Featured Matches - ISML 2012 Amethyst Period
Amethyst 1 — Sunday, 3 June 2012

Sakura Kyōko (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica) vs. Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!)
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Always on the forefront of any battle, both Sakura Kyōko and Nakamura Yuri are warriors you don't want to mess with. Their combat experience exceeds that of most teenage girls and their presence among their respective groups is like that of a bright flame. Wielding her trusty spear at all times, Kyōko is an expert in close quarters combat. Although seemingly selfish at times, the reasoning behind her actions stems from her traumatizing past in which she essentially lost everything. On the other hand, Yuri is proficient in the use of long-range firearms such as her pistols. Similarly to Kyōko, she also has a past which she finds tough to let go of—a past in which she lost those who were closest to her. Regardless, both girls continue to fight on, wanting to make the best out of the future that lies ahead. As the sound of bullets clashing with a spear rings through the air, who will be the last one standing—Sakura Kyōko or Nakamura Yuri? Selalu di garis depan dalam pertempuran apapun, baik Sakura Kyoko dan Nakamura Yuri adalah prajurit yang tidak ingin main dengan anda. Pengalaman tempur mereka melebihi dari gadis lainnya dan kehadiran mereka di antara kelompok masing-masing adalah seperti itu dari sisi terangnya. Menghunus dengan tombak terpercayanya setiap saat, Kyoko adalah seorang ahli dalam pertempuran jarak dekat. Meskipun tampaknya egois, karena di balik tindakannya berasal dari masa lalunya di mana ia pada dasarnya kehilangan segalanya. Di sisi lain, Yuri adalah ahli dalam penggunaan senjata api jangka panjang seperti pistol nya. Tapi mirip dengan Kyoko, dia juga memiliki masa lalu yang dimana dia sulit untuk melepaskan masa lalunya, ketika ia kehilangan orang-orang yang dekat dengannya. Apapun itu, kedua gadis ini terus berjuang, ingin membuat yang terbaik untuk masa depan. Seperti suara peluru, bentrok dengan cincin tombak di udara, siapa yang akan menjadi yang berdiri tegak, Sakura Kyoko atau Nakamura Yuri? |

Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
vs. Haqua du Lot Herminium (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
It is a new period, and it is a new hope for all contestants. With the conclusion of the Aquamarine Period, every girl now starts with a clean slate. That goes for both Hasegawa Kobato and Haqua du Lot Herminium. If Kobato is to get a shot in winning the period’s necklace, she will have to improve on her Aquamarine performance. With a record of five wins and two losses, she may be on course to enter the Postseason mix up, but she will not be able enter the coveted necklace round at the end of this period. She needs to weave more of her dark magic and flaunt her sisterly charm to woo more voters and convince them to vouch for her. On the other hand, Haqua did slightly worse in comparison to her opponent during the last period. With an additional loss on her plate, she is on the cusp of Nova division’s top sixteen. The genius spirit hunter will have to tap into her wealth of natural talents to sway the pendulum back to her side. As this match is important to both maidens, which girl will emerge with the spoils of war? Ini adalah periode baru, dan itu adalah harapan baru bagi semua kontestan. Dengan berakhirnya Periode Aquamarine, setiap gadis sekarang mulai semuanya dengan yang bersih. Itu berlaku untuk Hasegawa Kobato dan Haqua du Lot Herminium. Jika Kobato ingin mendapatkan suntikan dalam memenangkan kalung periode, dia harus memperbaiki kinerja Aquamarine dia. Dengan rekor lima kemenangan dan dua kali kalah, dia akan berada di jalur tepat untuk memasuki Post Season, tapi ia tidak akan dapat memasuki babak kalung yang didambakannya, yang akan diselenggarakan pada akhir periode. Dia perlu "menenun" lebih dari sekedar "sihir gelap" dan memamerkan pesonanya untuk merayu pemilih lebih menjamin untuknya. Haqua di sisi lain, tidak sedikit lebih buruk dibandingkan dengan rekan senegaranya selama periode sebelumnya. Dengan satu lebih banyak kerugian yang ditimbulkan padanya, dia di puncak enam belas divisi Nova. Pemburu jenius ini harus memanfaatkan kekayaannya dalam bakat alam, untuk mempengaruhi pemilih kembali ke sisinya. Seperti pertandingan ini penting untuk kedua gadis, siapa gadis yang akan muncul dengan harta rampasan perang dari lawannya? |

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Suzutsuki Kanade (Mayo Chiki!)
To kick off the Amethyst Period, we have, for the first time in ISML history, a battle between two Kanades: Tachibana Kanade and Suzutsuki Kanade. After coming off a perfect Regular Season last year in what was her first ISML campaign, Tachibana Kanade continues her undefeated streak, which is now sitting at fifty-six matches. In a perfect Aquamarine Period, she managed to rack up a whopping 26,263 VD—6,363 votes more than second place. The sheer power shown in those numbers is what has made many consider her a lock for the Sapphire Circlet. Her counterpart, on the other hand, could use some help. For Suzutsuki Kanade, a subpar Aquamarine Period where she went 2-5 is not the start to her career that she wanted. And if she wants to hand Tenshi her first Regular Season loss, this rich girl will need to step up her game. But on the bright side, a new period and a clean slate may just be what she needs to get her going. Although their given names are the same, it's easy to see that these two girls are totally different. When given the choice, whom will you vote for? Untuk memulai Periode Amethyst, pertama kalinya dalam sejarah ISML, pertempuran antara dua Kanades: Tachibana Kanade dan Suzutsuki Kanade. Setelah datang dari sebuah Musim Reguler yang sempurna tahun lalu dalam kampanye pertamanya di ISML, Tachibana Kanade terus tak terkalahkan, yang sekarang duduk di 56 pertandingan. Pada Aquamarine yang sempurna, ia berhasil membuat catatan 26263 VD-6363 dengan suara lebih dari tempat kedua. Kekuatan yang ditunjukkan dalam angka-angka adalah apa yang telah membuat banyak menganggap dia kunci untuk Circlet Sapphire. Rekannya, di sisi lain, bisa menggunakan bantuannya. Untuk Suzutsuki Kanade, Masa Aquamarine penuh mengecewakan dengan catatan 2-5, bukanlah awal karir ISML yang ia inginkan. Dan jika dia ingin mengalahkan Tenshi untuk menebus kekecewaannya, gadis kaya ini perlu meningkatkan permainannya. Tapi sisi baiknya, periode yang baru adalah hal yang dibutuhkan untuk kedepannya. Meskipun nama mereka sama, mudah untuk melihat bahwa kedua anak perempuan sama sekali berbeda. Ketika diberi pilihan, siapa yang anda pilih? |

Sakagami Tomoyo (CLANNAD) vs. Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!)
This match-up features a clash between two fierce student council presidents, both of whom are physically capable of fending for themselves. Representing Hikarizaka Private High School is Sakagami Tomoyo. Owning a track record of being a violent girl who goes around beating up delinquents, her journey to get to where she is now consisted of repairing her bad reputation. But thanks to her strong determination and willpower, as well as the support from her friends, she is able to stand on this stage today, ready for another battle. In response, Hakuō Academy sends out its own student council president, Katsura Hinagiku. Trained in the arts of kendo, Hinagiku is not only academically intelligent, but also strong, physically. Because of her all-around excellence in a variety of fields, she has become the school's unofficial idol, garnering fans of both genders. In this fiery inter-school battle, which student body will give its student council president more support? Will Sakagami Tomoyo be able to punch and kick her way to victory, or will the kendo club's captain stop her with one swing of the Masamune? Ini pertandingan dengan bentrokan sengit antara dua presiden dewan siswa, keduanya secara fisik mampu melindungi diri mereka sendiri. Mewakili Sekolah Tinggi Hikarizaka, Sakagami Tomoyo. Memiliki track record sebagai seorang gadis yang selalu berurusan dengan kekerasan, dan jabatannya ia gunakan untuk memperbaiki reputasi buruknya. Namun berkat tekad yang kuat dan kemauan, serta dukungan dari teman-temannya, dia mampu berdiri di panggung ini hari ini, siap untuk mencoba bertempur kembali. Sebagai tanggapannya, Akedemi Hakuo mengirimkan presiden dewan siswa mereka, Katsura Hinagiku. Terlatih dalam seni kendo, Hinagiku tidak hanya cerdas secara akademis, tetapi juga kuat, secara fisik. Karena semua keunggulannya dalam berbagai bidang, ia telah menjadi idola tidak resmi sekolah, mengumpulkan penggemar dari semuannya. Dalam pertempuran antar sekolah yang berapi-api ini, siapa yang menjadi presiden dewan terpopuler? Akankah Sakagami Tomoyo mampu memukul dan menendang lawannya menuju kemenangan, atau akankah kapten klub kendo kita menang dengan satu ayunan Masamune itu? |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Hecate (Shakugan no Shana)
If one didn't know any better, he would think of both Aisaka Taiga and Hecate as merely two cute girls. Their petite figures, coupled with angelic faces, are but faux representations of who they really are. The Palmtop Tiger belies her adorable appearance with her usual snaps at the people around her. Feared by many of the students in her school, she needs a dragon to tame her. Yet underneath all of this, Taiga is but a damsel in distress, trying vainly to achieve her own happiness after being pushed towards the pits of despair. The Throne Master, on the other hand, wields a vast power beyond the comprehensions of mortal people. Inducted as one of the top brass in her organisation, she is feared by her subordinates and foes alike. For all her status and power, she still prefers to meditate and recite silent prayers most of the time. As these two cute maidens face off against each other, will Taiga’s ferocity be enough to overcome her opponent, or will Hecate’s silent demeanour spell the end of Taiga’s charge in the Amethyst Necklace race instead? Jika salah satu tidak mengetahui yang lebih baik, ia akan berpikir baik Aisaka Taiga dan Hecate hanya sebagai dua gadis lucu. Sosok mungil mereka, ditambah dengan wajah malaikat hanyalah representasi palsu tentang siapa mereka sebenarnya. Harimau Palmtop memungkiri penampilan manisnya, dengan cara yang biasa untuk orang-orang di sekitarnya. Ditakuti oleh banyak siswa di sekolahnya, karena reputasinya, dibutuhkan "naga" untuk menjinakkan dia. Namun di balik semua ini, Taiga hanyalah gadis dalam kesulitan, mencoba dengan sia-sia untuk mencapai kebahagiaan sendiri, setelah telah didorong ke jurang keputusasaan. Master Tahta di sisi lain dengan kekuasaan begitu luas, di luar pemahaman orang fana. Dilantik sebagai salah satu petinggi dalam organisasi, dia dikhawatirkan oleh bawahannya maupun lawan. Untuk semua statusnya dan kekuasaan, ia masih lebih suka bermeditasi dan membaca doa-doa dengan diam. Sebagai dua gadis imut berhadapan satu sama lain, akankah keganasan Taiga yang cukup untuk mengatasi lawannya, atau akankah sikap diam Hecate itu menjadi mantra terakhir bagi Taiga dalam perlombaan Kalung Amethyst ini? |

