatkan kakaknya di tingkat tinggi, menghormati dia sebagai kakak. Saat bentrokan imōtos dua terjadi, akankah Last Order dengan energi tak terbatas mampu memberikan kemenangan, atau akan pendekatan yang diukur oleh Ui memberinya anggukan? |

Nymph (Sora no Otoshimono) vs. Ikaros (Sora no Otoshimono)
Two figures stand across from each other, their beautiful, colorless wings keeping their balance in the air. Blue and red auras surround their bodies, building a suffocating atmosphere around them. As they begin to move, they create a stunning amount of force. Suddenly the quiet evening is over and changes to a terrifying night. They both attack their own fears along with their enemy. Both of the figures perform a deadly dance, which flows nicely along with the music of fear. Nymph controls her electronic power to attack her opponent, every single electronic wave describing her desire for freedom in her struggle to make it happen. Ikaros remains calm despite the desperate passes. She tries to ignore her own feelings, countering every single attack with her own heavy artillery. Both of them have put everything on the line as they want to see their own wishes granted—even if it costs them their own lives. |

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!)
As their imōto face off against each other, the same situation faces both Misaka Mikoto and Hirasawa Yui. Each “nee-sama” hopes to snatch a win for her respective household. As the third strongest esper in Gakuen Toshi, Mikoto is both feared and adored. As a champion of justice, the Railgun acts impulsively, but still within the accepted boundaries for safeguarding the city. Woe betides any who stands in her path, as the sound of a flipped coin and the dazzling lightning that follows might be the last thing in the aggressor’s memory. The vocalist for Hōkago Tea Time is ditzy, yet cheerful, in nature. Blessed with an uncanny ability for playing the guitar even without any formal lessons, Yui is able to perfectly play the instrument as long as she keeps her focus. While she is easily distracted by cute things and tasty foods, her infectious enthusiasm is enough to brighten up any sombre atmosphere. When the two nee-sama clash, only one will emerge triumphant. The question is, which one of them will reign victorious while the other waves the white flag? Sebagai imōtos mereka berhadapan satu sama lain, itu pepatah untuk Misaka Mikoto dan Hirasawa Yui. Para 'nee-Samas' akan berharap untuk merebut kemenangan bagi masing-masing 'rumah tangganya'. Sebagai esper terkuat ketiga di Academy City, Mikoto sangat ditakuti dan dipuja dalam waktu yang sama. Sebagai juara keadilan, Railgun bertindak impulsif, tapi masih dalam batas yang diterima untuk menjaga keselamatan Gakuen Toshi. Celakalah bagi mereka yang berdiri di jalannya, seperti bunyi membalik koin dan petir yang menyilaukan mungkin menjadi hal terakhir yang diingat oleh agresor. Vokalis untuk band Hōkago Tea Time adalah orang yang keras kepala namun ceria di dalam. Diberkati dengan kemampuan luar biasa untuk bermain gitar tanpa pelajaran formal, Yui mampu memainkan alat musik secara sempurna selama dia tetap fokus. Sementara dia mudah terganggu oleh hal-hal lucu dan makanan lezat, antusiasmenya sudah cukup untuk mencerahkan setiap suasana suram. Ketika dua nee-Samas bentrokan, hanya satu akan muncul dengan kemenangan. Pertanyaannya adalah, siapa salah satu dari mereka yang akan menjadi menang dan mana yang akan mengibarkan bendera putih? |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Louise Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima)
The Ruby Period has seen a lot of intra-camp match-ups, and in its fifth round, Aisaka Taiga will be squaring off against another one of the ‘Four Tsundere Wonders’, Louise Vallière. Both contestants share striking similarities to one another. They are both voiced by none other than the queen of tsundere, Kugimiya Rie. Both maidens have petite bodies, long wavy hair, modest chests, and sharp tongues, especially towards their significant others. While their exteriors seem perfect, as they both herald from well-off families, little do people know of their inner struggles. Taiga cocoons herself, trying in vain to run away from a crumbling family. With her faux exterior, the ‘Palmtop Tiger’ tries to shelter her fragile heart from breaking into pieces. Louise, on the other hand, shoulders the heavy burden of trying to exceed the accomplishments of her elder sisters. Constantly ridiculed as ‘Zero’ for her apparent lack of magical aptitude, she also bears the weight of being one of the few void mages in the world. Will Taiga’s bokken help her to emerge triumphant in this intra-camp match-up, or will Louise’s wand tilt the scale the other way instead? Periode Ruby melihat banyak pertarungan intra-kamp. Pada babak lima periode Ruby ini, Aisaka Taiga akan berhadapan dengan salah satu 'Empat keajaiban Tsundere', Louise Valiere. Kedua kontestan berbagi kesamaan satu sama lain. Keduanya disuarakan oleh tidak lain dari ratu tsundere, Rie Kugimiya. Kedua gadis memiliki tubuh mungil, rambut bergelombang panjang, dada sederhana dan lidah yang tajam, khususnya terhadap lainnya yang signifikan kepada mereka. Sementara eksterior mereka tampaknya sempurna, karena keduanya berasal dari keluarga kaya, sedikit orang tahu perjuangan batin mereka. Taiga sebenarnya sedang sebatang kara, sia-sia mencoba melarikan diri dari keluarganya yang runtuh. Dengan memiliki eksterior palsu, yaitu 'Palmtop Tiger', mencoba untuk melindungi hatinya yang rapuh dari segala halangan. Untuk Louise di sisi lain, beban mencoba untuk mencapai apa yang dilakukan kakak saudarinya, sangat berat pada pundaknya. Terus-menerus diejek sebagai 'Zero' karena tidak jelasnya bakat magis, dia juga menanggung berat sebagai salah satu dari penyihir kosong di dunia. Akankah Taiga yang bokken membantunya muncul penuh kemenangan dalam pertandingan intra-kamp, atau akan tongkat Louise memiringkan skala dengan cara lain? |

