Featured Matches - ISML 2012 Elimination Period
Division Finals, Day 1 — Sunday, 30 September 2012

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Haruna (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
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"We both know who is going to win this match." If there is one thing that has not been rooted in Haruna's dictionary, it's failure. No matter how difficult a situation can be, Haruna will always find a way to overcome it and make sure that it is done her way. While the results of her answers can be debatable, there is no question that Haruna has good intentions when she wants to help others out. However, this problem may be a bit more than even she can chew. Tachibana Kanade has had another successful ISML career with a perfect win streak for her second year in a row. The ball of momentum continues to roll for her, and it does not appear as though it has any intention of stopping anytime soon. Kanade's power is something that many should be afraid of, but Haruna is more than eager to jump to the challenge to take her out. Is Haruna's determination enough to win this bout, or will Kanade knock her out as she has done with every other competitor she has faced? |

Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
vs. Yuzuriha Inori (Guilty Crown)
"My first step towards my destiny begins here!" As Hasegawa Kobato and Yuzuriha Inori step into the Postseason for the first time, they already feel the tension building before they arrive to the middle of their arena. This is a much different landscape than they have experienced previously, and one loss can easily be the end of their Tiara hunt. They realize how serious their situation is and re-confirm their senses of self: that they have truly come to a grand place like this. Both need not to be afraid, as they know they have many supporters who will be with them at their sides. From the help of her brother's club, Kobato was able to make some friends as well as see the benefits of going outside and having fun with other people. The interactions with those around her allow Inori to never give up and fight not just for herself, but for those whom she cares deeply about. Then the clock starts, these two will do anything to win. Their journey to immortality starts here! |

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs. Kuroi Mato (Black★Rock Shooter)
"I have to move on. Please, don't get in my way." These two would not have been the same if it were not for their friends. Due to her horrifying childhood, Nakamura Yuri wished to defeat the one who was responsible for her poor fate. She knew she could not perform this task alone and recruited several people who followed similar causes. As they fight for a common goal, they learn several things about each other and come to see Yuri as a guiding light for creating this team of fast friends. A silly mistake on Kuroi Mato's part allowed her to make her first close friend. With a cheerful personality and great athleticism, Mato seemed to garner a lot of attention from her classmate and teammates alike. However, if any of her friends were in trouble and needed help, Mato would do whatever it took to bring them back up in high spirits. Will it be Yuri's thoughtfulness, or Mato's determination, that will dictate how this match is going to end? |

Yui (Angel Beats!) vs. Tōwa Erio (Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko)
"I shed my old self to strive for a path I can be proud of." Yui and Tōwa Erio have a lot to be thankful for. If it were not for their family and friends, they may not have been the same people that they are now. It took a while for her teammates to accept her as one of their own, especially after she took the role of someone whom they cared about for so long. It was through their acceptance that Yui was able to give it her all and move and participate in events that she could never have dreamed of in the past. For Erio, it was through her cousin that she was able to remove herself from her futon, a symbol for the recent barrier she had placed between herself and society. With the help of a few friends, she would slowly remove her shell and interact with the world around her as she would have done before. For these reasons, they cannot deserve to lose. Fighting for their senses of self, they step forward to an arena that can alter their lives forever. |

Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto) vs. Kanzaki H. Aria (Hidan no Aria)
"Whenever I start something, I finish it. That's my policy." It is hard to question the dedication that these two girls possess when it comes to their passions. Kōsaka Kirino's love for anime and visual novels is second to none, and she will go to great lengths to defend her hobby. Even when her family and friends try to get her to stop, losing her favorite hobby is almost similar to losing a part of one's self, and Kirino does not wish for any of that. Kanzaki H. Aria is willing to do anything to get her mother out of jail for the crimes that she did not commit. For her, it does not matter how difficult the missions are or how many people are required to complete a mission successfully. As long as it is able to decrease her mother's jail time, she will take any risk necessary for the job. The fires within the hearts of these girls burn brightly as they prepare themselves for their Postseason match. Who will still have that fire burning when this match is over? |

Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto) vs. Victorique de Blois (GOSICK)
"There's only enough room for one Gothic Lolita character!" While both characters have a similar fashion sense, their personalities cannot be any more different. Gokō Ruri has a hard time socializing with those who do not share her interests, going as far as wearing such exotic clothing as an experiment by choice. Once Ruri starts to warm up to others, she becomes an irreplaceable friend who is willing to work behind the scenes to have her friends’ dreams come true without their knowledge of it. Victorique de Blois is usually found inside the grand library, surrounding herself with stories and myths rather than interacting with others. As soon as she ventures into the outside world, Victorique experiences joys that she has never felt before, from visiting different towns to trying out every pastry she sets her eyes on. Only one of these girls will move on to the next round. Which will the voters decide to side with? |

Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
vs. Charlotte Dunois (IS <Infinite Stratos>)
"I just want to be noticed." While both contenders are very popular among the students of their school, they do not believe that they are getting the true attention they deserve. Kashiwazaki Sena admits that a majority of friends are admirers who are more than willing to do her bidding. Sena is looking for a lasting bond where she can talk to someone about personal issues and other things related to life. The reason she joined the club was to find out ways to make a genuine friend whom she can truly call her own. Due to the influence of her father, Charlotte Dunois was sent to school dressed up as a boy to spy on the only true male IS pilot. While popular among the female students, Charlotte's father never saw her as a daughter. Thus, she hopes that completing her task will allow her to finally gain his recognition. Now with friends who care about them for who they really are, Sena and Charlotte have nothing to fear and everything to gain. Holding their heads high, they prepare themselves for the battle that awaits them. |

Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
vs. Mikazuki Yozora (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
"There are some people we value more than our own lives. We call such people friends." Friendship—such a term never came across their minds in certain periods of their life. For one, having a friend means getting them involved in another’s personal struggles. She does not wish for them to be hurt because of incidents that indirectly revolve around her. She is willing to sacrifice herself, give up a portion of herself, if it means solving the problem as quickly as possible without any bloodshed. For another, it is a matter of trusting others once again. After failing to keep in touch with someone with whom she once felt close, she now thinks negatively of the strength of bonds one makes with another person. As soon as she is reunited with her friend after so long, she becomes willing to do whatever it takes to have their relationship rekindled in the way it was in the past, even if it means creating a club just for the two of them. Eucliwood Hellscythe and Mikazuki Yozora have gone through times when they did not care about such relationships. Now, it is what drives them to become better people, and they will do whatever it takes to keep them from harm. |

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Sakagami Tomoyo (CLANNAD)
"Leadership isn't given; it's earned." If there is anything that these two have in common, it is their strong sense of justice. Misaka Mikoto is usually the first to jump into any situation and settles it using her power. It wasn't until after she worked at Judgment for a day that she realized how important it was to protect and serve the city, even if it meant doing the most mundane of tasks. With this experience in mind, Misaka continues to protect the peace of her city, knowing what is at stake if she makes a wrong move. Sakagami Tomoyo wanted to be the student council president in order to keep a promise made long ago. Her wish to protect the school and make it a place students can enter without worries is sometimes challenged when she is confronted with several delinquents. Nevertheless, Tomoyo does not wish to give up on her dreams and desires, even if it means taking those delinquents head-on by herself. Will it be Mikoto's never-say-die attitude, or Tomoyo's perseverance and determination, which will overcome all obstacles? |

Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
vs. Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!)
"I will sing my own victory song as I start on this path." Suzumiya Haruhi used to change her hairstyle daily to keep from attracting attention from aliens; Hinagiku instead uses her distinctive hairclip to remind herself of her parents. Neither girl is afraid of the spotlight though, and while Hinagiku is a student idol, with a wonderful voice as well as being 'cooler than the boys', Haruhi takes center stage with gusto when the opportunity presents itself. When called upon, they both have power in spades, and while the pink-haired beauty will use hers to defend the students under her care, Haruhi is unaware of how much power she actually holds. In the end, which of these two will earn your vote, the leader of the SOS Brigade, or the Hakuō kendo club president? |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
vs. Sengoku Nadeko (Bakemonogatari)
"Maybe a little faith was all I ever wanted..." On the surface, they're quiet and reserved. They often find it difficult to express their feelings and end up burdening themselves with their own personal troubles. As a humanoid interface created by the Integrated Data Entity for the sole purpose of interacting and observing events on Earth, Nagato Yuki's direction in life seemed very straightforward and simple. However, as she continued to spend time with her follow club members in the SOS Brigade, Yuki slowly began to experience things that no degree of intelligence could replace—things like friendship and emotions—which could be troubling for an AI. For Sengoku Nadeko, a shy girl who's also easily amused, her normal life took a turn for the worst one day when she was cursed by two of her peers. Not knowing whom to turn to for help, Nadeko suffered alone for quite some time. But luckily for these two girls, the helping hands of good friends got them through their troubles. As the start of the Postseason dawns upon these two contestants, both seek to avoid an early exit. With the aid of their friends, the two girls look to give voters a battle to remember. |

Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs. Oshino Shinobu (Bakemonogatari)
"Some sacrifices have to be made for us to move on with our peaceful lives." Entering ISML for the first time, Oshino Shinobu has done well for herself by standing up to many of her veteran opponents. Now that she is in the Postseason, Shinobu needs to do everything in her power to make sure she comes out on top and stays there. Her first match may not be as simple as she would have liked, but Shinobu will not falter from a tasty challenge such as this. Former Tiara bearer Akiyama Mio returns for her third year to try out a feat no one has ever done before: win a major tournament twice. Mio's levelheaded and focused demeanor has allowed her to capitalize every opportunity to secure a strong victory. That calm composure may be more than enough to take her adversary out, but Shinobu has not revealed her true potential just yet. When this match comes to a close, will Mio continue her rise to the top, or can Shinoubu stop the former champion dead in her tracks? |

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs. Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!)
"Graduation isn't the end." Sometimes things just don't go your way. No matter how hard you try to walk the path that you think is best, there are times when dead ends force you to change direction. And while both Nakano Azusa and Hirasawa Yui would have loved to go down the road on which they wouldn't have to do battle with each other, fate seemed to have a different idea in mind. As fellow guitarists in the same band, both Azusa and Yui have shared many times, both good and bad, with each other. From bickering about the band's seriousness to having tea and sweets together, and even taking a trip halfway around the world, the two have essentially walked hand in hand throughout their high school lives. Unfortunately, today is the day where they must part ways. Only one can move forward, while the other must stay. But just like how they say graduation isn't the end, the same can be said about this match today. No matter who wins, in the end, all that matters is that their friendship remains true. And with that, both Azusa and Yui prepare to give it their all for the sake of their fans. |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Tōsaka Rin (Fate/stay night)
"Power doesn't always resolve everything." While these two characters share similar personalities, the ways they are viewed in a school setting are very different. Aisaka Taiga comes off as a violent delinquent who will strike anyone who is in her way. Inside of her tough exterior, Taiga is a lonely girl who wishes to be around others and share memories with them, as most friends would do. She does not wish to have a negative label throughout her three years in high school and is trying to find ways of becoming a part of the school community. Tōsaka Rin is admired by many students and is considered an idol in the school, but she prefers to be by herself most of the time. None would imagine that this beautiful, enigmatic student is a mage preparing for a war incomprehensible to the normal man. Rin does not regret living as a member of a well-known magic family and tries her best to become a powerful magician as well as a respected student. As the dust settles, will Taiga stand atop of her adversary, or will Rin blast her opponent away with her abilities? |

Saber (Fate/stay night) vs. Senjōgahara Hitagi (Bakemonogatari)
"Although we do not always get what we wish, we learn from our mistakes and move on to a better future." Life does not always come out as sunshine and rainbows, and these two girls learned that the hard way. When the King of Britain died, Saber had to become the next king, even if she knew the hardships of having such a duty placed upon her. From the deterioration of her family, Senjōgahara Hitagi would accidentally come across a crab god that would take her weight away from her. Both would make poor decisions that would make them dislike the lives that they were given, but several events caused them to change their opinion. Saber's interaction with the current world allowed her to accept her past mistakes and continue forward without any regrets. Finally having her curse removed, Hitagi slowly returned to her former personality and helped others more as well as receive help from them. In order to continue living tranquil lives, Saber and Hitagi will need to fight each other for their newly found goals and ambitions... |

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs. Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate/stay night)
"I won't become a weapon for those who wish to take advantage of me." Take one look at them and you might say, "What are two small girls like them doing in such a highly-competitive place?" However be warned, those words might come back to haunt you. As a fearsomely powerful Flame Haze, Shana's physical stature is by no means an indicator of her true strength. When the fire in her heart is ignited, the flame-haired blazing-eyed hunter is a force to be reckoned with. Having already made it to the Postseason finals twice already—albeit coming up empty-handed on both occasions—she hopes to finally grab hold of the elusive Heavenly Tiara this time around. Similarly, Illyasviel von Einzbern is not as weak as she seems. Although her power comes not from herself but an external source, she is no less formidable. With the merciless Berserker under her command, Ilya seeks to make her return to ISML a triumphant one. And so, as these two fragile-looking but powerful contestants collide, who will emerge victorious? |
Thanks to Momento10, Jeffrey-sama, and Bastion for contributing today's match previews.
Division Finals, Day 2 — Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
vs. Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
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"I wish to be set free from what binds me to the ground." The Hanazawa Kana faction may need to think twice before voting this match. Tachibana Kanade is the quiet angel who watches over the school to protect its peace. She is attentive to those who try to defy the school rules and will stop them at any cost. While her actions may prove to be reckless given her position, Kanade thinks well of her students and wishes for them to understand why they are here in the first place. Hasegawa Kobato is a reserved girl who prefers to act similarly to her favorite character rather than interact with other people. In truth, Kobato simply has a hard time expressing herself when it comes to people around her age. However, at her brother's club, Kobato is able to act like herself and stays true to her personality no matter what the given situation is. Will Kanade defeat her adversary once more, or will Kobato perform an upset and take the angel down? |

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs. Yui (Angel Beats!)
"Not once did I feel that my time working with you was wasted." If it were not for Nakamura Yuri's decision, Yui would not have been able to become a part of their group as a substitute member for her favorite band. This opportunity allowed her to understand why each of them are members of the SSS, and how she could help them in times of need. Although she may be too energetic and hyper-active for her own good, Yui will do whatever it takes to make sure she gets her part of the job done and not slow any of her members down. While Yuri should have thought twice about having Yui in her team, life in the SSS would probably be boring if she was not there. Yuri is willing to take anyone who has the same goals she has, and, under her leadership, she will guide them to their dreams by any means necessary. With her high charisma and strong pride, those who serve Yuri are glad to be with her as teammates and friends. However, in this match, the only thing that is circling around these competitors is an air of respect. They prepare themselves for what lies ahead of them and charge forth... |

Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto) vs. Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto)
"Sorry, but you won't be better than me as a sister or a woman." Our next two challengers have won their opening Postseason matches and will at least qualify for the second half of the single-elimination tournament in the race for the Heavenly Tiara. However, that is not enough; they also want to add bragging rights with their win today over their opponent. Kōsaka Kirino and Gokō Ruri may be friends and share a similar otaku lifestyle, but they still agree to disagree on almost everything else. Kirino will defend her opinion even if it means she has to resort to violence to get her point across. Ruri, on the other hand, can use witty responses and her sharp tongue to defend her opinions while staying calm at the same time. When it comes to genre preference, Kirino is a fan of eroge and moe games. Ruri, however, is not only a fan of serious anime, but takes it one step further by cosplaying as her favorite anime character. Ruri is looking to add to her two Regular Season win streak against her otaku rival, but Kirino is hoping to enjoy getting even by winning her first Postseason match against her opponent. |

Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
"I hear them cheering from behind. I can't falter just yet." Kashiwazaki Sena and Eucliwood Hellscythe would not have been the people they are today without their encounters with their friends. It is hard to question why someone like Sena would be searching for friends given her high popularity. However, Sena joined a club wanting to experience more than just the admiration of her followers. While she obtained an odd nickname and ended up running out of the room a majority of the time, Sena still enjoyed her stay in the club because she could act freely and do things she normally would not do out in public. Although Eucliwood is a quiet and emotionless girl, she enjoys spending time with those in her household. While she may not reveal it, Eucliwood is glad and satisfied whenever her friends come back home with smiles on their faces and tell her about their day. Eucliwood cherishes her friendships dearly, and anyone who tries to harm them will face serious consequences. Who will have her hand raised by the time this match is over? |

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
vs. Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
"I have the power to change the world around me." These two hotheaded girls will battle it out to see who will continue on to the next round. Misaka Mikoto has a strong sense of justice and is usually out defeating criminals or helping those in need. She hates to lose and will sometimes go all out if she has no choice but to do so. Despite her short temper and rash attitude, Mikoto can be very proper and formal, which is how many students have been swooned by her grace and beauty. Leader of the SOS Brigade, Suzumiya Haruhi is always looking for ways to have fun in her club, whether the club members agree with her ideas or not. Loud and proud, Haruhi rarely takes no for an answer and makes sure things go her way and nothing else. While Haruhi can get over-the-top with her ideas, she is genuinely concerned about her members and always has them in her mind whenever she wants something done. There's only enough room for one mighty character. Which of the two will it be? |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Akiyama Mio (K-ON!)
"What happened in the past does not guarantee what happens in the future." Both calm and composed, Nagato Yuki and Akiyama Mio provide an air of seriousness for their respective clubs. Yuki acts like a moderator for the club, looking from afar while notating their actions in her mind. Yuki is the main person for information on certain situations and will provide help if one asks for it. While she appears to be emotionless, deep down, she wishes to understand the oddity inside her that many people call "emotions." Whenever Mio is around, it usually means that things need to be taken care of. However, because she has many fears, her friends sometimes use them to their advantage to get what they want. Nevertheless, Mio is a reliable person and will try to give those who are suffering some advice. When the dust settles, which of the two will still remain standing? |

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
"May the best feline win." While both characters have cat-like nicknames, their personalities cannot be any more different. Nakano Azusa is a serious musician who manages to find some spare time to practice playing her instrument daily. Azusa tries to get several of her seniors to follow her example, but somehow ends up going along with whatever it is they are currently doing. Through her club, she learns to relax and enjoy the simple things in life rather than worry about them every day. Aisaka Taiga comes off as a brash person who wishes to be left alone most of the time. However, when someone whom she admires or cares about gets hurt, Taiga will defend her and fight for her, even if it makes her own image worse. As long as those she cares about are happy with their lives, Taiga feels at peace. Will Azu-nyan be able to move on to the next round, or will the Palmtop Tiger prevent her from moving forward? |

Saber (Fate/stay night) vs. Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
"My blade will cut open the path that I choose for myself." Although both of these girls are veteran fighters, neither of them knew what it was like to be a normal girl before their encounters in the present world. For Saber, all she wanted was the Holy Grail so that she could change her past actions; she was willing to obtain it by any means necessary. From her master and allies, Saber, a serious and straightforward young woman, learned how to act more feminine as well as gained some knowledge of current customs. Saber also learned to accept her mistakes and flaws, for they made her the person that she is today. Shana mainly cared about getting her job done as a Flame Haze. However, when she arrived at school due to her mission, Shana changed from a cold-hearted person to one who was curious about life as a regular student as well as the emotions that she had never felt before. Shana slowly enjoyed the life that she was living and did not wish for any of it to be harmed or disappear. In order to keep their wishes, both girls must stand toe-to-toe against each other, fighting with those who are cheering them on. The battle between two swordswomen begins! |
Thanks to hinakatbklyn and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Division Finals, Day 3 — Thursday, 4 October 2012

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Yui (Angel Beats!)
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"Let those from above and below watch over us as we commence our battle." It is amusing how these two girls who contrast each other in appearance and personality have been given physical symbols to represent who they are. Tachibana Kanade is a quiet and soft-spoken person who watches over the events happening in the school from above. At one point, she sprouts angel's wings to take out those who are disturbing the peace of the school. Although she has an angelic voice and appearance, if provoked, she can be as strong and merciless as one of the gods. With her attire including demon's horns and tail, it's not a surprise as to what type of character Yui has. Highly energetic and over-the-top, Yui can sometimes cause trouble for others to the point of placing herself in danger. Despite her hyperactive and overbearing personality, Yui holds an innocent wish to do as many things as possible, things she could never dream of doing in the past. Which will the voters side with when all is said and done? |

Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto)
vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
"I can assure you, this won't be like the last time." In last year's Postseason period, Gokō Ruri easily defeated Eucliwood Hellscythe with enough room to spare in the first round of the elimination bracket. Have the roles been reversed this year? With a second season, Eucliwood reminded everyone just how charming and cute she could be, which benefited her as she swept Ruri off her feet in Aquamarine 7. With thanks to Eucliwood's newfound strength, there does not seem to be anything that can stand in her way. However, Ruri is not simply going to let her loss pass by. An intellectual and calculating girl, Ruri has been waiting for this moment where she can prove to Eucliwood once and for all who is the true definition of moe. When the match draws to a conclusion, will it be Ruri standing proud with her mature and never-give-up attitude, or will Eucliwood sway the voters to her side with her alluring voice and silent beauty? |

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
vs. Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
"The minute we let go of what means most to us is when we lose what defines who we are." Maybe if you walked in my shoes, you could understand where I am coming from. For me, even though I am admired and respected by my peers, I still feel uncomfortable when conversing with them. I may be a proper and elegant lady, but I can be a bit short-tempered in having things done my way and wanting cute items. All I ask for are true friends whom I can be comfortable with showing this side of me. I was created to have no emotion, to see things as an observer without doing anything about them. Sometimes, I participate in my club's activities; other times, I stay still and wait until my presence is needed. Yet I am curious about how people interact with others and puzzle over why they emit certain emotions the way they do. Deep down, I wonder if I can ever have such things or if I can create my own without any rule binding me from doing so. Despite our different backgrounds, we keep things the way they are to retain our identities. However, I want to take a step forward and create something new... |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Saber (Fate/stay night)
"Don't think you've won just yet." With a much needed victory from Shana, Saber continues on to the next round with a large amount of momentum riding at her back. This beautiful and merciful king does not show signs of stopping anytime soon and will carve her path to victory if she continues to win at this pace. In order to move on, she needs to go through another Kugumiya Rie-voiced character, Aisaka Taiga. Taiga has had a great career this year, destroying nearly everyone in her path and making sure they beg for mercy. Not once has Taiga lost to Saber, but maybe this Palmtop Tiger needs to think twice before getting too overconfident. Saber is prepared for whatever comes her way, even if it means pointing her at a former AST and KBM champion. Taiga is always ready for any interesting challenge, and this one may be one of them. Can Saber perform another victory, or will Taiga take her out first? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Division Finals, Day 4 — Sunday, 7 October 2012

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto)
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Their time to shine has come. In a battlefield marked with the blood and tears of their previous opponents, a magnificent ray of light meets a powerful force of darkness. Both have trudged along the tough road to get here today, looking to make the final push for the treasure that lies just beyond the horizon. They know that, no matter the outcome, only one will be able to move forward. For Tachibana Kanade, who has been unstoppable thus far, this might just be the year in which she manages to win it all. With no contestant having even come close to matching her, it may seem like the match has already been decided. But from prior postseasons, it's a well-known fact that this part of the tournament is anything but predictable. After barely advancing with a one-vote win in her previous clash, Gokō Ruri seeks to carry her momentum into what is arguably her most important match of the year. Although the slope is steep, Ruri has never been one to back down from a fight. So when the curtain closes on this epic battle between Tenshi and Kuroneko, who will be crowned the queen of the Nova Division? |