Shinku & Suigintō (Rozen Maiden)
vs. Tōsaka Rin & Matō Sakura (Fate/stay night)
Like two sides of a coin. Like yin and yang. There are multiple ways of perceiving the sisterly, yet tragic relationship between the four that face each other. Suigintō was known to be a prototype, a broken doll cast alone on the shelf. Out of pity, Shinku wanted to be with her, to teach her how to move and live by herself. Yet it took one misunderstanding to sever their relationship, filling a kind-spirited Suigintō full of jealousy and malice as they turned against each other for the right to be the perfect doll. Sometimes, Shinku wishes she could turn back time and rekindle the relationship that they might have grown back then. Tōsaka Rin and Matō Sakura are biological sisters who were separated at birth by the decision of their parents. Since then, they have grown up with very different lifestyles—Rin taking on a more prideful self and Sakura becoming more humble. Both had forgotten the childhood they once spent together, and the revelation of their sisterly blood could not have been any crueler as both faced each other for the Holy Grail. Surely these girls wished to have a different future than this, not wanting to fight against a sister for such a cruel fate. Which of these two can break the chains of their pasts and bring out a future that they deserve? Seperti dua sisi mata uang. Seperti yin dan yang. Ada beberapa cara untuk memahami hubungan kakak, namun tragis, mereka harus saling berhadapan. Suigintō dikenal sebagai prototipe, boneka rusak yang dilemparkan saja di rak. Karena kasihan, Shinku ingin bersama dia, untuk mengajarkan cara untuk bergerak dan hidup sendiri. Namun, butuh satu kesalahpahaman yang akan memutuskan hubungan itu dan membuat mereka berbalik melawan satu sama lain untuk hak untuk menjadi boneka yang sempurna. Kadang-kadang, Shinku berharap ia bisa memutar kembali waktu dan menghidupkan kembali hubungan mereka bisa memiliki waktu itu. Tōsaka Rin dan Mato Sakura adalah saudara biologis yang terpisah di masa lalu dengan keputusan orang tuanya. Sejak itu mereka telah dewasa dalam gaya hidup yang sangat berbeda dengan Rin menjadi lebih sombong sementara Sakura menjadi lebih rendah hati. Keduanya telah melupakan masa kecil mereka yang telah dihabiskan bersama, dan wahyu darah kakak mereka tidak bisa lagi kejam karena keduanya akan saling berhadapan untuk Holy Grail. Tentu saja, gadis-gadis ini ingin memiliki masa depan yang berbeda dari ini, tidak ingin berperang melawan saudara mereka sendiri sedemikian kejamnya. Manakah dari dua dapat memutus rantai masa lalu mereka dan membawa masa depan yang mereka layak. |

Watanuki Banri & Roromiya Karuta (Inu × Boku SS)
vs. Kujō Kazuya & Victorique de Blois (GOSICK)
One does not need a reason to protect another, be it if they knew each other for a long time or only for a couple of minutes. Watanuki Banri brands himself as a delinquent, yet has a strong heart and will do anything to protect those he cares about, including his childhood friend, Roromiya Karuta. Karuta, although an airhead, is highly perceptive and knows what to say in any given situation. Whenever Karuta is in danger, Banri will do whatever it takes to save her, even when the outcome looks bleak. Even though both characters have known each other for a long time, when it comes to relationships, neither of them is able to give an explicit answer. An accidental meeting with Victorique de Blois led Kujō Kazuya through a series of various mysteries, as well as saddled him with several tedious tasks. Although Victorique has a stubborn and brash attitude, not once has Kazuya ever complained about her. Instead, he wanted to be with her, know her more, and hoped that she would accept him as a friend. Although Kazuya may be simple-minded, his strong sense of chivalry allows Victorique to justify his usefulness for both material and emotional strength. Which of these two can prove that the relationship they have is worth it? |
Thanks to Jeffrey-sama, Eclairs, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Amethyst 2 — Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Sakura Kyōko (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica)
vs. Charlotte Dunois (IS <Infinite Stratos>)
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There's no denying that both Sakura Kyōko and Charlotte Dunois have lived very tough lives. Having lost their mothers early on, the two were unable to receive the nurturing that all children need. What's worse was that both their fathers could care less about them. And so, alone they trudged along their paths of life, desiring to find something of significance that they could use to breathe life into themselves. For Kyōko, becoming a mahō shōjo allowed her to let out all her emotions through fighting. The powers that came along with this role are what keep her going in life. Charlotte, on the other hand, found happiness in the form of the boy on whom she was sent to spy. Before she knew it, she started to develop feelings for him and ultimately chose to disobey her selfish father in order to pursue her own wishes. With their depressing pasts now behind them, which girl will be able to make the jump further forward today—Sakura Kyōko or Charlotte Dunois? Tidak ada yang dapat disangkal bahwa Sakura Kyoko dan Dunois Charlotte telah menjalani kehidupan yang sangat sulit. Setelah kehilangan ibu mereka sejak awal, kedua tidak dapat menerima pengasuhan yang semua anak butuhkan. Yang lebih parah adalah bahwa kedua ayah mereka peduli tentang mereka. Jadi, saja mereka berjalan susah payah sepanjang jalan hidup mereka, yang ingin menemukan sesuatu yang penting yang dapat mereka gunakan untuk bernapas kehidupan ke dalam diri mereka sendiri. Untuk Kyoko, menjadi shōjo maho memungkinkannya untuk mengeluarkan semua emosinya melalui pertempuran. Kekuasaan yang datang bersama dengan peran ini adalah apa yang akan menjaganya dalam kehidupan. Charlotte, di sisi lain, menemukan kebahagiaan dalam bentuk anak yang ia dikirim untuk memata-matai. Sebelum dia tahu, dia mulai mengembangkan perasaan untuk dia dan akhirnya memilih untuk tidak mematuhi ayah egois nya untuk mengejar keinginan sendiri. Dengan masa lalu menyedihkan mereka sekarang di belakang mereka, siapa perempuan yang akan mampu membuat lompatan jauh ke depan hari ini - Sakura Kyoko atau Charlotte Dunois? |