Nagato Yuki & Asakura Ryōko (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
vs. Misaka Mikoto & Shirai Kuroko (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
The relationships between these four girls may appear odd at first, but they act with the best of intentions. Nagato Yuki is perceived as a quiet character who watches and observes things without much response or emotion. In contrast, Asakura Ryōko is highly popular and sociable to the people around her. While both do not appear to be acquainted at first, Yuki and Ryōko are actually good friends, with Ryōko helping Yuki out due to her shy and reserved nature. However, both of them are aliens, as their mutual job is to monitor Haruhi to make sure she does not go overboard with her powers. Misaka Mikoto has a strong sense of justice and will use her powers to get her message across, given the chance to do so. Shirai Kuroko comes off as a shrewd and lewd girl who is very open about how much she loves Mikoto. While Mikoto is disgusted with her personality at first, she knows that she does not mean any harm and that it is her form of caring for her. Upon working together, these two make a great team in getting any job done. Will it be the team of Yuki and Ryōko, or Mikoto and Kuroko, who will be able to defeat their opponents with what they have? |

Kamina & Yoko Littner (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
vs. Natsu Dragneel & Lisanna Strauss (FAIRY TAIL)
Friendship is a bond never to be severed. That is what these four characters have taught us through their appearances. While flamboyant in nature, Kamiya comes across as an important role model for many people. His never-give-up attitude and willingness to try something new every day allows him to have a positive and hopeful outlook for the future to come. Yoko Littner is a more down-to-earth and levelheaded girl who would rather think things through than jump straight into the fire. However, when the situation calls for it, Yoko takes on the role as the protector, placing the safety of her teammates before her own. Natsu Dragneel has a rather reckless and fiery personality, having no trouble speaking his mind and sharing his opinions on other people. Despite his carefree nature, Natsu is very loyal and protective of his friends, considering them family, and is rarely hostile even towards his enemies. Lisanna Strauss has long hidden her status from her friends because she did not wish to hurt their feelings with the remembrance of her loss. She was very grateful that she and her friends could truly be reunited and return to the time when they had fun every day. Which group will show just how much their friends mean to them as they fight for glory and victory? Persahabatan adalah ikatan yang takkan pernah putus. Itulah yang keempatnya pelajari lewat kisah mereka. Dengan pribadinya yang cemerlang, Kamiya menjadi contoh yang penting bagi banyak orang. Sifat pantang menyerah, dan keinginan untuk mencoba hal baru setiap harinya membuat dia selalu optimis akan apa yang ada di masa depan. Yoko Littner adalah seorang wanita yang rendah hati dan berkepala dingin yang selalu memikirkan segalanya lebih dahulu daripada langsung beraksi. Namun, saat keadaan memaksanya, Yoko dapat berperan sebagai seorang pelindung, yang selalu mendahulukan keselamatan timnya daripada dirinya sendiri. Natsu Dragneel punya sifat yang ceroboh dan cenderung berapi-api, tak punya masalah sedikitpun dalam menyampaikan apa yang ada dikepalanya dan opininya kepada orang lain. Walaupun sifatnya yang sembrono, Natsu adalah seseorang yang loyal dan melindungi terhadap temannya, bahkan menganggap mereka sebagai keluarganya, dan jarang keras bahkan kepada musuhnya sekalipun. Lisanna Strauss telah sangat lama menyembunyikan statusnya dari teman-temannya, karena dia tak mau menyakiti perasaan mereka saat mereka mengingat kehilangannya. Dia sangat bersyukur karena dia dan teman-temannya bisa berkumpul dan kembali pada waktu disaat mereka bergembira di setiap harinya. Tim mana yang akan menunjukkan seberapa besar arti teman bagi mereka saat mereka bertarung untuk sebuah kemenangan dan kejayaan? |
Thanks to Elvinsky, Eclairs, Jeffrey-sama, chan12, Momento10, and Roo-loves-Elsie for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 and Roo-loves-Elsie (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 and Roo-loves-Elsie (Indonesian).
Ruby 6 — Thursday, 12 July 2012

Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?) vs. Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
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Aikawa Ayumu and Kosaka Kyōsuke have differing views on ‘little sisters’, since Eucliwood Hellscythe and Kōsaka Kirino aren’t much alike. Necromancer of the Underworld Eucliwood acts like an ideal little sister to Ayumu. While she does not speak much, preferring to convey her thoughts via her notepad, her cutesy manner and warm, gentle smile melt even the most battle-hardened hearts. Allowing her adopted ‘guardian/older brother’ the free reign of fantasising about her, it is no wonder why the zombie is head over heels for her. Contrary to that, model Kirino acts somewhat cold and harsh to her ‘nii-sama’. If she does not share any life consultations with her brother, hurtful words and even more painful acts are given to Kyōsuke, often resulting in him feeling aggravated by her. Despite belittling him, she still depends on him when it comes to a certain peculiar hobby she has. But deep down inside both imōto, they treasure their ‘onii-chan’. Will the silently caring way of Eucliwood sway the voters to vouch for her, or will the tough sibling love displayed by Kirino be the order of the day instead? |

Hirasawa Ui (K-ON!) vs. Hiiragi Kagami (Lucky ☆ Star)
The battle to fight for the limited ticket to the Postseason continues when Hirasawa Ui faces Hiiragi Kagami in Round Six of the Ruby Period. Both of these girls are still stuck below the standard for qualifying for the next stage, and a victory in this match would be a quantum leap forward for both girls. Hirasawa Ui is still stuck in rank thirty-five, with only one victory. She needs more wins to fix her results, or she will be late forever. This may be her last chance to prove if she can stand up any longer. On the other side, Kagami has some good results, ranking twenty-two with eight wins and eleven losses. She still has some time to make a leap for the next round. Winning this match and those in the future has become her focus. Both of these girls need a miracle for this round, but whom will you choose to give a victory full of meaning? |

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs. Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
As the race for the Ruby Necklace heats up, it is time to separate the pretenders from the contenders as the leading pack in both the Nova and Stella divisions square off against each other. This fixture pits Shana, the current necklace holder, against Suzumiya Haruhi, the inaugural winner for the Ruby Period. Boasting five and four wins respectively, the necklace is still within their reach. With Shana currently first in the overall standings and Haruhi in eighth, their places for the season-ending fireworks are just about secure; all that is left for them to do is to grab one of the remaining necklaces during the Regular Season. While the Flame Haze has a better head-to-head record against the ‘god’, the result is far from certain as the leader of the SOS Brigade’s popularity has increased this year. A win is paramount for both maidens as it will serve as a catapult for their assault on the Ruby Necklace, and at the same time hamper the opponent’s chance by severely handicapping the loser’s SDO. Will Shana be able to replicate her past victories against Haruhi, or will Haruhi rewrite the record books and score an upset against Shana instead? Saat perlombaan untuk kalung Ruby memanas, sekarang saatnya untuk menghapus yang berpura-pura dari pesaingnya sebagai yang terkemuka baik di divisi Nova dan Stella sebagai ancang-ancang melawan satu sama lain. Salah satunya Shana, pemegang kalung saat ini terhadap Suzumiya Haruhi, pemenang perdana untuk periode Ruby. Masing-masing menawarkan lima dan empat kemenangan, kalung itu masih dalam jangkauan mereka. Dengan saat ini Shana berdiri di posisi pertama secara keseluruhan dan Haruhi kedelapan, tempat mereka untuk babak selanjutnya, semua yang tersisa bagi mereka adalah untuk mengambil salah satu kalung yang tersisa selama musim reguler. Sementara Flame Haze memiliki rekor head-to-head yang lebih baik terhadap "tuhan", tidak ada cara untuk memastikannya, saat popularitas pemimpin brigade SOS telah meningkat tahun ini. Kemenangan sangat penting bagi kedua gadis karena akan berfungsi sebagai ketapel untuk serangan mereka di kalung Ruby, dan dalam waktu yang sama menghambat kesempatan lawan dengan handicap SDO yang sangat tipis. Shana akan dapat mereplikasi kemenangan masa lalunya terhadap Haruhi, atau akankah Haruhi meraih buku rekor terbaru dan menganggu perolehan nilai Shana? |

Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Akiyama Mio (K-ON!)
Depending on where you stand, history can either be like a blessing from heaven or a curse from the depths of hell. Countless have benefited from the psychological advantage that comes from knowing that they have a hidden ally on their side, while many others have felt the wrath of history's constant repetition. Today's match-up between two of ISML’s previous Tiara bearers is one such rivalry in which history has played a big role. In their only two Regular Season encounters in 2010 and 2011, Katsura Hinagiku managed to defeat Akiyama Mio, albeit by a slim margin, with the former being the year in which Mio was eventually crowned champion. As Hakuō Academy's student council president seeks the aid of the past to continue her dominance against Hōkago Tea Time's bassist, Mio looks to rid herself of the thorn in her side that is Hina. Despite finding herself above her opponent in the overall standings, the challenge remains just as tough as history looks to deal a fatal blow to Mio's necklace chances once again. As each girl's crowd of supporters look on in anticipation, which side will you join? Tergantung di mana Anda berdiri, sejarah bisa seperti berkah dari Tuhan atau kutukan dari neraka. Tak terhitung mendapat manfaat dari keuntungan psikologis yang diketahui bahwa mereka memiliki sekutu tersembunyi di pihak mereka sementara banyak orang lain telah merasakan murka akan pengulangan sejarah. Hari ini pertandingan antara dua pembawa ISML Tiara sebelumnya adalah salah satu persaingan tersebut di mana sejarah telah memainkan peran besar. Hanya dalam dua Regular Season mereka bertemu pada 2010 dan 2011, Katsura Hinagiku berhasil mengalahkan Akiyama Mio, meskipun dengan selisih yang tipis, dengan yang pertama menjadi tahun di mana Mio akhirnya dinobatkan juara. Sebagai mahasiswa Hakuo Academy presiden dewan mencari bantuan sejarah untuk melanjutkan dominasi melawan bassis Hōkago Tea Time, Mio terlihat untuk membersihkan dirinya dari duri di sisinya yang hina. Meskipun menemukan dirinya di atas lawannya di klasemen keseluruhan, tantangan tetap saja sekuat sejarah terlihat untuk menghadapi pukulan fatal bagi Mio merebut kalung sekali lagi. Saat suporter setiap gadis mulai melakukan antisipasi, pihak mana yang akan Anda dukung? |

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs. Sengoku Nadeko (Bakemonogatari)
If one were to attribute animals to Nakano Azusa and Sengoku Nadeko, they’d most likely be a cat and a snake, respectively. Although these animals are totally different, the two girls share a surprising number of similarities. Both play the role of a lovable kōhai, with their small statures and often moe actions having garnered many fans from across the anime community. However, as it's virtually impossible for two people to be exactly alike, the girls are also quite different from each other. For Azusa, she's one of two guitarists in Hōkago Tea Time. Although she shows that she's serious about practicing, there are often times when her bandmates' persuasive words cause her to join them in their non-musical activities. As for Nadeko, after being rescued from the grasp of a deadly curse by her friends’ older brother, she made it her mission to both thank him and search for opportunities to spend more time with him. While she was a bit reserved at first, she began to open up afterwards as the two got to know each other better. So as this battle between feline and reptile gets underway, which animal do you think is more moe? |

Cossette d'Auvergne (Le Portrait de Petit Cossette)
& Kagami Kuro (Kodomo no Jikan)
vs. Ekaterina Kurae (Seikon no Qwaser) & Maaka Anju (Karin)
While the Gothic Lolita fashion grew most in popularity during the 1990s, these girls prove that their style of clothing does not only correspond to their personalities, preferences, or views in life. Cossette d'Auvergne is a ghost from a female portrait who lived during the 1800s. Murdered by someone whom she trusted, Cossette now searches for her lost possessions in hopes of stopping the mysterious deaths that are caused by them. Kagami Kuro is perceived as a show-off who eagerly reveals the various latest trends and technologies in her possession. However, she is a loyal friend and very protective of those she cares about, making sure no harm comes their way. Ekaterina Kurae comes off as an innocent and childish girl who is interested in Japanese life and culture. This personality is a charade for a more dominant and egotistical side of her, ensuring that things go her way without much trouble. Maaka Anju is a quiet and composed vampire who will do anything to make sure that her family, especially her sister, remain unharmed. Anju is usually there to help her sister out whenever she injects blood into someone and needs his or her memories erased. With these four girls walking down the fashion line, will it be the team of Cossette and Kuro, or Kurae and Anju, who will have the voters supporting them the most? |

Lelouch Lamperouge & Nunnally Lamperouge (Code Geass)
vs. Hasegawa Kodaka & Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
There is no stronger bond than the relationship between siblings. Lelouch Lamperouge fights against his father for one reason: to create a world where his sister Nunally can live in peace. Lelouch is willing to sacrifice everything and even become a villain to the world if it means that his sister can live a peaceful life without any fear. When an honest and serene Nunally becomes a ruler and creates a world that he himself wanted to create for her, his mind is in turmoil over wondering what his sacrifices have been for. Nonetheless, if it means standing up to his own sister, Lelouch will do just that to create a world more perfect than her goals. Hasegawa Kodaka wishes for his sister Kobato to go out more and make friends of her own, despite not having any himself. To change and become more sociable towards others, he allows himself to be dragged to a new club that may be able to help him become friends with other people. Due to the time he spends there and his resulting lack of attention, Kobato gets jealous. To be with her brother and see what kind of club he attends, Kobato begins visiting—all while still clinging onto her brother's affection. The bonds between the Lamperouge and Hasegawa siblings will be tested as they head into this match. Hand in hand, they face each other and prepare themselves for the worst... |
Thanks to Eclairs, Jeffrey-sama, chan12, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Ruby 7 — Sunday, 15 July 2012