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
It comes as no surprise that ownership of the Stella Circlet would be decided by a showdown between these two mighty contestants—both likely candidates to win it all this year. With only one loss separating them at the end of the Regular Season, this highly anticipated match-up is bound to be interesting. Even after winning the Heavenly Tiara last year, Misaka Mikoto shows no signs of slowing down. Seeing as how she literally electrified her opponents this year, the chance of a repeat champion doesn't look all too unlikely. But in order to prove that she's serious about cementing her place in ISML history, she'll have to produce a convincing victory against the ferocious Palmtop Tiger, Aisaka Taiga—a task that's easier said than done. Known to have defied the sands of time, the seemingly ageless Taiga appears to grow stronger as the years pass. And while she has fallen to the Electromaster in their recent bouts, her continued increase in strength might just allow her to grab the win today. As the two girls place everything on the line for the chance to carry momentum into the race for the Tiara, who will emerge victorious? |

Henrietta de Tristain (Zero no Tsukaima)
vs. Tachibana Miya (Amagami SS)
vs. Yamano Lemon (Ano Natsu)
These three girls battle it out to see who the best competitor is. Henrietta de Tristain is prepared to die for her country if it means saving them from an even greater plague. While Henrietta cares about the safety of her men and friends, there are times when she can be a bit selfish and wish for things to be done her way. Tachibana Miya is an eccentric sister who continues to wonder why her brother is very popular. Miya likes to have fun and is willing to try out new things due to her curiosity. Yamano Lemon is an enigmatic girl who seems to know everything that is happening and teases people with her knowledge. However, she truly cares about their well being and wants them to say the things that are within their hearts. Which of the three girls will remain standing when all is said and done? |

Furuya Mero (Sankarea)
vs. Ibara Mayaka (Hyōka)
vs. Satō Masaki (Kimi to Boku.)
Probably the most mysterious thing about these three characters is the way they interact with other people. Furuya Mero took the role of housekeeper after her mother passed away. While she mostly stays on the sidelines to watch events unfold, sometimes she speaks her mind out whenever the topic is of concern to her or about her mother. Ibara Mayaka acts very cheerfully and is sometimes the voice of reason among her circle of friends. Whenever a challenge arises, she fights for what she believes is right and will not walk away without a clear solution. Satō Masaki prefers to do things alone and thinks she is capable of handling any situation. While she does not like it when people help her out, she does show proper gratitude to them when they do so. Out of the three girls, with whom will the voters side? |
Thanks to Jeffrey-sama and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
League Finals, Day 1 — Sunday, 14 October 2012

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs. Saber (Fate/stay night)
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"How can I lead others if I stop believing in myself?" Hardships and obstacles come and go, but doubt has a tendency to linger on forever. Whether it is setting a score with an almighty deity or fighting in the wars to obtain the Holy Grail, a single miscalculation could jeopardize their missions, even severing the bonds they make with others. Yet no matter how many times they have failed, Nakamura Yuri and Saber find themselves standing up again, not wishing to step down when everything is on the line. No matter how many times her mission fails, Yuri continues to gather support from her friends and come up with another course of action. Even when Saber is forced to retreat, she will devise a method to defeat her opponent the next time she meets them. While their never-give-up attitudes deserve some praise, only one of these girls will be able to move one step closer to the tiara. Is Yuri's determination enough to pass to the next round, or will Saber's pride push her forward to victory? |

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
“Ripping up the floors and ceilings of the heavens!” The journey to scale the heavens has started. The winding roads have converged. As Tachibana Kanade, the unstoppable angel, marches on, she sweeps all before her. Such overbearing power has managed to subdue even the strongest of her adversaries with ease. Unflinching with her steely determination, the hazelnut-eyed maiden has returned to the scene where her first attempt at immortality was halted during her last meaningful death match. With her majestic wings spanning across the horizon, the quiet Tenshi observes everything from her vantage point. But the stumbling block this time is in the shape of a mischievous goddess. Unbeknownst to herself, Suzumiya Haruhi can alter the very fabric of the world at her whim. Holding her own against the other celestials and colossi from the Stellar constellation, the paradoxical deity is not an entity to be simply discarded. With her boundless reservoir of energy and infectious enthusiasm, the shorthaired damsel is able to inflict a mortal blow to her adversary. As the gates of the heavens creak open, take a peek at the aftermath of the clash between the angel and the goddess… |

Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto) vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
“Your lonely eyes...they tell the whole story.” Nothing lasts forever. Sometimes, one has to accept a few things in order to move forward. Gokō Ruri used to do things alone, not accepting anyone's help nor helping others. Yet a certain senior helped changed her views in life and made her world a little more enjoyable. But no matter how hard Ruri tries, or how much she does for him, she can never replace his sister. Instead, she waits until he sees her not as an underclassman, but as a woman. The times that Nakano Azusa spent in the Light Music Club were the most memorable moments in her life. However, she does not want any of the members to leave her, as they helped shape her into the person that she is today. She knows it is a selfish request, but the club would surely not feel the same without them there. But she will keep the music going, hoping to reconnect with her seniors one way or another. Which of these girls will continue to stay true to herself to the end when the match is over? |

Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto) vs. Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
“We are so far apart.” Kōsaka Kirino and Nagato Yuki are antitheses to one another. Golden-haired Kirino portrays herself as the model student. Good academically as well as athletically, she gives off the perfect student vibe. Coupled with the fact that she also works as a part-time model due to her dazzling appearance, it’s almost impossible to find her weakness. One would never know her bizarre hobby when seeing her surrounded by proper girls. Trying earnestly to preserve her social status, she tries to find someone whom she can finally consult concerning her favourite past times. Not afraid of speaking her mind, Kirino makes sure her opinion is well heard by others. Shorthaired Yuki on the other hand is the staple silent bibliophile. Stoic and aloof, she seems disconnected from her surroundings. Even when her secret recluse is invaded by a spunky girl, she stands back and allows everything to unfold in front of her, merely observing her environment. But without knowing her in depth, no one would have guessed her true worth. Without her interventions, one can only fathom what would have happened to the time and space continuum. As they clash, which maiden will come out victorious? |
Thanks to Eclairs and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
League Finals, Day 2 — Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs. Yui (Angel Beats!)
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"There's more to me than my performance on stage." Both may have walked different paths in life but they know what's at stake. Both want to find happiness. They know what to expect from these people. They will do what it takes to make them listen to their song. Yui is a pink-haired girl who became a guitarist for Girls Dead Monster, and eventually became its lead singer. She wants to do the activities she pursues in the afterlife because of what happened to her in her past life. The bassist of the Light Music Club, Akiyama Mio, likes to plays music with her friends. She is often shy to take the spotlight even if she is skilled at sports, writing songs, and academics. Yui needs someone to give her the happiness she can only find while in the afterlife. Mio has her friends in the club as everyday companions with all the fun activities that they do. As the bands start playing, people will cheer for both of them. Which one of these girls will end her performance with a bang and be able to gather more fans at the end of it all—the former champion, Akiyama Mio, or the tough challenger, Yui? |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
“There is more to me than mere wealth.” Both Aisaka Taiga and Kashiwazaki Sena hail from wealthy families. But far from leading peaceful lives, graced by adoration, the two maidens were lonesome. With the crumbling of her own household, Taiga decided to stay alone in the high class mansion prepared by her father. Showered with enough money, but deprived of the true happiness she yearned, the petite damsel channeled her pent up pressure onto others. As a result, people called her the ominous “Palmtop Tiger” who snaps at whoever ticks her off. Yet underneath it all, Taiga is just a frail person who cries out for the warmth and comfort of others. For Sena, her excellence and distastefulness for the ordinary has shaped her into an arrogant girl. Thus her female peers are disdainful towards her, while she herself treats her male comrades as servants, further isolating her from society. While the nickname “Niku” bestowed upon her is slightly derogatory, Sena actually likes the name because it was her first. As the two problematic, high-class courtesans square off against each other, will the chestnut-eyed Taiga reign victorious, or will the sapphire-eyed Sena emerge triumphant instead? |