Akemi Homura (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica) vs. Haruna (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
On the surface, this match seems to simply be one between two mahō shōjo, but there lies much more within. Haruna, a self-proclaimed genius, is prone to rash and flamboyant acts. Homura, the product of continual self-improvement, seeks to quietly achieve her goal in the most efficient way. While Haruna prioritizes herself as the focus of attention, Homura’s focus for existence is the well being of a friend. Homura is technologically inclined, using the latest arsenal to great effect, but Haruna relies on her primary magic item for her battles. Haruna's struggle is for her pride: to reclaim her magic, and to catch someone's eye; Homura’s is an epic sisyphean struggle against time and the forces of the universe that deny salvation for the people she holds dear. To those nearby, Haruna shows her affection in cute, yet sometimes puzzling, tsundere ways, while the tolls of Homura's struggle cause her to vacillate between moments of cool apathy and displays of passionate tenderness, tinged with despair. This is a great battle of contrasts between the hot charger and the cool planner. Who will you trust to get the job done? Di permukaan, pertandingan ini tampaknya hanya menjadi salah satu di antara dua maho shōjo, tapi ada hal yang jauh lebih dalam. Haruna, menganggap dirinya jenius, rentan terhadap tindakan ruam dan flamboyan. Homura, yang merupakan hasil reinkarnasi, berusaha untuk tenang mencapai tujuannya dengan cara yang paling efisien. Sementara Haruna mengutamakan dirinya sebagai fokus perhatiannya, fokus Homura untuk bertahan hidup adalah kesejahteraan teman. Homura yang cenderung diam, dengan menggunakan senjata terbaru untuk efek yang besar, tapi Haruna bergantung pada item sihir utamanya untuk pertempuran itu. Perjuangan Haruna adalah untuk harga dirinya: untuk merebut kembali sihirnya, dan untuk menangkap mata seseorang, sedangkan yang Homura adalah perjuangan epik melawan waktu dan kekuatan alam semesta yang menyangkal keselamatan untuk orang-orang yang disayanginya. Untuk orang-orang terdekat, Haruna menunjukkan kasih sayang dalam lucu, namun kadang-kadang membingungkan, dengan cara tsundere, sedangkan perjuangan Homura yang menyebabkan dia terombang-ambing antara saat-saat apatis dingin dan menampilkan kelembutan yang penuh gairah, diwarnai dengan putus asa. Ini adalah pertempuran besar kontras antara pengisi panas dan perencana dingin. Siapa yang akan Anda percaya untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan? |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Last Order (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
Here I am, trapped in this endless labyrinth together with Last Order and Nagato Yuki. My memory has failed me on how we got lost. After an eternity of fruitless endeavour, I can feel my spirit draining and my will withering. Trying in vain to escape this place, I look upon these two maidens for inspiration. Sensing my insecurity, Last Order tries to brighten the grim atmosphere growing around us. With her chirpy voice and gentle smile, she encourages us to keep plugging on. She always looks for the silver lining. While I am sure that she is scared as well, I can’t help but admire her courage. Unlike us, the silent Yuki is unperturbed by our problem and keeps her calm. After a while, I notice her mouth moving, like she is muttering something to herself. After a long lull, she suddenly opens her mouth again, and much to our pleasure, she seems to have figured out the labyrinth and our path to salvation. As we make our journey out, I wonder if I could have overcome this ordeal without the encouragements given by Last Order and the analytical deductions given by Nagato Yuki... Di sinilah aku, terjebak dalam labirin tak berujung, bersama dengan Last Order dan Nagato Yuki. Aku tidak dapat mengingat bagaimana kami bisa tersesat. Setelah berjuang keras sekian lama tanpa membuahkan hasil, aku dapat merasakan semangatku mulai hilang dan hasratku mulai memudar. Mencoba dengan sia-sia untuk keluar dari tempat ini, aku menatap kedua gadis ini untuk inspirasi. Merasakan kegelisahanku, Last Order mencoba mencerahkan suasana suram yang mulai menyelimuti kami. Dengan suara riang dan senyumannya yang lembut, dia menyemangati kami untuk tetap nerusaha. Dia selalu mencari sisi cerah dari suatu situasi. Meskipun aku tahu dia juga ketakutan, aku mengagumi keberaniannya. Yuki yang pendiam, tidak gentar dengan situasi yang kami hadapi, tetap tenang, tidak seperti kita. Setelah beberapa saat, aku menyadari mulutnya terus bergerak, seperti dia mengucapkan sesuatu kepada dirinya sendiri. Setelah kesunyian panjang, dia tiba-tiba membuka mulutnya, membuat kami gembira ketika dia sepertinya menemukan jalan untuk keluar dari labirin ini. Selagi kami bergerak keluar dari tempat ini, aku bertanya-tanya, dapatkah aku melewati cobaan ini tanpa dukungan dari Last Order dan kemampuan deduksi analitis dari Nagato Yuki... |

Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Oshino Shinobu (Bakemonogatari)
There are bound to be fixtures that will appease the moe fandom during the many schedules of ISML. One of these fixtures pits Sanzen’in Nagi against Oshino Shinobu in the second round of the Amethyst Period. Both girls have several overlapping traits, namely their long, golden hair, small statures, as well as their cute appearances. But their similarities end there, as there are marked differences between both Nagi and Shinobu. Unlike most high-class ladies, Nagi doesn’t like to fill her time with piano lessons or other typical high courtesan past times. The heiress of the Sanzen’in manor immerses herself in manga, anime, as well as video games. While she has more money than one can imagine, her favourite meals are the ones prepared by her maid. The once beautiful vampire known as "Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade" speaks in a refined manner. Due to an earlier incident, she is but a shell of her former self and shadows another peculiar entity. A couple of ‘Mr. Donuts’ or asking for her favours are said to be enough to calm her mood. As the two petite girls square off against each other, which one will emerge triumphant? Ada pasti menjadi perlengkapan yang akan menenangkan 'moe' fandom selama jadwal ISML. Salah satu perlengkapan seperti petandingan Sanzen'in Nagi terhadap Oshino Shinobu di babak kedua dari Periode Amethyst. Kedua anak perempuan memiliki ciri-ciri beberapa tumpang tindih, yaitu berambut panjang, rambut keemasan, tubuh kecil dilengkapi dengan penampilan manis mereka. Tapi kesamaan mereka berakhir di sana, karena ada perbedaan yang jelas antara kedua Nagi dan Shinobu. Tidak seperti kebanyakan wanita kelas tinggi, Nagi tidak suka mengisi waktunya melakukan les piano atau lainnya.Ahli waris dari bangsawan Sanzen'in ini menenggelamkan waktunya dengan membaca manga, nonton anime serta bermain video game. Sementara dia memiliki uang lebih dari yang dia bayangkan, makanan favoritnya adalah makanan dari maidnya.Vampir ini indah sekali dikenal sebagai "Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade" berbicara dengan cara yang halus. Karena insiden sebelumnya, dia muncul sebagai bayangannya. Satu mengatakan bahwa beberapa "Mrs Donuts" akan cukup untuk menenangkan suasana hatinya, atau meminta nikmat itu. Saat dua gadis mungil ancang-ancang melawan satu sama lain, siapa gadis yang akan muncul dengan kemenangan? |

Shiina Minatsu (Seitokai no Ichizon) & Hanabishi Miki (Hayate no Gotoku!)
vs. Mashiro Rima (Shugo Chara!) & Hagimura Suzu (Seitokai Yakuindomo)
Inside the student council room lies members of every type and personality. Shiina Minatsu is a hotheaded girl who is very interested in action and sports and is quite intelligent despite her athletic abilities. Although Mintasu may have a harsh tongue, she is very considerate and protective, especially towards her younger sister. Hanabishi Miki is a rather mischievous girl who will use her resources to her advantage to create various scenarios for characters for her enjoyment. Despite teasing people most of the time, Miki knows the correct time to say things, be it for her own sake or for the sake of her friends. Mashiro Rima may come off as a cute and cuddly girl, but hidden inside is a selfish personality who wishes to have everything done at her pace. This is to hide her own insecurities when things tend to go too far and she cannot handle the personal pressures anymore. Hagimura Suzu is a highly intelligent student who is usually the moderator of the group whenever conversations and actions tend to become too lewd. Suzu is very conscious about her height and wishes to be tall enough to be able to look down on those who treat her like a child. However, even those of the prestigious student council room tend to get into quarrels sometimes. Will it be the team of Minatsu and Miki, or Rima and Suzu, who will take their duties and ideas to new heights? Di dalam ruang dewan siswa terletak anggota dari setiap jenis dan kepribadian. Shiina Minatsu adalah gadis pemarah yang sangat tertarik pada aksi dan olahraga serta cukup cerdas meskipun dalam kemampuan atletiknya. Meskipun Mintasu mungkin memiliki lidah yang keras, dia sangat perhatian dan protektif, terutama untuk adik perempuannya. Hanabishi Miki adalah seorang gadis yang agak nakal yang akan menggunakan sumber dayanya untuk keuntungan dirinya untuk menciptakan berbagai skenario untuk karakter untuk kesenangan dirinya. Meskipun menggoda orang sebagian besar waktu, Miki tahu kapan waktu yang tepat untuk mengatakan hal-hal, baik itu untuk kepentingan sendiri atau demi teman-temannya. Rima Mashiro mungkin datang mengaku sebagai seorang gadis cantik dan suka diemong, tapi di dalamnya, dia mempunyai kepribadian egois yang ingin memiliki semua yang dilakukan pada langkah. Hal ini untuk menyembunyikan rasa tidak aman sendiri ketika hal-hal cenderung terlalu jauh dan dia tidak bisa menangani tekanan pribadi lagi. Hagimura Suzu adalah siswa yang sangat cerdas yang biasanya menjadi moderator kelompok setiap kali percakapan dan tindakan cenderung menjadi terlalu cabul. Suzu sangat hati-hati tentang tinggi badannya dan keinginan untuk menjadi cukup tinggi untuk dapat melihat ke bawah pada mereka yang memperlakukannya seperti anak kecil. Namun, bahkan ruang dewan mahasiswa bergengsi cenderung masuk ke dalam pertengkaran kadang-kadang. Apakah akan tim Minatsu dan Miki atau Rima dan Suzu yang akan mengambil tugas dan ide-ide ke ketinggian baru? |