Shiomiya Shiori (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
vs. Haqua du lot Herminium (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
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Attracted towards the same person, both Shiomiya Shiori and Haqua du Lot Herminium have approached the ‘God of Conquest’ differently. Shorthaired Shiori keeps her own counsel, trying to hide the fact that her heart has been stolen by the bespectacled boy. Her shy demeanour, coupled with her uneasy conversations, makes it slightly awkward for her to be truthful to her heart’s desire. Typical as a silent bookworm, the librarian tries to repel his advances to conquer her by keeping her distance. On the other hand, the longhaired Haqua, while still confused about her own feelings, has at least acknowledged the fact that she is thankful for what he did to help her. As one of the prominent figures in the runaway spirit squad, the shinigami takes pride in excelling in almost everything she does. But due to a slight miscalculation, she was thrown into the deep end, and if not for the help from the ‘God’ himself and another shinigami, her failure might have been even more embarrassing to her prideful self. As the maidens joust for a place in Keima’s heart, which one will steal a march against her opponent? |

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
They have literally been untouchable. With their long, white hair swaying in the wind and weapons drawn, both Tachibana Kanade and Eucliwood Hellscythe have mercilessly crushed all twenty of their unfortunate victims thus far in the Regular Season. And while it'd be nothing short of spectacular if a repeat of last year's match between two undefeated contestants took place this year, it's unfortunate that one of these immortal warriors will fall today. Carrying an unprecedented 69-0 record into today's encounter, Kanade seeks to continue her domination within the ISML universe. And as she walks towards her armoured opponent, HandSonic at hand, Tenshi knows that this will be her toughest battle of the season yet. The same goes for Eucliwood as she is now given a second chance at handing this year's Aquamarine Necklace winner her first Regular Season loss. But, not surprisingly, this is easier said than done. Thus now may be just the right time for the necromancer to free herself from her restrictive armour, enabling her to unleash her all-powerful abilities. In the end, will Kanade's deadly HandSonic pierce Eu's armour, or will the silent necromancer strip the angel of her immortality? |

Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!) vs. Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Both of these girls are spectacular at their particular tasks, and cross paths to excel at each other’s excellence as well. Yui is the After School Tea Time's primary guitarist and lead singer, while Hinagiku is Hakuō's idol primarily for her singing voice, and can play guitar fairly well besides. If this was a stage performance, these two would work wonderfully together; but in this arena, they match their abilities for a different reason. With the kendo captain's loss to the bassist and backup singer of HTT just last match, will Yui keep her strawberry-haired opponent from the Ruby Necklace with a 5-2 record, and help her fellow band-member contend for the Ruby, or can Hinagku score a win against the fellow performer and speaker? |

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs. Akiyama Mio (K-ON!)
Most of the time, they are the best of friends. But today, they face each other as rivals. With a shot at the Ruby Necklace in mind, both Nakano Azusa and Akiyama Mio know that they must temporarily set their friendship aside and focus on their own goals. Heartbreaking as it may be, a win on either side would severely jeopardize the other's chances of appearing in the necklace showdown. But even so, both girls know that this may end up being their best shot at a necklace this year and would love nothing more than to capitalize on this opportunity. In the past, Mio has never lost to Azusa, with history looking to repeat itself once again today. However, with Mio's surprising win last round, it may be Azusa who pulls off the upset this time around. Regardless of the result, one thing's for sure—there will be at least one K-ON! girl when it comes time for the Ruby Necklace showdown. And so, which Hōkago Tea Time member would you like to see represent in Round 8—Akiyama Mio, the bassist, or Nakano Azusa, the guitarist? |

Hirasawa Ui (K-ON!) vs. Kotobuki Tsumugi (K-ON!)
Looking upwards, these girls see their two friends duking it out and know that they too must follow suit. In the second of two battles featuring characters from the K-ON! cast, Hirasawa Ui and Kotobuki Tsumugi look to present a clash that will not be overshadowed by the "main event". Although the two of them are not too familiar with each other—they only got to know each other through Ui's older sister—their apparent similarities are quite interesting. In each of their circle of friends, both Ui and Mugi are considered the more mature ones. Ui has often been praised as the perfect wife due to her housework skills and warm aura of kindness. With their parents usually away from the house, she often has to put her talents to good use by looking after her childish sister. As for Mugi, having been raised in a wealthy family, she gives off an image of an elegant and refined lady for the most part. With extensive knowledge in tea brewing and snacks preparation, Mugi can be seen as a very capable maid. So now, which of the two will earn your vote? |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
After six rounds of the Ruby Period, both Aisaka Taiga and Nagato Yuki have catapulted themselves up as two of the contenders for the coveted prize. While both maidens have won two and three necklaces respectively, neither of them has managed to add the Ruby Necklace into her collection. But there is still a lot of work to be done by these participants, as their SDOs are amongst the lowest of the remaining undefeated girls. With that in mind, both contestants know that a defeat in this match-up might spell the end of their charges for the period’s ultimate goal. Short, purple-haired Yuki defeated Taiga during their bout in the fifth round of Amethyst 2011. But the chestnut-haired Palmtop Tiger returned the favour in the Postseason against the Artificial Humanoid Interface. After both narrowly missed the Amethyst Necklace, this might be their chance to etch their names into the hall of victors for this period. Which side will the Goddess of Victory smile upon as they square off in this hotly contested match—the tsundere, Taiga, or the kūdere, Yuki? Setelah enam putaran dari periode Ruby, baik Aisaka Taiga dan Nagato Yuki telah melambungkan dirinya sebagai salah satu pesaing untuk hadiah yang didambakannya. Sementara kedua gadis ini masing-masing telah memenangkan dua dan tiga kalung, keduanya tidak berhasil menambahkan kalung Ruby ke dalam koleksi mereka. Namun masih banyak pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan oleh peserta sebagai SDO mereka adalah diantara yang terendah dari gadis terkalahkan tersisa selama periode tersebut. Dengan pemikiran kontestan baik tahu bahwa kekalahan di pertandingan ini mungkin berarti akhir dari biaya mereka untuk tujuan akhir periode ini - Kalung Ruby. Yuki, yang bera mbutpendek perak dikalahkan Taiga selama pertarungan mereka di babak kelima tahun 2011 Amethyst. Tapi berangan berambut Palmtop Tiger membalasnya di postseason terhadap Interface Humanoid Buatan. Setelah kedua nyaris Kalung Amethyst pada periode sebelum Ruby, ini mungkin kesempatan mereka untuk tampil di aula pemenang. Siapakah pemenangnya ? - yang Taiga tsundere atau Yuki kuudere? |