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
vs. Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
"Light and darkness; only one shall win!" For two girls who are roughly the same age, their personalities can not be any more different. Misaka Mikoto is not considered a Level 5 esper for just any reason. She would not hesitate to step on the front lines and take care of a situation using her own powers. While confident and proud, Mikoto is constantly learning when to use her powers for the proper cause rather than to show off her power. Hasegawa Kobato is a shy girl who prefers interacting with her brother to other people. Kobato can be a bit cautious of him, not wishing for him to forget about her presence when he interacts with others. Still, Kobato tries to get along with strangers as best as she can, even if she is not comfortable talking with them at first. If both characters have one thing in common, it is their allegiance to their form of justice, whether it is from personal experiences or folklore. Only one girl can reign supreme, but who will it be? |

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
“My presence shall spell the death of you.” With me being still in a state of shock, I try to gather my last remnants of sanity. The once bewildering vista surrounding me has been reduced to ash as two silhouettes continue their assault against each other. The two maidens seem to not be disturbed amidst the devastation wrecked upon them, instead focusing all of their might to down their sworn enemy. Materializing the pen she has been holding into a death scythe, the silver-haired messenger of death recites something that is barely audible. Exuding an aura of death, the armour-clad necromancer seems to be infused with an unfathomable power. Evading the projectiles launched at her, the fiery haired girl flaps her majestic wings across, flying above her adversary. Biding her time, the girl seems to commune with the odd necklace she is wearing. When the time seems ripe, her katana is engulfed with a blaze of fire, ready to scorch her nemesis. As the scythe and the fiery sword clash, destruction spreads. And as I begin to lose consciousness, I know that the catastrophe has been brought about by Eucliwood Hellscythe, the Necromancer, and Shana, the Flame Haze. |
Thanks to Eclairs, xcrossfacekillahx, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
League Quarterfinals, Day 1 — Thursday, 18 October 2012

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs. Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
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“Even death will not stop the conquest.” Fresh from subduing a deity, Tachibana Kanade trots forward down the thorny path laid down before her. With her guard skill, she has so far manage to deflect all that has been thrown at her. It seems like there is no resistance to her march to the top of the pier to claim the throne for herself. With her conscience as clear as her hazelnut eyes, the angel resumes her march to the Promised Land, unhinged from unworldly matters. But as the final sight is becoming clearer to the angel, so is her next trial, and this time, it is in the shape of Nakamura Yuri, a wandering soul. After overcoming the odds and besting her adversary, the leader of the rebellious faction who opposes the ‘oppressive system’ prepared for them by a mysterious entity is again challenging the status quo. With her twin Beretta and a hand grenade, she is unwilling to simply accept what is in store for her, and instead strives her best to achieve what she desires. As the two shorthaired maidens resume their rivalry, only one will be left standing, en route to the utopia she desires, leaving the vanquished downcast. |

Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto) vs. Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
"Is silence my ally or what hinders me the most?" While Gokō Ruri and Nagato Yuki are not the most talkative members of their respective series, they are able to help their friends in their own ways. When a friend was unable to have her work animated her way, Ruri took the role of mediator to help her get some of the things her friend wanted to do. When no one took the job of cleaning the classroom, Ruri completed the task by herself, never asking for anyone's help. Ruri also managed to sway a club member to help her complete a game they were supposed to work on together. Yuki oversees many of the events happening in her club and keeps a mental record of every single detail. When the group encounters an unusual phenomenon, Yuki is usually the one relied on for information and a solution to the problem. Yet Yuki also wishes to release the emotions dwelling inside her, something that she has never known or comprehended before. Will either of them find the voice to release what is truly on their minds and within their hearts? |

Saber (Fate/stay night) vs. Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
"Behold a power that you have never seen before!" Leaders in their own rights, Saber and Suzumiya Haruhi provide different methods to what it means to lead others. For Saber, she relies on the trust of others, for them to trust in her and believe that she is doing the correct thing. Saber drew the legendary sword knowing that there would be times when things would not go as she planned. Yet she held honor high with her chivalry and pride, leading her men with her victory cry. Haruhi is more prone to drag others into her agendas before she even reveals what her plans are for the day. She expects everyone to do as she says without a second thought or an argument against the idea. While Haruhi tends to push things over the edge, she knows when to stop when she is going too far. Will Saber be able to cut her path open with Excalibur, or will Haruhi's words spell her opponent's doom? |

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs. Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
“While we are similar, only one can be the favoured little sister.” Both Nakano Azusa and Kōsaka Kirino share several striking similarities with one another. They are both voiced by the popular Taketatsu Ayana. The maidens also show slight ‘tsundere-ness’ in their personalities. The fact that Azusa is considered the ‘little sister’ to the original After School Teatime band coincides with Kirino being the younger sister to a normal high school student. Sporting long hair, both girls can easily make any guy fall in love with their outer appearances and charm. Azusa and Kirino are both very successful in what they do, be it music or athletics and modeling. On the other hand, the two damsels are also out of tune with their seniors, as Azusa would like to fill her time in the music club practicing music. Instead, her senpai prefer to relax and enjoy the treats prepared there. Kirino also disregards her older brother, doing things she wants and not thinking of the effects that might befall her brother. As these two strikingly similar contestants square off against each other, will the guitarist Nakano Azusa be victorious, or will the model Kirino be able to claim her scalp instead? |
Thanks to Eclairs and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
League Quarterfinals, Day 2 — Sunday, 21 October 2012

Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
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"I wouldn't get too confident if I were you." After a decisive victory over Yui, Akiyama Mio proceeds to the next round with much momentum riding at her back. The former Tiara bearer is looking to continue pushing forward to victory, but first, she must take on a much more challenging opponent. Aisaka Taiga has had a very successful run this year and hopes to continue dominating her competition. While Taiga has AST and KBM titles under her name, she has not yet won the Tiara during her four-year run. Taiga is looking to make history to become the first, and possibly only, character to win each of the three major tournaments at least once in her career. However, Mio has her own plans and future in mind. Mio not only wants to be the first person to have three titles under her name as well, but also be the first person to bear the Heavenly Tiara twice. Mio is looking to do anything to successfully defeat her opponent, and she is not planning on stopping anytime soon. The ISML history book is opened, but only one of these girls will be able to write on it when all is said and done. |

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
“The coveted prize is getting closer, but which one of us will be left by the wayside?" After subduing another one of the pretenders to her coveted crown, Misaka Mikoto prepares herself for another grueling encounter. The reigning empress has so far subdued a faux vampire who tried to usurp her, but she manages to overcome the coup d’état without breaking a sweat. Yet with the necromancer from the underworld challenging her, Mikoto cannot rest on her laurels, lest she lose her seat of power. The chestnut-haired Electromaster knows full well what is needed to stand on top of the pile victorious since she has tasted the sweet nectar of victory on her last successful campaign. Yet the necromancer, Eucliwood Hellscythe, has so far managed to gather enough strength to best one of the Railgun’s nemeses with ease. Totally dominating the face-off, the armour-clad maiden made a total mockery of the Flame Haze. With her trusted death scythe in her arsenal, woe betides those who dare cross paths with her. While her first attempt toward immortality was halted unceremoniously, the silver-haired damsel has returned this time more prepared than ever. Can the queen defend her throne against another one who covets her crown, or will the necromancer be able to unseat her? |