Bardiche & Raising Heart (Mahō Shōjo Lyrical Nanoha)
vs. Alastor & Tiamat (Shakugan no Shana)
A guardian is not simply someone who fights as someone's protector. A guardian is someone who is patient and willing to understand a master and will sacrifice as much time and power as possible for the sake of the master. Such are the values Bardiche, Raising Heart, Alastor, and Tiamat hold as they face off against each other. Bardiche and Raising Heart may be mere weapons, but both of them are created by the thoughts and wills of their respective masters. Raising Heart wishes to pass on the love and dedication of her master to those around her, even if her opponents are the ones she needs to enlighten. While Bardiche has only learned to follow the orders of his master, he is gradually trying to understand her feelings and manifest them to rain judgment on those in front of them. Alastor and Tiamat both follow old, traditional values of servitude, yet there came a time where they needed to adapt to their environment. For Alastor, understanding the feelings of his master, as well as gaining knowledge of things that even he does not know from other humans, reveals that he wishes, more than anything, to see his master full of smiles and enjoyment in her life. Tiamat may sometimes be blunt and speak in code, but she knows well the thoughts going on in her master's mind and will try to answer her whenever she needs some insight on what to follow. These four loyal guardians do whatever it takes to see that their masters shine brightly at their grandest moments. For that reason alone, they will stand and fight, paving the road with their duty and heart. Wali bukanlah hanya seseorang yang berjuang sebagai pelindung seseorang. Wali adalah seseorang yang sabar dan mau mengerti tuan mereka dan akan mengorbankan sebanyak waktu dan tenaga yang mereka bisa demi tuannya. Mereka adalah Bardiche, Heart Rising, Alastor, dan Tiamat, tahan karena mereka berhadapan satu sama lain. Bardiche dan Raising Heart mungkin senjata belaka, tetapi masing-masing dari mereka diciptakan oleh pikiran dan kehendak dari master masing-masing. Untuk Raising Heart, dia ingin menyampaikan kasih dan dedikasi dari tuannya untuk orang di sekitarnya, bahkan jika lawan nya adalah orang-orang dia perlu mencerahkan. Sementara Bardiche hanya belajar untuk mengikuti perintah tuannya, secara bertahap, ia mencoba memahami perasaan tuannya dan memanifestasikan untuk menghasilkan penilaian dengan yang ada di depannya. Alastor dan Tiamat keduanya sudah tua, dengan nilai-nilai tradisional perbudakan, namun ada saatnya di mana mereka harus beradaptasi dengan lingkungan mereka. Untuk Alastor, memahami perasaan tuannya serta pengetahuan mendapatkan hal bahkan dia tidak tahu dari manusia lain mengungkapkan bahwa ia ingin, lebih dari apa pun, untuk melihat tuannya penuh senyum dan kenikmatan hidupnya. Tiamat terkadang tumpul dan berbicara dalam kode, tetapi dia tahu juga pikiran terjadi di pikiran tuannya dan akan mencoba untuk menjawab ketika dia perlu beberapa wawasan tentang apa yang harus diikuti. Keempat wali setia melakukan apa pun untuk melihat bahwa tuan mereka bersinar terang saat mereka termegah. Untuk alasan itu saja, mereka akan berdiri dan bertempur, membuka jalan dengan tugas mereka dan jantung. |
Thanks to Eclairs, maglor, Jeffrey-sama, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 and mrbenz (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 and mrbenz (Indonesian).
Amethyst 3 — Thursday, 7 June 2012

Yuzuriha Inori (Guilty Crown) vs. Tōwa Erio (Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko)
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They're both mysterious, tight-lipped, and seemingly not from this world. Yet at times, the emotions and feelings they display beg to differ. On the surface, Yuzuriha Inori is a quiet and emotionless girl. With her goal in life being to complete all the missions assigned to her without fail, even in the face of death, she is seen by many as a valuable asset of the Undertakers. But as she begins to realize the emotions that are developing within her, life doesn’t seem as mundane anymore. She now has someone she cares about, and often acts upon her own will in order to bring him the best. Tōwa Erio believed she was an alien and was regarded as a delusional girl. After disappearing for half a year and finally returning, the time she spent with her cousin thereafter allowed her to see the world in a whole new way. Because of this caring cousin, Erio is now well on her way to being reintegrated into society. Holding on tightly to these new and bright lives of theirs, these two girls now prepare to give it their all with smiles on their faces in this Nova clash. Now it is your turn to decide. Who will you choose to support—Yuzuriha Inori or Tōwa Erio? Mereka berdua misterius, pendiam, dan tampaknya bukan dari dunia ini. Namun, di momen tertentu, emosi dan perasaan mereka tampilkan dengan cara yang berbeda. Di permukaan, Yuzuriha Inori adalah gadis yang tenang dan tanpa emosi. Dengan tujuan hidupnya adalah untuk menyelesaikan semua misi yang ditugaskan padanya tanpa kegagalan, bahkan dalam menghadapi kematian, ia terlihat oleh banyak orang sebagai aset berharga dari Undertakers. Tapi saat ia mulai menyadari emosi yang sedang mengembangkan dalam dirinya, kehidupan tidak tampak seperti biasa lagi. Dia kini memiliki seseorang yang dia peduli, sering bertindak atas kemauan sendiri untuk membawa dia yang terbaik. Untuk Towa Erio, dia dianggap sebagai gadis delusi yang percaya bahwa dia adalah alien. Setelah menghilang selama setengah tahun dan akhirnya kembali, waktu yang dia habiskan dengan sepupunya setelah itu memberinya kesempatan untuk melihat dunia dalam cara baru. Karena kepeduliannya terhadap sepupunya, Erio sekarang dalam kondisi baik untuk kembali ke masyarakat. Sambil memegang erat-erat ke kehidupan baru dan terang mereka, kedua anak perempuan sekarang mempersiapkan diri untuk memberikan semua kemampuannya dalam bentrokan Nova ini, dengan senyum di wajah mereka. Sekarang giliran Anda untuk memutuskan. Siapa yang akan Anda pilih - Yuzuriha Inori atau Towa Erio? |

Haqua du Lot Herminium (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
vs. Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
I wake up lying on the ground. I don't remember how I got here, or where I am. Suddenly, somebody bumps me from behind. Turning my head, I see a beautiful purple-haired girl wielding a big scythe. She looks surprised to see me, and asks, "What are you doing here?" I know this girl. She is a demon named Haqua du Lot Herminium. Skilled and elegant, she's proud of herself and always tries her best to be number one. Though she looks strong on the outside, she's actually always thinking of her friends and is easily depressed whenever she fails in her tasks. She suddenly pushes me away as she deflects an attack from a small white-haired girl with a sword in her hand. "You…please stay away from here," she orders as she glances at me. She is Tachibana Kanade, or "Angel", as people call her. Although she looks cold and emotionless, deep inside she really cares about others. She is usually strict, but that is also part of her caring side. I step back, trying not to get in the way as the two gracefully dance under the moonlight trying to best the other... Begitu sadar, aku sudah terbaring. Aku tidak ingat bagaimana aku bisa berada di sini atau di mana aku sekarang. Tiba - tiba seseorang menabrakku dari belakang. Ketika ku menoleh, aku melihat seorang gadis cantik berambut ungu membawa sebuah sabit besar. Dia terlihat terkejut melihatku, "Sedang apa kamu di sini?" Aku tahu gadis ini. Iblis bernama Haqua du Lot Herminium. Sebagai seorang iblis yang terampil dan elegan, dia bangga pada dirinya sendiri dan selalu berjuang keras untuk menjadi nomor satu. Meskipun terlihat kuat di luar, dia sebenarnya selalu memikirkan teman - temannya dan mudah tertekan ketika dia gagal melaksanakan tugasnya. Dia tiba - tiba mendorongku menjauh ketika sebuah serangan ditahannya. Yang menyerangnya adalah seorang gadis kecil berambut putih dengan sebuah Handsonic di tangannya. "Kamu... Tolong menjauhlah dari sini," dia menatapku. Dia adalah Tachibana Kanade, atau "Malaikat" sebagaimana orang - orang memanggilnya. Meskipun dia terlihat dingin dan tidak memiliki emosi, jauh di dalam hati sebenarnya dia peduli pada orang lain. Dia biasanya keras, namun itu adalah bagian dari sifat pedulinya. Aku melangkah mundur, berusaha tidak menghalangi mereka 'berdansa' di bawah sinar rembulan, mencoba mengalahkan satu sama lain... |