Shiina Mafuyu (Seitokai no Ichizon)
vs. Index L. Prohibitorum (To aru Majutsu no Index)
Shiina Mafuyu and Index L. Prohibitorum both act like typical little sisters towards the ones who take care of them. Needing tending after, and slightly annoying but bewitchingly cute, they easily invoke the protective feelings of their ‘guardians’. The golden treasurer of Hekiyō’s student council is a shy maiden who is uncomfortable talking with the opposite sex. It is a wonder how she can befriend its sole male representative. But underneath that fear, she is an avid gamer who maintains an online tutorial blog for certain games, as she feels compelled to help others. The silver-haired nun, on the other hand, is a more sociable maiden. Due to a certain incident, she now lives with a peculiar level zero esper in Gakuen Toshi. Due to the fact that she stores 103,000 grimoires of magic, she is a sought after commodity in the magical world; it’s up to her guardian to keep her safe. While Shiina Minatsu and Kamijō Tōma have clear preferences for whom they want to look after, will Mafuyu also be preferred by the general voters, or will it be Index instead that gets the nod as the more adorable one? |

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
Today’s challengers have been given great powers for succeeding in life. They also accepted the responsibilities that came with using those powers, but that doesn’t stop them from having fun and enjoying everyday life. Misaka Mikoto trains her electromagnetic powers daily to protect both herself from those who want her abilities and those who can’t defend themselves. When she is not actively looking for trouble, she spends her free time with friends and goes shopping. Shana carries an arguably much greater responsibility that comes with wielding the Nieto no Shana; she must protect the existence of the entire world from those who want to destroy it. To achieve her goals, she gave up on her own dreams and feelings. She still cherishes her free time by eating bread and other sweet food. With a little help, she gets to experience all types of emotions that she had previously given up on, including love. The last time these two challengers met, they were fighting for the Heavenly Tiara. The Railgun looks to continue to electrocute her opponent and defend her title, but the Flame Haze has no plans on being denied and will burn her opponent to prove her point. |

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) & Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
vs. Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) & Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto)
It's no secret that the biggest rivalry in ISML right now is between the characters voiced by Kugimiya Rie and Hanazawa Kana. While these two seiyū have successfully voiced characters that are outside their usual niche, the characters that they have voiced in those niches are usually the most beloved of their fans. Shana and Aisaka Taiga represent the best in Kugimiya Rie's forte—the short-statured tsundere. One could argue that many of Shana and Taiga's traits—difficulty in expressing their true feelings, hiding embarrassment through anger, and self-consciousness about their body sizes—are uncannily similar. On the flipside, Tachibana Kanade and Gokō Ruri represent Hanazawa Kana's well-known character archetype—the soft-spoken girl. But these two couldn't be any more different, with Kanade being a stoic kūdere and Ruri a sharp-tongued and deadpan snarker. The biggest confrontation between the Kugimiya Knights and the Lotus Order looms on the horizon. A victory here would prove once and for all which character archetype is more moe, and who is the more beloved seiyū. Who will win the fans over? Will it be the similarly tsundere team of Shana and Taiga, or the soft-spoken, yet contrasting, team of Kanade and Kuroneko? |