Yui (Angel Beats!) vs. Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
"I can't let them down just yet." While they may be out of the competition, Yui and Kashiwazaki Sena do not wish to leave this match empty-handed. Yui is a highly energetic girl who loves to move around and never skips a beat. The term "stop" does not appear in her dictionary, and she will use every minute she can to do something she feels excited about. While her outgoing personality can cause several mishaps to occur during a mission, her friends know that Yui means only to lift their spirits. In contrast, Sena is a more formal and proper student, seen as an idol by many people. Despite such popularity among her peers, Sena has a hard time distinguishing between those around her because of her looks and those who truly care about her needs and concerns. Sena is a passionate and emotional girl who wishes for people to be genuinely kind to her rather than to serve her for their own benefits. Can Yui pick up the victory in this match, or will Sena be the one standing over her? |

Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) vs. Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
“We have lost, but we still have another score to settle.” For both Hasegawa Kobato and Shana, the Single Elimination Period has been cruel to them for differing reasons. Even though both contestants are backed by arguably two of the biggest factions in ISML, the maidens were soundly beaten by their opponents in the prior round. Kobato was given the unenviable task to defeat the reigning Tiara bearer. With such a gap in strength, the cute imōto was powerless to stop her opponent, in a predicted one-way avalanche against one of Stella division’s goliaths. Having been shown how powerless she is, the Postseason has been a real eye opener for her. Shana, on the other hand, was paired against an opponent who was statistically as strong as she. But as reality unraveled itself, the Flame Haze was not even close to her opponent, and was swept by the wayside against one of Nova division’s main contenders. Nothing hurts more than being soundly beaten by an adversary one thinks she has a fair crack against. As both HanaKana and Kugyū lick their wounds after a representative of each camp has exited the main stage, this battle will be perfect for them to get one over the other. Which camp will prevail? |

Takahashi Nanami (Bokura ga Ita)
vs. Aihara Kotoko (Itazura na Kiss)
vs. Koizumi Risa (Lovely Complex)
타카하시 나나미 ( 우리들이 있었다 )
대 아이하라 코토코 ( 장난스런 키스 )
대 코이즈미 리사 ( 러브★콤플렉스 )
To the world I ask, what is love? What is this emotion, this fickle state of mind that drives people to madness, yet offers promises of infinite bliss? Whereas some sink in a mire of confusion, others are granted clarity of light because of it. While love is heralded sometimes as an unstoppable force, it often struggles to overcome the many barriers between the lover and the beloved. Often the stories about love focus on this contradiction and how they can interact with existing walls to create a complicated maze of barriers that daunts all who get sucked into it. The girls here all face obstacles to love so formidable, that most of our hearts would falter before them, lest we ourselves confront them in reality. It is here where the true strengths of these three girls emerge, as each acquires the understanding and fortitude needed to scale these obstacles after much trial and error. What is interesting is that all face different type of obstacles: Nanami's being spiritual, geographical, and relational, Kotoko being that of intellect, ability, and expectation, and Risa being of height, history, and social circumstances. However, they all have the ability to turn their problems and weaknesses into strengths and assets as well. The caring and devotion Nanami displays is very commendable. Kotoko's optimism and willingness to spring to action is a quality that surprisingly many of us need more of. Risa's decisiveness and fortitude in daily matters can be a desirable quality depending on the situation. It may be possible that voters have faced their own problems, which resemble ones faced by one of these girls, or wish to have the fortitude and willingness these girls sometimes display. Perhaps we may discover with which problem or quality voters most sympathize. 사랑이란 무엇인가? 도대체 이런 감정은, 이 변덕스러운 정신상태는, 왜 사람을 미치게 하고 동시에 무한한 환희를 가져오는가? 사랑 때문에 우리는 혼돈의 늪에 빠지기도 하고, 사랑때문에 세상이 유리처럼 투명하게 다가오기도 한다. 또 사랑은 불가항력이라고 하나 왜 사랑하는 사람과 사랑받는 사람 사이에는 이토록 장벽이 많은가? 사랑에 관한 이야기는 이러한 모순과 장애요인이 상호작용으로 만들어 낸 절망적인 미로에 대해 종종 촛점을 맞춘다. 여기에 나온 세명의 여주인공들 역시 대부분의 사람들을 포기하게 만들만한 거대한 장벽과 마주치게 된다. 그러나 이런 장벽에 대면할 때 비로소 이 여주인공들의 진정한 힘이 드러나는데, 이들은 수많은 시행착오라는 과정을 거치며 이 모든 방해요소를 극복할 수 있는 이해와 의지를 얻게 된다. 세명이 직면하게 되는 장벽은 모두 다른 형태를 띄고 있는데, 나나미는 과거에 의한 정신적 상처, 지리적인 거리, 그리고 주변 인물들과의 관계로 인한 갈등도 극복해야 하고 코토코는 지적, 기술적 능력, 주위의 기대 차이라는 장벽을 넘어야 한다. 리사는 신체적 차이, 연애사, 주변사람들과 관계 때문에 많은 갈등과 어려움을 대면해야 했다. 그러나 이들 모두 자신의 약점과 문제를 앞으로 나갈 원동력과 장점으로 바꿀 힘이 있었다. 나나미의 다정함과 헌신은 존경할만 하고, 코토코의 낙천성과 적극성은 의외로 많은 사람들이 필요로 하는 것이다. 리사의 일상사에 대한 결단력과 굳건함은 상황에 따라서 매우 바람직한 장점이 될 수 있다. 오늘 투표하는 분들은 이 세 여주인공과 비슷한 문제를 대면해 보았을지 모르고 혹은 이들이 보여준 의지와 적극성을 각각 다른 식으로 필요로 하고 있을 지 모른다. 과연 어떤 문제에 더 많은 분들이 공감하고 어떤 장점을 더 많은 분들이 원하는지 궁금하다. |
Thanks to Eclairs, Momento10, and maglor for contributing today's match previews.
Translation by maglor (Korean).
Translation by maglor (Korean).
League Semifinals, Day 1 — Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto)
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"And thus, I wait until my wish is granted." A dream. I'm dreaming. A dream to be stronger mentally and emotionally. A dream to change myself to become a person who can get along with others. Every day, it's the same dream. I wish to make friends with others, to play with them and laugh with them. I dream about the happiness of what it feels like to be together, creating small bonds to share with them, secrets only meant for us. I dream about the warmth of what it feels like to hold someone tightly in my arms, someone whom I care about, and someone whom I love. I've been meaning to get along with others, to break the wall that separates me from them. However, every time I try to fly over or climb up, that wall seems to rise forever, as though it is impossible for me to perform such a task given my personality. But, I will not give up. No matter how many hours, no matter how many days, no matter how many years, I will continue to dream, hoping to open to others, hoping for someone to open up to me. Will you help me fulfill my dream? |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Saber (Fate/stay night)
"We aspire for change no matter how low the chances are. We call such longing 'hope.'" Both Nagato Yuki and Saber have been trying to figure themselves out and what it is that they really want. For Yuki, she wanted to understand what it was like to have feelings and emotion. However, because her system considered such emotions as 'bugs,' Yuki would alter the world to create a new self, a person whom she could have been. Yet those around her were fine with the way she was and would help her find what was missing within her when the time came. Saber sought the Holy Grail so she could relive her life before her country fell into ruin. Such goals blinded her from what was already in front of her: friends who cared about her even when they learned her story. Now Saber draws her sword not only for her past, but also for the present that she cherishes just as much. Will Yuki be able to silence the high-ranked Servant, or will Saber slay a member of the Data Integration Thought Entity? |

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
"They're waiting for me..." While Nakamura Yuri and Nakano Azusa are unable to participate further in the Tiara bracket, that does not mean they should stop causing mayhem of their own. Yuri's quick and reasonable judgment and well thought-out plans make her an excellent candidate for any leadership role. Yet Yuri will always take a step forward in the front line when things get personal or she feels she must solve the problem alone. People continue to follow her because they know how much she cares about them and their well being. In contrast, Azusa understands the mistakes of others and wishes to correct them, but is sometimes too shy to speak out her mind. Sometimes, her opinions are not heard due to the noise and excitement the band members are having. However, when Azusa gets her point across, all listen to her advice because of her seriousness and how much she loves music. Which one of these girls will remain standing when the dust settles? |