Oshino Shinobu (Bakemonogatari) vs. Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate/stay night)
Bound by chains of societal and family values, they are shackled to an endless fate—a road that never ends, but loops in a circle. A slap on the face does not even represent what they have gone through. Tortured, trained, and re-educated, they follow the same schedule, wondering when all of this will come to an end. Hope never passed through their minds; only sorrow and anger, fueled by revenge, was enough to pass through a day full of nothingness. They learned to hate and relearned what should be hated. They were nothing but robots, humanoid machines only given the task to fight, to kill, and to win. What good are their emotions when they are suppressed by the eyes that watch them? All they ever wanted was a passage that would lead them to their sanctuary, a place where they could finally act like themselves. There was no need to play this game of charades. Yet no matter how hard they looked for an opening, it was never there. Oshino Shinobu and Illyasviel von Einzbern need only a crack of the door to escape to what they were meant to find: freedom. Terikat pada rantai-rantai nilai masyarakat dan keluarga, mereka terbelenggu dalam nasib tak berujung, jalan yang tidak pernah berakhir. Sebuah tamparan di wajah bahkan tidak membentuk apa yang mereka telah melalui. Disiksa, terlatih, terdidik kembali, mereka mengikuti jadwal yang sama, bertanya-tanya kapan semua ini akan berakhir. Harapan tidak pernah melewati pikiran mereka, kesedihan dan kemarahan hanya, dipicu oleh balas dendam, sudah cukup untuk menyampaikan satu hari penuh ketiadaan. Mereka akan belajar untuk membenci dan mempelajari kembali apa yang harus dibenci. Mereka tidak lain hanyalah robot, mesin humanoid hanya diberi tugas untuk berperang, membunuh, untuk menang. Apa gunanya emosi mereka ketika mereka ditindas oleh mata yang sedang mengawasi mereka? Yang mereka inginkan adalah sebuah bagian yang akan bersandar ke tempat kudus mereka, ada tempat di mana mereka akhirnya dapat bertindak seperti mereka. Tidak perlu untuk memainkan permainan tebak kata. Namun, tidak peduli seberapa keras mereka mencari celah, tidak akan ada. Namun Oshino Shinobu dan Illyasviel von Einzbern hanya perlu celah pintu untuk melarikan diri dengan apa yang mereka berarti untuk menemukan sesuatu: kebebasan. |

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs Hiiragi Kagami (Lucky ☆ Star)
Tsundere is one the most famous traits in the world, and it's always exciting to see how a battle of tsundere will turn out. Both Azu-nyan and Kagamin are loved by the people around them. Their twin-tails are perfect representations of their archetype. They are both strict when it comes to rules and are honor students with excellent grades; the only difference is that Kagamin was even the class president in her first year. Azu-nyan is a mysterious and gifted guitarist, and is a good person to look to for advice on playing and maintaining the instrument. But now, it's not a matter of who is the most and least tsundere. It's a matter of pride, and only one among them will survive this match. Tsundere adalah salah satu trait paling terkenal di seluruh dunia, dan selalu menyenangkan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil dari pertarungan para tsundere ini. Baik Azunyan atau Kagamin sama-sama dicintai oleh orang-orang disekitar mereka. Merekapun sama-sama memiliki twin-tail, perlambang sempurna para tsundere. Sama-sama ketat pada peraturan. Dan sama-sama siswi kehormatan yang punya nilai yang sangat baik. Satu-satunya yang membedakan mereka adalah: Kagamin pernah menjadi ketua kelas saat masih di kelas satu. Dan Azunyan adalah gitaris berbakat yang agak misterius , diapun dapat menjadi tempat yang baik untuk mencari saran bagaimana bermain gitar yang baik, ataupun bagaimana cara merawatnya. Tetapi saat ini yang penting bukanlah siapa yang lebih tsundere daripada yang lain. Tetapi Harga diri, dan hanya satu diantara mereka yang akan selamat dari pertempuran ini. |

Asahina Mikuru (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
vs. Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Every person has a special power in which he or she is superior in battle, in anime and in ISML. Asahina Mikuru is not just an ordinary person. She is a time traveler from the future sent to the past to start an investigation. Because of her ability to move from one period in the future to another period in the past, she is able to warn others about impending dangers and put them on a path for a better future. Although Katsura Hinagiku is only an ordinary human, she is a master of kendo and also has the ability to control Masamune. Not just stopping in there, but she is also known as the smartest student in Hakuō Academy, and also serves as the president of the student council. This combination helps make her the most popular student in the academy. Both of these girls have different powers, but who will become the winner in this match? Setiap orang memiliki kekuatan khusus yang menjadi keunggulan mereka dalam setiap pertempuran, di anime dan ISML. Asahina Mikuru bukan hanya orang biasa. Dia tercatat sebagai penjelajah waktu dari masa depan dan dikirim ke masa lalu untuk membuat penyelidikan. Dia memiliki kemampuan untuk berpindah dari satu periode pada periode tho masa depan lainnya di masa lalu. Karena kemampuannya, dia dapat memperingatkan orang lain tentang bahaya di masa depan dan memastikan orang yang telah diperingatkan itu memiliki masa depan yang lebih baik. Meskipun Katsura Hinagiku hanya manusia biasa, tapi dia adalah penguasa kendo, dan juga memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan pedang seperti Masamune. Tidak hanya berhenti di sana, dia juga dikenal sebagai murid terpandai di Hakuo Academy, dan juga menjabat sebagai Presiden Dewan Mahasiswa. Kombinasi ini membuat dia menjadi mahasiswa yang paling populer di Hakuo Academy. Kedua gadis ini memiliki kekuatan yang berbeda, tapi siapa yang akan menjadi pemenang dalam pertandingan ini? |

Hisui & Kohaku (Shingetsutan Tsukihime)
vs. Ikeda Chizuru & Ikeda Chitose (YuruYuri)
While this can be treated as another battle of twins, more interestingly, both of these twins happen to have nearly the exact same personalities. Kohaku and Ikeda Chitose take on a cheerful, bright persona with their warm smiles and ditsy personalities, while Hisui and Ikeda Chizuru are more passive and barely show any emotion towards their surroundings. Yet both groups have their own secrets that separate them from any other identical twins out there. For Hisui and Kohaku, while their loyalty and dedication to their work is strong, none can compare to the harsh past that each has, ones that neither wish to dwell on for fear of madness. As for Chizuru and Chitose, both harbor the ability to pair any girls in their minds whenever their glasses are off. While both groups have their own selling points, there is no question that each wishes to give it their all when it comes to dealing with matches like this. In a fight about finding or creating one's identity, which twin will prevail over the other? Meskipun dapat dianggap sebagai pertarungan sesama kembar, lebih menarik, kedua kembar kebetulan memiliki kepribadian yang hampir sama persis. Kohaku dan Ikeda Chitose memiliki kepribadian ceria cerah dengan senyum hangat dan kepribadian ditsy sementara Hisui dan Ikeda Chizuru lebih pasif dan nyaris tidak menunjukkan emosi apapun untuk lingkungan mereka. Namun, kedua kelompok memiliki rahasia mereka sendiri yang memisahkan mereka dari kembar identik lain di luar sana. Untuk Hisui & Kohaku, sementara loyalitas dan dedikasi untuk pekerjaan mereka yang kuat, tidak dapat membandingkan masa lalu keras yang masing-masing memiliki ke titik yang tidak ingin tinggal ke dalamnya karena takut akan kegilaan. Adapun Chizuru dan Chitose, memiliki kemampuan untuk memasangkan setiap gadis dalam pikiran mereka setiap kali mereka tidak aktif. Sementara kedua kelompok memiliki poin mereka sendiri untuk mempromosikan diri mereka, tidak ada pertanyaan bahwa setiap akan ingin memberikan sana sekali ketika datang untuk berurusan dengan pertandingan seperti ini. Dalam laga tentang menemukan identitas seseorang atau menciptakan identitas seseorang, siapa yang akan menang atas yang lain? |

Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate) & Rebecca Miyamoto (Pani Poni Dash!)
vs. Ichinose Kotomi (CLANNAD) & Teletha Testarossa (Full Metal Panic!)
They say intelligence is a gift that should be held strongly, yet even too much knowledge can cause several hardships later in life. Makise Kurisu shows much promise as an avid researcher, having written papers for a well-known science journal. It is not hard to see how one can envy the life of a famous researcher-to-be, given her excellent skills. Rebecca Miyamoto may be a genius, but because she is a child, she is often treated as one, even by her own students. Rebecca, while very stubborn, needs to learn humility to accept the things that happen around her. Ichinose Kotomi is mostly seen inside the library not attending class because of her high intelligence. Yet staying inside a room and reading books secludes her from the world, and creates a need for human interaction. Teletha Testarossa gained the rank of captain at the youngest age in history, yet her followers treat her like someone less than a superior. Teletha has to shoulder the doubts of her people and keep a level head, as showing weakness is the last thing she needs to reveal as a leader who must protect world peace. These four girls will continue their struggle in order to make ends meet and find their own comfortable lights to be in. Will it be the team of Kurisu and Rebecca, or Kotomi and Teletha, who would prove that their vast knowledge was worth it? Mereka mengatakan kecerdasan adalah karunia yang harus dipegang kuat, namun pengetahuan bahkan terlalu banyak dapat menyebabkan kesulitan di kemudian hari. Makise Kurisu menunjukkan janji banyak sebagai peneliti avid, setelah menulis makalah untuk jurnal ilmiah yang terkenal. Hal ini tidak sulit untuk melihat bagaimana seseorang dapat iri kehidupan seorang peneliti terkenal untuk diberikandengan ketrampilan yang baik. Rebecca Miyamoto mungkin jenius, tapi karena dia adalah seorang anak, dia sering diperlakukan sebagai satu, bahkan oleh siswa sendiri. Rebecca, sementara sangat keras kepala, perlu belajar kerendahan hati untuk menerima hal yang terjadi di sekitarnya. Ichinose Kotomi sebagian besar terlihat di dalam perpustakaan dan tidak menghadiri kelas karena kecerdasan tingginya. Namun, tinggal di dalam kamar dan membaca buku, membuat dia terpencil dari dunia, membutuhkan interaksi manusia dengan orang di sekitarnya. Teletha Testarossa mendapat peringkat kapten pada usia termuda dalam sejarah, namun pengikutnya memperlakukannya kurang baik. Teletha harus memikul keraguan rakyatnya dan menjaga harga dirinya, untuk menunjukkan kelemahan adalah hal terakhir yang ia butuhkan untuk mengungkapkan sebagai pemimpin untuk melindungi perdamaian dunia. Keempat anak perempuan akan terus melanjutkan perjuangan mereka untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan menemukan cahaya sendiri mereka yang nyaman untuk masuk, apakah akan tim Kurisu dan Rebecca, atau Kotomi dan Teletha, yang akan membuktikan bahwa pengetahuan mereka yang luas itu layak? |
Thanks to Jeffrey-sama, chan12, Momento10, Roo-loves-Elsie, and mrbenz for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12, mrbenz, and Roo-loves-Elsie (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12, mrbenz, and Roo-loves-Elsie (Indonesian).
Amethyst 4 — Sunday, 10 June 2012

Elucia de Lute Ima (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai) vs. Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
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The otaku nature is familiar to Elsie, given that her own ‘divine brother’ is one. Similarly, Kirino is an eroge otaku. Unfortunately, the conditions are now different; the undefeated tsundere may seem too strong for the newcomer. Kirino is a stubborn, strong-willed, and good debater. Elsie, in turn, is a strong-hearted girl, good at convincing people, and never gives up before she tries her best—great assets to overcoming Kiri-rin’s greatness. On the other hand, Kirino knows how to handle Elsie: her experience as a little sister dealing with her brother’s attitude, her war-of-words with her friends, and her eroge knowledge should be enough to conquer her opponent. At this stage, everything must be settled with only one of them achieving her dreams. Will it be Elsie, who wants to be the very first opponent to beat Kirino, or Kiri-rin, with her desire to maintain her undefeated record? Sifat seorang otaku sudah sangat dikenal oleh Elsie, dan dia tahu bagaimana cara menghadapi mereka, sebab kakak-dewanya adalah seorang otaku – terlebih, Kirino adalah seorang otaku eroge, yang mirip dengan otaku galge. Sayangnya kondisi yang ia hadapi saat ini berbeda, sang tsundere yang belum pernah kalah nampaknya terlalu kuat bagi sang pendatang baru. Selain itu, Kirino sangat keras kepala, berkeinginan baja, dan ahli dalam silat lidah. Tetapi kita semua tahu kalau Elsie adalah seorang wanita yang berhati kuat, pandai dalam meyakinkan seseorang, dan tidak pernah menyerah sebelum ia memberikan yang terbaik. Dan itu menjadi sesuatu yang sangat berharga untuk melawan kehebatan Kiririn. Di sisi lain, Kirino akan paham bagaimana cara menghadapi Elsie – seorang adik. Perlakuan kakak Kirino terhadapnya, perang lidah dengan teman-temannya, dan pengetahuan erogenya cukup untuk menaklukkan Elsie. Dan di panggung inilah semuanya akan diselesaikan, dan hanya satu diantara mereka yang dapat meraih mimpinya, dia bisa saja Elsie, yang ingin menjadi lawan pertama yang dapat mengalahkan kirino, atau bisa saja Kirino dengan ambisi menjaga rekor tak terkalahkannya. |

Kotobuki Tsumugi (K-ON!) vs. Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate/stay night)
Both Kotobuki Tsumugi and Illyasviel von Einzbern share several similarities, their beautiful long hair, inheritances from wealthy families, as well as their own special talents. Tsumugi’s special talent is in music, as she was ‘scouted’ by her fellow band members from the Light Music Club. Showcasing her adaptability for playing piano into being a keyboardist, Mugi makes up one of the main pillars of Hōkago Tea Time. While the band is in the clubroom, she often serves everyone biscuits and tea as a way of keeping up a joyous environment. Illyasviel von Einzbern’s special aptitude, on the other hand, is her mastery in magecraft. Even though she looks like a child, as the next Einzbern in line tasked to winning the Holy Grail War, it is rumored that Ilya is the strongest mage in the war. Paired with her is the strongest servant heralding from the Berserker class, who protects her when she recites arcane incantations. As the two talented ojō-sama meet up against each other, will the harmonic tune of Mugi’s keyboard triumph, or will Ilya’s magical aptitude propel her to glory instead? Baik Kotobuki Tsumugi dan Illyasviel von Einzbern berbagi beberapa kesamaan satu sama lain. Mereka berdua memiliki rambut panjang yang indah, berasal dari keluarga kaya serta memiliki bakat khusus. Bakat khusus Tsumugi adalah di musik, karena ia "dibina" oleh anggota band sesama dari Klub Musik Ringan di SMA-nya. Menampilkan kemampuan beradaptasi dia dari bermain piano menjadi keyboardist, Mugi membentuk salah satu pilar utama dari band Hokagō Tea Time. Sementara band ini di dalam clubroom, dia sering memberikan biskuit dan teh sebagai cara untuk menjaga lingkungan penuh sukacita di sekitar ruangan. Bakat khusus Illyasviel von Einzbern, pada sisi lain adalah penguasaannya pada magecraft. Meskipun dia tampak seperti anak kecil, penerus Einzbern ini bertugas untuk memenangkan perang Holy Grail, ada rumor bahwa Ilya adalah penyihir terkuat dalam perang Grail kelima. Berpasangan dengan dia adalah hamba terkuat, menggembar-gemborkan dari kelas Berserker, yang melindunginya ketika dia membacakan mantra misterius itu. Sebagai dua ojōsama berbakat bertemu satu sama lain, akankah lagu harmonik keyboard Mugi memenangkan pertandingan ini, atau akankah Ilya dengan bakat magisnya mendorong dia menuju kemenangan. |

Last Order (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
Naïveté is often associated with young age. Due to naïveté, people tend to make decisions without thinking of the possible dire ramifications. Fully trusting the words of scientists, young Misaka Mikoto allowed her own genome to be mapped under the pretext of helping to solve several neurological disorders. As most children her age, she could not figure what horror might have happened with her given consent. Gifted with the ability to control and manipulate the electrons around her, her special ability was sought after, even when she was still a child. As a result, the Sister Project was set in motion to alleviate the most powerful Level Five esper in Academy City. Central to the project was Last Order, as she ‘governs’ the 20,000 clones needed to achieve the desired effect. While her sister clones are Level Two or Three espers, she is powerless. But she is as energetic as a child can be. Even when having a hard time, she always hopes for the best. As the Sister Project is thwarted, which girl will be more relieved: Misaka Mikoto, for her nightmares being doused, or Last Order, for being able to lead a new life? Kenaifan sering dikaitkan dengan usia muda. Karena kenaifan, orang cenderung untuk membuat keputusan tanpa memikirkan kemungkinan mengerikan yang mungkin terjadi di masa depan. Sepenuhnya mempercayai apa para ilmuwan katakan, Misaka Mikoto diperbolehkan berbuat sesukanya, dengan dalih membantu menyelesaikan gangguan neurologis. Seperti kebanyakan anak seusianya, ia tidak tahu apa kemungkinan yang terjadi dengan persetujuannya. Berbakat dengan kemampuan untuk mengendalikan dan memanipulasi elektron di sekitarnya, kemampuan khususnya dicari, bahkan ketika ia masih seorang anak. Akibatnya, Sister Project mulai bergerak, untuk meringankan esper terkuat tingkat lima di Academy City. Pusat dalam proyek ini adalah Last Order, "mengatur" 20 000 klon yang diperlukan untuk mencapai efek yang diinginkan. Sedangkan klon adiknya adalah Tingkat Dua atau Tiga espers, dia mulai tak berdaya. Tapi dia adalah seorang anak yang energik. Bahkan saat dia sedang mengalami kesulitan, dia selalu berharap untuk yang terbaik. Saat Sister Project digagalkan, siapa gadis yang akan lebih lega; Misaka Mikoto dengan mimpi buruknya atau Last Order untuk dapat menjalani hidup baru? |

Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Hiiragi Kagami (Lucky ☆ Star)
Both Suzumiya Haruhi and Hiiragi Kagami are tsundere, but they have their own styles to approaching their friends. Haruhi is known as an eccentric person who wants to reveal the existence of aliens, espers, and time travelers. She created the SOS Brigade, and, as the leader, began to recruit others. She turned that club into a playground of sorts for her new friends, going to festivals, holding firework parties, and even hunting insects. Kagami is a smart student who is always kind to others and offers her hand to every person who needs her help. She advises her friends to study hard when they get bad scores or are too lazy to study. In order to help them in their studies, she even forms study groups. Both of these girls have proven their friendship, but only one will reveal true friendship today—will it be Kagami, or Haruhi? Baik Suzumiya Haruhi dan Kagami Hiiragi adalah gadis Tsundere, tetapi mereka memiliki gaya mereka sendiri untuk mendekati teman mereka. Haruhi dikenal sebagai orang eksentrik yang ingin mengungkapkan adanya alien, esper, dan penjelajah waktu. Dia menciptakan SOS Brigade, dan mulai merekrut beberapa orang. Haruhi kemudian memimpin Brigade SOS dan membuat klub itu sebagai kelompok bermain dengan teman barunya, seperti seperti pergi ke festival, mengadakan pesta kembang api sendiri, berburu serangga, dan lainnya. Kagami adalah siswa cerdas, tetapi dia selalu baik kepada semua orang dan selalu membuka tangan untuk setiap orang yang memerlukan bantuannya. Dia menyarankan kepada temannya untuk belajar keras jika temannya mendapatkan nilai buruk atau malas untuk belajar. Untuk membantu temannya dalam pelajaran, ia menelepon temannya dan membuat kelompok belajar. Kedua gadis ini telah membuktikan persahabatan mereka, tetapi hanya satu yang mengungkapkan persahabatan sejati. Siapa dua gadis ini akan mengungkapkan persahabatan terbaik di pertandingan ini, Kagami atau Haruhi? |

Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Saber (Fate/stay night)
It's surprising how much of a difference a single year can make. Back in ISML 2011, Sanzen'in Nagi and Saber were only two wins apart after ten matches, with the former sitting at 5-5, while the latter had a 7-3 record. However, the sands of time weren't kind to Nagi as she now holds a dismal 1-9 record, with her lone win coming against the current bottom-dweller of the Stella standings. With her chances of making it into the Postseason under the new division format rapidly slipping away, this wealthy otaku knows that it's time for her to get down to business and learn to fend for herself. As for Saber, the airing of Fate/Zero seems to have boosted her popularity quite a bit as she sits comfortably at 4th with a 9-1 record, having only lost to the 2010 Tiara winner. Although these two blonde-haired girls share barely any resemblances, one thing's for sure: they are both determined to win today's clash. So as the intelligent heir of the Sanzen'in family battles with the re-imagination of the great King Arthur, with whom will you side? |

Lala Satalin Deviluke (To LOVE-Ru) & Anjō Naruko (AnoHana)
vs. Takahara Ayumi (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai) & Tsugumi (Guilty Crown)
Standing up for yourself is a lot easier said than done. While Lala Satalin Deviluke comes across as a happy girl whom nothing can faze, even she has her own sets of problems. Lala was so tired of having to meet the suitors introduced by her father that she ran away from home, unable to tell him that she never wanted to be the ruler of the universe in the first place. While everyone else moved on after a dear friend’s death, the one thing that still connected Anjō Naruko to the group was her unrequited love for one of them. And even after that death, Anaru could never muster the courage to tell him of her love because she knew she would be rejected either way. Takahara Ayumi fought hard to become a member of the track team, trying to improve her score so that she would be able to run in an actual competition. But when her seniors continued to pressure and pull pranks on her, she began having second thoughts on whether she could still love her hobby of running. Tsugumi always tries to find a way to get a good laugh out of her friends, some of which causes problems for most of her crew. This attitude is due to her inability to do so in the past, when she was always alone with no one to truly care for and love her in the way she wanted. Although they have been pushed into the corner on several occasions, they will attempt to find a way to break through and have their voices get across. Will it be the team of Lala Satalin Deviluke and Anjō Naruko, or Takahara Ayumi and Tsugumi who will have their voices heard? "Berdiri dengan kakimu sendiri" itu lebih mudah untuk dikatakan daripada dilakukan. Lala Satalin Deviluke adalah seorang wanita yang ceria yang tidak ada seorangpun yang dapat mengganggu kebahagiaannya, bahkan diapun memiliki masalahnya sendiri. Lala sangat lelah menemui calon suaminya yang dikenalkan oleh ayahnya hingga membuat dirinya lari dari rumahnya, tak kuasa memberi tahu ayahnya bahwa dia sejak awal tak ingin menjadi pemimpin semesta. Saat orang lain dapat beranjak dari kematian teman terbaiknya, Satu hal yang tak dapat membebaskan Anjo Naruko adalah cintanya yang tak berbalas terhadap salah satu temannya. Bahkan setelah Kematiannya takkan pernah bisa mengumpulkan keberaniannya untuk menyatakan cintanya karena dia tahu dia pasti ditolak. Takahara Ayumi berjuang keras untuk menjadi anggota klub lari, mencoba untuk meningkatkan waktunya hingga suatu titik dimana ia dapat bertanding di pertandingan sebenarnya. Tetapi saat seniornya mem-bully dirinya, dia mulai terpengaruh, ragu apakah ia dapat benar-benar jatuh hati pada hobi larinya. Tsugumi selalu mencoba untuk menemukan jalan untuk membuat temanya tertawa, tetapi dia terkadang membuat sebagian besar krunya dalam masalah. Kebiasaan buruknya ini disebabkan ia selalu sendiri tanpa seseorang yang perduli dan sayang pada dirinya seperti yang diinginkanya. Walaupun mereka berempat telah acapkali dipojokkan, mereka akan mencoba untuk menembus masalah mereka dan menyuarakan suara mereka. Akankah tim dari Lala Satalin Deviluke dan Anjou Naruko, atau tim dari Takahara Ayumi dan Tsugumi yang akan dapat terdengar suaranya? |