Hei (DARKER THAN BLACK) & Triela (Gunslinger Girl)
vs. Sabrac (Shakugan no Shana) & Fujibayashi Sheena (Tales of Symphonia)
Not all assassins come off as cold-blooded killers. These four characters in particular have their own deep stories to tell despite working as assassins. Hei is usually a kind and mature person who can easily express his emotions to the people around him. When working, he can be a cold person who wants to get his job done quickly and over with. Triela has a strong sense of pride and hates to lose, especially to people whom she fought and lost against previously. While mostly sarcastic, Triela takes the role of a kind mentor who helps train and befriends many new and skeptical assassins just like her. Sabrac is a rather quiet character who is mostly seen reading requests and doing jobs. Sabrac can become highly philosophical about why things turn out to be this way or that, going as far as questioning his own values and wondering what drives him in doing these tasks. Fujibayashi Sheena is a hot-blooded, but clumsy, character who often falls into holes and traps easily. Despite having a strong will, Sheena has little confidence in herself, always questioning whether or not what she has done is correct and just. With the papers for today's mission passed to them, all four of these characters look to complete this job swiftly and soundly. Will it be the team of Hei and Triela, or Sabrac and Sheena, who will complete the mission at hand? |
Thanks to Eclairs, hinakatbklyn, Jeffrey-sama, Bastion, Momento10, and Elvinsky for contributing today's match previews.
Translation by chan12 (Indonesian).
Translation by chan12 (Indonesian).
Ruby Necklace Showdown — Thursday, 19 July 2012

Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
vs. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
vs. Yuzuriha Inori (Guilty Crown)
vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
vs. Kuroi Mato (Black★Rock Shooter)
vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
vs. Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
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The heat is on full blast as these seven girls try to beat the flames in order to harness the power of fire. Former Ruby-Necklace-holder Misaka Mikoto knows how it feels to have that light burn within her hand. Mikoto, who is normally a hot-tempered girl, understands what it means to stand in front of an enemy and fight not just for herself and her ego, but also for her friends who have supported her from behind without her knowledge of it. Aisaka Taiga, who already holds the power of both sun and nature, would like to add the power of fire to her arsenal. Taiga is usually a one-woman army with no one to look out for her but herself, but when newfound friends are around her, they light up a caring and protective personality in her heart. Five other girls who have not held a necklace yet would like nothing more than to make Ruby their first. Hasegawa Kobato usually plays by herself, but when added into a circle of friends, her personality starts to brighten up. Yuzuriha Inori is a soft and quiet girl, but she will complete any mission successfully and protect her friends from any harm. Nakano Azusa rarely understands the actions that the remaining club members perform, but follows along because she wishes to understand them more. Kuroi Mato never wanted to see her friends in danger or cry, so she will do whatever it takes to get them back to their world. Kashiwazaki Sena hopes to make friends whom she can freely talk with about troubles and personal issues and not be seen or looked at inappropriately by others. Like a fire that burns in the hearts of many, these seven girls will follow their all-consuming desires and try to obtain the Ruby Necklace. Which of the seven will still have her fire burning brightly when all is over? Panas ini penuh dengan ledakan aktif, karena tujuh gadis ini mencoba untuk mengalahkan api untuk memanfaatkan kekuatan api. Mantan pemegang kalung Ruby, Misaka Mikoto tahu bagaimana rasanya memiliki cahaya membara di dalam tangannya. Mikoto, yang biasanya seorang gadis pemarah, memahami apa artinya berdiri di depan musuh dan berjuang bukan hanya untuk dirinya sendiri dan ego, tapi untuk teman-temannya yang telah mendukung dari belakang tanpa sepengetahuannya itu. Aisaka Taiga, yang sudah memegang kekuasaan matahari dan alam, ingin menambahkan kekuatan api di hatinya. Taiga biasanya merupakan tentara satu orang tanpa ada yang melihat keluar baginya kecuali dirinya sendiri, tetapi ketika teman-teman baru ditemukan di sekitarnya, mereka menjadi peduli dan pelindung dalam hatinya. Lima gadis-gadis lain yang belum merasakan kalung ini namun ingin menjadikan kalung Ruby sebagai kalung pertama mereka. Hasegawa Kobato biasanya memainkan diri sendiri, tapi ketika ia ditambahkan ke dalam lingkaran teman-teman, kepribadiannya mulai bersinar. Yuzuriha Inori adalah gadis yang lembut dan tenang, tapi dia akan menyelesaikan misi apapun dan akan melindungi teman-temannya dari bahaya apapun. Nakano Azusa tidak pernah memahami tindakan anggota klub yang dilakukannya, tetapi mulai mengikuti bersama karena dia ingin memahami mereka lebih jauh lagi. Kuroi Mato tidak pernah ingin bertemu teman-temannya dalam bahaya atau kesedihan, jadi dia akan melakukan apa saja untuk mendapatkan mereka kembali ke dunia mereka. Kashiwazaki Sena ingin membuat teman-teman yang ia dapat dengan bebas berbicara tentang masalah dan isu-isu pribadi dan tidak dilihat atau melihat yang tidak tepat oleh orang lain. Seperti api yang membakar dalam hati banyak orang, ketujuh gadis ini akan mengikuti keinginan mereka yang membara dan mencoba untuk mendapatkan Kalung Ruby dalam genggaman mereka. Manakah dari tujuh gadis ini, yang masih memiliki tembakan, menyala terang ketika semua sudah berakhir? |