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Yui (Angel Beats!)
"I'm not running out of energy anytime soon." If there is one thing that these two girls have in common, it is their inability to give up no matter how difficult the situation. Misaka Mikoto does not waste any time dealing with people who are disturbing the peace of her city and gives them a piece of her mind. While strong and proper, Mikoto can be short-tempered and easily embarrassed or angered when words cannot describe the silliness of the situation. Nevertheless, Mikoto is prepared for whatever comes her way, no matter how big or large the competition. In contrast, Yui is like a loose cannon, ready to fire her energy at any given moment, no matter how serious the mood is. Yui has a high chance of hurting herself, then causing harm to others, due to her uncontrollable personality. However, she will always have a smile on her face, enjoying every second of moving around and having fun with dear friends. Will Mikoto zap her opponent to nothingness, or will Yui get the best of her when she least expects it? |

Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs. Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
“All good things will come to an end…” For both Akiyama Mio and Shana, their fame and popularity has finally deserted them. Once a tiara bearer, Mio’s strength in the past two years since her last championship triumph has been mediocre. Slugging it out in the bottom of the tier in the 2011 edition, and being one of the weaker Stellar tier one girls, the bassist is a far cry from when she rocked the anime world with her patented catchphrase, “Moe Moe Kyun”. On the other hand, Shana—with her two appearances in the finals of the tournament—has always been an iconic contestant. Ever present since the inaugural competition in 2008, her presence has always flickered between the top seed and slightly below that for the past four years. Yet her performance in the most recent tournament has left much more to be desired. With her anime being wrapped up properly, it is hard to fathom the Flame Haze being able to mount a last hurrah for the Tiara. As newer generations of anime maidens start to take over, so will the older ones be phased out—but which one will be the first one nudged off? |

Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
vs. Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
"Envision what the world would be like if you looked through my eyes." Sometimes things do not go the way one wants them to, but learning to adapt to such changes can bring out experiences one may have never had before. Although hanging around with other people was something that Kashiwazaki Sena had wanted, she felt as though she could not see them as true friends the way she envisioned it. To understand what it means to hang out with friends, Sena would spend nights researching activities one does with other people as well as completing video games. Sena is determined to find someone whom she can relate to and be with in times of need. While Suzumiya Haruhi is an intelligent and athletic student, she is mainly interested in extraterrestrial beings and thinks nothing of normal people. When there are no clubs that suit her interests, Haruhi decides to create her own club, making sure that everyone in the club has fun whether they want to or not. While Haruhi sometimes gets ahead of herself, many of her requests are sincere, as she truly wants everyone to feel as much joy as she. Who will have her hand raised when this match is over? |

Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto) vs. Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
"I am a better sister than you can ever be!" While they are both sisters, the way they treat their respective older brothers is completely different. Kōsaka Kirino mostly sees her brother as an unnecessary part of her life, not wishing for him to enter or appear in her private affairs. Yet when she feels down or powerless, she finds herself in her bother's arms, asking for strength and guidance. She may not reveal it, but Kirino truly cares about her brother and wishes for what is best for him. Hasegawa Kobato adores her bother so much that she tries to spend as much time with him as she can. When she learns that he comes home late due to club activities, she wonders what it is about the club that keeps him occupied. Thus, she becomes a member of the same club so that she can spend even more time with him than before. There is only enough room for one sister in this contest. Which will our voters wish to side with? |
Thanks to Momento10 and Eclairs for contributing today's match previews.
League Semifinals, Day 2 — Thursday, 25 October 2012

Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?) vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
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“We have both bested the best; now the time is nigh for us to settle our score.” After besting two former empresses in Akiyama Mio and Misaka Mikoto, both Aisaka Taiga and Eucliwood Hellscythe have finally shown that they have what it takes to be in the mix for the coveted Heavenly Tiara. After another close shave against the 2010 champion, the chestnut-haired tsundere has finally managed to be in the semifinals of the tournament for the first time since her induction in 2009. Atypical to the normalcy where a contestant tends to lose her strength as time moves on, Taiga has instead gained strength, as shown in her past records of finishing 7th, 6th, and 5th respectively. The silver-haired maiden on the other hand overcame last season’s tiara bearer and finalist in two lopsided matches. After a somewhat subdued performance in 2011, where she was considered a weak contestant, 2012 has seen her popularity rise up quite substantially. With a fourth place finish already guaranteed, Eucliwood hopes to go as far as she can. As two petite maidens square off for a place in the grand finale of ISML 2012, one can only guess the outcome for this tightly contested matchup between the Palmtop Tiger and the Necromancer of the Underworld. |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
“You have beaten me once, but will you be able to do it again?” As the swirling of concentrated pure energy materializes, the electrical density increases. The mass of destructive power is being manipulated by none other than Misaka Mikoto, hoping to turn the vortices of raw power against her adversary. After one of the deadliest weapons in her arsenal, the Railgun, was repelled with ease, the maiden plots another means to be victorious. After some thoughtful considerations, the level five Electromaster decides that creating dense plasma will be sufficient to subdue her nemesis once and for all. As the chestnut-haired damsel hurls the plasma towards the silent, purple-haired girl, reality seems to bend yet again. Suddenly, the shining sphere vanishes from thin air as Nagato Yuki recites some rapid yet inaudible incantations. As the petite bookworm starts her offensive, the landscape of the battle shifts into an open plain. Distorting the space-time continuum, the human artificial intelligence dips into her unknown powers to tilt the balance in her favour. In the alternate world, she has made sure there are no electrons available for her enemy. Will Mikoto be able to overcome the hurdle or will Yuki be able to subdue her into waving the white flag instead? |

Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
“Humming with the tune of harmony.” What makes a perfect band? Is it the strumming of guitar strings giving mood to the fans? Is it the ambient bass overlay, which perfectly foils it? How about the energetic drumbeats or the rhythmic keyboard tunes? Will the band be complete without vocals, unless the songs presented are instrumentals instead? Akiyama Mio and Nakano Azusa are part of the Hōkago Tea Time band. As one of the original members of the ensemble, Mio plays the bass and provides the vocal cover for the lead guitarist. Shy when she is in the spotlight, she manages to overcome her weakness on stage to woo the audience and in turn entice Azusa to join them during one of their shows. Being a new recruit, Azusa respects the other band members, especially the left-handed bassist. With herself being a very talented guitarist, she provides the perfect foil to the band’s more carefree lead guitarist, often lending said person guidance in music. As senpai and kōhai unite to present us with wonderful melodies, will Mio’s soothing voice and calming bass lines be preferred, or will Azusa’s exuberant guitar melodies woo the audience instead? |

Saber (Fate/stay night) vs. Yui (Angel Beats!)
"Listen to the beat of my soul." Neither Saber nor Yui have had the brightest of pasts that one might like to have. Failing to meet the expectations of other people and becoming unable to do things that one loves the most due to a medical condition takes a heavy toll on their mental and emotional conditions. Yet Saber and Yui continue to fight on using every ounce of energy that they have, making sure every second counts for their dreams and aspirations. Saber seeks the Holy Grail to change her past and find a more suitable king to take her throne. She continues to practice chivalry in every match, reminding herself that fighting for a goal is useless if it is not done through honest means. Yui wants to move around as much as possible to make up for lost time from the inability to do so. She wishes to try every activity that she is interested in, for that is what drives her to wake up to a brand new day. The sound that resonates within their bodies is strong, but only one shall come up to the top. |

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs. Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!)
"Remember what you are fighting for." As time ticks away, their world starts to crumble and fall into a state of chaos. Before they take a step forward, they must first recall their purpose, their reason for doing things, and how their future actions will alter their lives forever. As they close their eyes, they slowly remember what it was that brought them here. They were not doing this because of an obligation. They were here because they wanted to be, because they felt as though this was the path they were meant to take all along. They remember that they are not alone, that there are many who share their reasoning and wish to see their paths through to the end. They fight for their choices, their rights, and, most importantly, the freedom to choose what they want to do in the future. They wish to show the world that they are here, ready to make a difference in the world around them. Setting her blade ablaze and loading her gun, Shana and Nakamura Yuri walk forward without looking back. Drawing their weapons, they fight... |

Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
vs. Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
"Don't think that you'll escape my wrath!" The great goddess challenges the ancient vampire Reisys VI Felicity Sumeragi in a battle of mythological proportions. Suzumiya Haruhi has proven several times that her reign is absolute and that no words can sway her decision any other way. She leads her men to battle, already believing that she will be the victor before anything happens. Her tenacity and high energy knows no bounds, and she will continue forward even if she must drag others with her in order to do so. On the other side lies the embassy of darkness led by Hasegawa Kobato. Her heterochromatic eyes see all, and she will spell doom to those who even think about challenging her power. Her resiliency and optimism are her key charms, and she will do whatever it takes to achieve victory. Who will win in this classic tale of two deities? |

Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) vs. Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
"Is it that hard to express how you truly feel?" Great looks, highly athletic, popular, and fans of visual novels related to little sisters—it is hard to see girls like Kashiwazaki Sena and Kōsaka Kirino not getting the attention they deserve. Yet what separates them from the entire world are their internal struggles that they constantly deal with daily. Sena is searching for peers whom she can talk to about private matters and who can help her during her greatest time of need. Kirino wishes to express her love of anime against a society in which such hobbies are frowned upon, even shunned. For Sena and Kirino, they feel as though there is a barrier between them and the world, in which they are alone in their own spaces with no one who truly knows how they feel. What they need to learn is that such a barrier can be broken, and that there are people who will stand by their sides for their goals. Whom will the voters help break away from her barrier? |
Thanks to Eclairs and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
League Championship Match — Sunday, 28 October 2012

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
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In a year full of surprises, a Nova-only final might just be the most unexpected turn of events yet. Not many thought the contestants of the Nova Division would be able to stand toe-to-toe with the Stella elite, let alone overcome the odds and defeat them. But standing here today, under the bright lights of the stage where the most important showdown of the year will take place, are two contestants who defied the expectations of those who underestimated them. With her perfect Regular Season record still intact after two years, as well as having two necklaces added to her name, Tachibana Kanade would like nothing more than to obtain the item that would essentially cement her reputation as one of the most dominant contestants in ISML history: the Heavenly Tiara. However, the one blocking her from achieving her goal might prove to be her most challenging opponent yet. Having taken down three of the Stella Division's powerhouses—including last year's champion—en route to the Tiara final, Eucliwood Hellscythe's Postseason dominance has been breathtakingly impressive. In a match where the deadliest weapon goes up against the strongest armour, which will prove to be more superior? |

Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto) vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
"You're not trying hard enough." Love tends to do mysterious things to people. In the case of Gokō Ruri, she wanted to be with him even though his sister was on his mind most of the time. When his sister left, Ruri attempted to be her replacement, mostly hanging in his room during her free time or traveling with him wherever he went. Ruri wishes for him to see her as a good friend and also as a woman trying to gain his affection. No matter how many times she tries to chase the one whom she is interested in, Aisaka Taiga cannot let the person who has helped her all this time go. Whenever Taiga wanted to learn how to swim, bake some sweets, or fake a campaign, he was always there to help her out. Taiga was grateful for his actions, but it never crossed her mind that she would fall for him as well. Ruri and Taiga have both found ways to get the results that they need. Today, they make sure that the one who meows last, meows the best. |

Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
"Let me make the most out of these last moments." Although these two former Tiara bearers are out of the competition, that does not mean that they should let their guards down just yet. Akiyama Mio is a serious bassist who cares much about her academics and music. Elegant and intelligent, Mio spends a majority of her time correcting the wrongs of her friends and setting them straight when they get distracted. However, Mio gets dragged along with her friends’ antics, sometimes making her do embarrassing things. Misaka Mikoto is an energetic and upbeat student who is not afraid of taking down anyone who stands in her way. Mikoto has a tendency to act before she thinks, eliminating her adversaries without knowing what she is doing. Even so, Mikoto has a strong sense of pride and justice and hates to lose against anyone. Can Mio cool her down with her musical notes, or is Mikoto too shocking for her opponent to stop? |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
"There's only so much happiness one can have..." One usually accepts what happens around him or her and moves on with life. Yet for these two girls, there is something much more than just leaving a situation as is. For Nagato Yuki, she recreated a world where she would feel and experience emotions like everyone else. Yuki wanted to understand what it would be like to be human, but chose against it when her curiosity made her alter the world several times more. Yuki realized that she did not need to change this instance, but could take it one step at a time, as many were fine with the way she was. Nakano Azusa was having so much fun with her club that she had forgotten that her seniors would graduate and move on with their lives. Azusa did not wish for them to leave her alone, as they meant a lot to her during the days they spent together. Azusa is reminded that the memories will always be in her heart and theirs as well, and that they will never forget her. Yuki and Azusa hope to cherish each moment as much as possible, not wanting anyone to get in their way... |

Yui (Angel Beats!) vs. Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
"I'll be the one to end this with a bang!" There is no questioning the passion that Yui and Shana possess when it comes to living for the future and learning activities and emotions they have never experienced in their lives. Out of everyone in her group, Yui wanted to jump and run around the most, but was unable to do so because of her condition. In the afterlife, she could do that and many other things that she could not dream of doing before, such as playing sports or going wild with a rock band. Yui is always trying to live her life to the fullest and makes the most out of her energy every day. Upon entering the human world and going to school, Shana experienced things that she had rarely felt before. From spending time with her schoolmates to falling in love, Shana changed from a cold person sworn to her duty to developing her own reasons for fighting and defeating an enemy. Shana does not wish to let go the things she cares about most and will fight for them, even if it means going against someone she used to care about. Which of these two characters will end this year on a happy note? |

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs. Saber (Fate/stay night)
"What exactly is your wish?" Maybe what they were trying to fight for was close to them the entire time. Nakamura Yuri always had her friends in mind whenever she went out to execute a mission. Like them, Yuri could not forgive someone who had ruined her peaceful life, thus leading a group of people who also wished to defy the one who did not provide them a good life. However, maybe the person whom they believed was a messenger of God also wanted to befriend them, as she believed her life could have continued further had fate made it so. Saber regretted the things she had done in the past and wanted to make up for her mistakes throughout the war. As time moved on, she learned that such tasks could not be done alone and that she needed assistance from those she could rely on. Saber was able to eventually forgive herself for her actions and fought on thinking forward to the future that she would create should she win. With gun and sword, Yuri and Saber clash one last time in a battle filled with loss and revival. |

Tsukishima Aoba (Cross Game) vs. Rakka (Haibane Renmei)
"Flame Thrower vs. Water Cooler" On the outside, these two girls couldn't be further apart. Aoba is a fiery, take-charge tomboyish girl who acts if she is sure of where she wants to go. Rakka is a gentle, delicate girl who can be a comforting feminine presence. The paths they take within their series differ as well with Aoba becoming a role model and mentor to the main protagonist of the series in the beginning, while Rakka is someone that must be tended to and taught the ropes of the world like a baby. In the end, Aoba sees her pupil surpass her in her strongest suit, while Rakka becomes ready to be teacher and caregiver. Surprisingly, these two outward differences both stem from struggles with personal history, self-doubt, and determination to go forward. Both remind us that you can't let the past drag you down, and that you should accept the fact that people around you will grow up and change with you. While Aoba's presence can be very reassuring, we need to remember she needs you to give her the confidence to move ahead. The opposite is the case for Rakka as you may feel that you are helping her, but in a subtle way she is helping you have some peace of mind. Perhaps this subtle difference will determine how you might vote. |
Thanks to maglor, Jeffrey-sama, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.