Nakagawa Kanon (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
vs. Irisviel von Einzbern (Fate/Zero)
vs. Iwasawa Masami (Angel Beats!)
vs. Haruna (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
vs. Konjiki no Yami (To LOVE-Ru)
vs. C.C. (Code Geass)
vs. Nymph (Sora no Otoshimono)
Maybe it's about time these seven girls decide to take control over their own lives. Nakagawa Kanon was afraid of not having enough attention, but when at least one person claimed to never lose sight of her no matter what happened, she gained the courage to move on as a singing idol. After living inside a castle for as long as she could remember, Irisviel von Einzbern was finally given the chance to roam outside and enjoy the wonders of a new landscape. Iwasawa Masami chose to live a life of music and singing after she was unable to cope with the drama that was happening inside her own house. Haruna's proud and mighty personality started to soften up when she found friends whom she could easily talk with about her worries and troubles. Konjiki no Yami dropped her life as an assassin in order to stay on Earth longer and learn about Japan's lifestyle and culture. C.C. decided not to run away anymore and fought against her destiny, even if it meant going against the entire world. Nymph wished to find a new master who would treat her like a normal being rather than a slave for attention. To fight for one's own desired path is what drives these girls forward. Who among them will be able to see the end of that path by the time all is said and done? Mungkin inilah saatnya tujuh gadis ini memutuskan untuk mengambil kendali atas hidup mereka sendiri. Nakagawa Kanon takut tidak memiliki perhatian yang cukup, tetapi ketika setidaknya satu klaim orang untuk tidak pernah melupakan tidak peduli apa yang terjadi, memberinya keberanian untuk maju sebagai idola. Setelah tinggal di dalam benteng selama yang dia bisa ingat, Irisviel von Einzbern akhirnya diberi kesempatan untuk berkeliaran di luar dan menikmati pemandangan baru. Iwasawa Masami memilih untuk menjalani kehidupan musik dan bernyanyi setelah ia tidak mampu mengatasi dengan drama yang terjadi di dalam rumahnya. Kepribadian Haruna yang bangga dan perkasa mulai melunak seiring dia menemukan teman yang ia dapat dengan mudah diajak bicara tentang kekhawatiran dan masalah. Konjiki no Yami jatuh hidupnya sebagai seorang pembunuh agar tetap di bumi lagi dan belajar tentang gaya hidup dan budaya Jepang . C.C. memilih untuk tidak melarikan diri lagi dan melawan takdirnya, bahkan jika itu berarti akan melawan dunia. Nymph ingin menemukan master baru yang akan memperlakukannya seperti normal, bukan menjadi budak untuk perhatian. Memperjuangkan jalan sendiri yang diinginkan mereka adalah apa yang mendorong gadis-gadis ini ke depan. Siapa di antara mereka kemudian akan dapat melihat ujung jalan bahwa pada saat semuanya dikatakan dan dilakukan? |

Ika-Musume (Shinryaku! Ika Musume) vs. Saginomiya Isumi (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Today we have two girls who missed out on a spot in this year's Regular Season by one win. Despite this unfortunate setback, the two return for a taste of battle as they star in this exhibition match. As an invader from the sea, Ika-Musume is bent on showing the ISML community that it was a bad decision not to vote for her. Armed with an array of lethal tentacles, among other squid-like features, her boisterous and clumsy personality distinguishes her from her opponent. Unlike the human squid, Saginomiya Isumi is soft-spoken and very polite. Although her sense of direction is not the best, Isumi makes up for it with her ability to disappear from people's eyes instantaneously, a skill that will be useful here and one that Ika-Musume desperately needs in her quest. In the end, will the flurry of head-on attacks by Ika-Musume help smash her way to victory, or will the quiet Isumi pull a trick or two from her sleeves and snatch the win today? |

Nyarlathotep & Cthugha (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san)
vs. Kuroyukihime & Kurashima Chiyuri (Accel World)
Sometimes, one has to pass through the alien barrier or computer screen to truly understand how the other feels. Nyarlathotep, or “Nyaruko” for short, is a hyperactive, energetic girl who will do anything to get her lover to do dirty things with her. Despite her overactive personality, Nyaruko can easily get serious, whether it is by defeating the enemy or confessing her love for him. Cthugha, or just “Kūko”, is a more stoic character who is fond of video games. Kūko is usually quieter about her opinions, but when provoked, she shows no mercy about sharing her passion and abilities. Kuroyukihime, also known as “Black Lotus”, is a highly popular school idol who possesses both looks and intelligence. Kuroyukihime is a loyal friend who would do anything to protect her friends from danger and gives advice whenever they are in bad situations. Kurashima Chiyuri, also known as “Lime Bell”, is a supportive friend with an optimistic outlook on life. Behind her smile lies the wish to turn back time to when she was once good friends with someone she cared deeply about. Will it be the team of Nyarlathotep and Cthugha, or Kuroyukihime and Kurashima Chiyuri, who will have their voices heard by the voters? |
Thanks to Jeffrey-sama and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).