Kōsaka Kyōsuke & Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
vs. Araragi Koyomi & Araragi Tsukihi (Bakemonogatari)
They fight, they bicker, and they get into misunderstandings, but at the end of the day, they still care for and love each other. Such is the relationship between siblings, especially one between an older brother and a younger sister. Kōsaka Kyōsuke and Kōsaka Kirino were mostly at odds with each other, and did not even wish to even speak with the one another. Yet it took one look at her otaku side for Kirino to, for the first time, rely on her brother, even if only for mundane tasks. To protect her image, Kyōsuke clears these obstacles that she herself could not because he loves his sister deeply. How far Kyōsuke would go to protect Kirino's secret would stun her, and she slowly begins to think that maybe her brother does have some good qualities in him. The relationship between Araragi Koyomi and Araragi Tsukihi comes out just as peculiar. Tsukihi is the one who is overprotective of Koyomi, and she would even resort to torture or violence should she find her brother in any suggestive scene. Yet Koyomi still cares about her because she is not only just his sister, but also his pride and joy. Even after learning her secret, Koyomi will stand up to defend her from anyone who tries to take his sister away from him. The bonds between these brothers and sisters are strong, but can they continue to last as they face off against each other? Mereka bertengkar, mereka adu mulut, dan mereka terlibat kesalahpahaman, tetapi pada akhirnya, mereka tetap peduli dan saling mencintai satu sama lain. karena ini hubungan antar saudara, khususnya hubungan kakak-adik. Kousaka Kyousuke dan Kousaka Kirino sering kali berselisih dengan satu sama lain. Dengan salah satu tidak mau berbicara dengan yang lainnya. Terlebih lagi, hal itu membuat sisi otaku Kirino terlihat. Untuk pertama kalinya, bergatung kepada kakaknya, walaupun hanya untuk pekerjaan sepele. dan Kyousukepun menyingkirkan beban yang tidak dapat ditanggung oleh Kirino, untuk menjaga imagenya, karena ia sangat-sangat mencintai adiknya. Seberapa jauh Kyousuke melangkah untuk menjaga rahasia Kirino akan mengejutkannya, dan dia perlahan mulai merasa bahwa kakaknya sangat berharga buatnya. Hubungan antara Araragi Tsukihi dan Araragi Koyomi nampaknya aneh, Tsukihi adalah adik yang sangat overprotektif terhadap Koyomi, hingga suatu titik dimana adiknya menyiksanya dengan kekerasan untuk mempengaruhi kakaknya. Meskipun demikian, Koyomi tetap perhatian terhadap Tsukihi, bukan hanya karena ia adalah adiknya, tetapi ia juga adalah kebanggaan dan kebahagiannya. bahkan setelah mengetahui rahasia adiknya, Koyomi akan berdiri menjaga adiknya dari siapapun yang akan merebutnya dari dirinya. Ikatan yang terjalin antara kakak-adik ini sangat kuat, tetapi akankah hubungan ini bertahan saat mereka berhadapan dengan pasangan yang lain? |
Thanks to Eclairs, Roo-loves-Elsie, chan12, Momento10, and Jeffrey-sama for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 and Roo-loves-Elsie (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 and Roo-loves-Elsie (Indonesian).
Amethyst 5 — Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Charlotte Dunois (IS <Infinite Stratos>) vs. Kanzaki H. Aria (Hidan no Aria)
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With the score tied at one apiece between the two camps championing their seiyū, Kugimiya Rie and Hanazawa Kana, both eagerly anticipate this match-up between Charlotte Dunois and Kanzaki H. Aria. Statistically, the contestants sit in the second tier of the Nova division, and their strengths are about equal. The IS pilot cadet from France is from a staple type of her seiyū: shy, nice, and adorable girls. Even though she was tasked by her father with a secret mission to spy on the only male IS pilot, she readily exposed herself to him and asked for his forgiveness instead. The fourth descendent of Sherlock Holmes, on the other hand, is the antithesis of her competitor—cold towards her love interest as well as slightly self-centered, the type of girl her seiyū is famous for voicing. Striving to clear the false accusations cast on someone dear to her, she also tries her best to find a partner to be her own ‘Watson’. As the clash heralds the third installment of the Kugumiya-HanaKana battle, which girl will give her camp the next win: Charlotte Dunois, or Kanzaki H. Aria? Dengan skor sama antara kedua kubu memperjuangkan seiyū mereka, Rie Kugimiya dan Hanazawa Kana yang terikat padamereka, pertarungan antara Charlotte Dunois dan Kanzaki H. Aria sangat dinantikan oleh kedua kubu. Secara statistik, kontestan baik duduk di lapis kedua dari divisi Nova, dan kekuatan mereka seimbang. IS, percontohan kadet dari Perancis, adalah jenis pokok seiyūnya, biasanya malu, manis dan menggemaskan. Meskipun ia ditugaskan oleh ayahnya pada sebuah misi rahasia untuk memata-matai pria, dia siap menghadapkan dirinya kepada orang, meminta maaf kepadanya sebagai gantinya. Untuk keturunan keempat Sherlock Holmes di sisi lain merupakan kebalikan dari pesaing nya - dingin terhadap bunga cintanya serta sedikit egois: tipe cewek yang seiyūnya terkenal di dunia akting. Mengupayakan yang terbaik untuk membersihkan orang tersayang untuk berbagai tuduhan itu palsu, dia mencoba untuk menemukan pasangan untuk menjadi dirinya sendiri 'Watson'. Antara bentrokan sengit dari Kugumiya - KanaHana dalam pertempuran, siapa yang akan memberikan kampnya ke kemenangan berikutnya, Charlotte Dunois untuk atau Kanzaki H. Aria? |

Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto) vs. Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
According to Kōsaka Kirino and Hasegawa Kobato, being an imōto is no easy task. In fact, the two of them have suffered and endured many hardships because of their older brothers. In Kirino's case, she saw her brother as nothing but a nuisance and a freak, to the point where she feared he would taint her reputation amongst her model friends. For Kobato, her brother's lack of attention towards her after he had joined a club at school made her feel neglected. But despite these difficulties, both girls can also safely say that their brothers are very special to them. Because of them, the two little sisters were able to make new friends—and rivals—whom they will cherish for life. As a token of their gratitude, Kirino and Kobato set their eyes on the same prize: a victory for their older brothers. In this clash between two lovely imōto, which one will you support—Kōsaka Kirino or Hasegawa Kobato? Menurut Kosaka Kirino dan Hasegawa Kobato, menjadi imōto sebuah bukanlah tugas yang mudah. Bahkan, dua dari mereka telah menderita dan mengalami banyak kesulitan karena saudara-saudara mereka yang lebih tua. Dalam hal Kirino, dia melihat kakaknya sebagai pengganggu dan bertingkah aneh, ke titik di mana ia takut ia akan menodai reputasinya antara teman-teman modelnya. Untuk Kobato, kurangnya perhatian kakaknya ke arahnya setelah ia bergabung dengan klub di sekolah membuatnya merasa diabaikan. Namun, meskipun kesulitan-kesulitan ini, kedua gadis juga dapat dengan aman mengatakan bahwa saudara-saudara mereka sangat khusus untuk mereka. Karena mereka, dua saudara perempuan sedikit mampu membuat teman baru dan saingan-siapa mereka akan menghargai seumur hidup. Sebagai tanda terima kasih mereka, Kirino dan Kobato menetapkan mata mereka pada hadiah yang sama: kemenangan bagi saudara mereka yang lebih tua. Dalam bentrokan antara dua imōtos indah, mana yang akan Anda dukung-Kosaka Kirino atau Hasegawa Kobato? |

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Yuzuriha Inori (Guilty Crown)
Don't let their calm expressions and fragile figures fool you, because both Tachibana Kanade and Yuzuriha Inori are far more powerful than you'd expect. Just ask those who have survived an encounter with these two silent warriors. Armed with her HandSonic and a variety of "Guard Skills," Kanade's reign in ISML can be seen by her sixty consecutive wins and counting at the start of her career. The Angel of the Afterlife has proven her immortal-like power time and time again, and looks to continue her dominance of the Nova Division. However, Inori has other plans in mind as she is set on being the first to take down her opponent. With her exceptional skills in close-quarters combat, as well as in handling firearms, she may as well be someone who can actually hold her own in a head-to-head battle against Tenshi. In terms of ISML statistics, Inori's third-place result in the Nomination Period shows that she has a decent chance of winning today. As these two contestants square off, who will you side with—Tachibana Kanade or Yuzuriha Inori? Jangan biarkan ekspresi tenang dan tokoh rapuh menipu anda, baik Tachibana Kanade dan Yuzuriha Inori jauh lebih kuat dari yang Anda harapkan. Hanya meminta mereka yang selamat bertemu dengan kedua prajurit diam. Berbekal HandSonic dan berbagai "Keterampilan Guard", pemerintahan Kanade di ISML dapat dilihat dengan kemenangan enam puluhnya berturut-turut dan menghitung untuk memulai karirnya. Malaikat Afterlife telah terbukti abadi seperti kekuatannya waktu dan waktu lagi, dan terlihat untuk melanjutkan dominasi nya dari Divisi Nova. Namun, Inori punya rencana lain dalam pikiran saat ia ditetapkan untuk menjadi yang pertama untuk mencatat lawannya. Dengan kemampuan yang luar biasa dia di dekat perempat tempur serta dalam menangani senjata api, dia mungkin juga menjadi seseorang yang benar-benar bisa memegang sendiri dalam pertempuran head-to-head terhadap Tenshi. Dalam hal statistik ISML, ke-3 tempat Inori yang mengakibatkan Periode Nominasi menunjukkan bahwa dia memiliki kesempatan yang layak untuk menang hari ini. Sebagai dua kontestan dari alun-alun, yang akan Anda berpihak-Tachibana Kanade atau Yuzuriha Inori? |

Kotobuki Tsumugi (K-ON!) vs. Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Money isn't always the answer to everything. And with only one win each through eleven rounds of battles thus far, this might be the beginning of the end for Kotobuki Tsumugi and Sanze'nin Nagi's ISML careers. While her other three band members are still going strong—only four losses among them—Mugi is desperately trying to keep up, not wanting to become separated from them when next year's Nomination Period rolls around. But to do that, she'll have to start by delivering a strong performance today against another struggling ojō-sama. Similarly, Nagi is also having a hard time joining her friend and rival at the upper half of the Stella leaderboard. As she is in serious danger of falling down the standings even further, the heir of the Sanzen'in family has no other choice but to fight hard and win this match. With sweat dripping down their cheeks and heart rates starting to climb, both rich girls get set to go all out in pursuit of victory. As this battle gets underway, which of the two do you think needs your vote the most? Uang bukanlah selalu jawaban untuk segalanya. Dan dengan hanya satu menang setiap melalui sebelas putaran pertempuran sejauh ini, mungkin ini awal dari akhir untuk Kotobuki Tsumugi dan Sanze'nin Nagi itu. Sementara yang lain tiga anggota band yang masih kuat-hanya empat kerugian di antara mereka-Mugi yang berusaha keras untuk bersaing, tidak ingin terpisah dari mereka ketika Nominasi Periode tahun depan digelar. Tapi untuk melakukan itu, dia harus memulai dengan memberikan kinerja yang kuat hari ini terhadap lain ojōsama berjuang. Demikian pula, Nagi juga mengalami kesulitan bergabung dengan temannya dan saingan di bagian atas leaderboard Stella. Saat ia berada dalam bahaya serius dari jatuh ke bawah klasemen lebih jauh, pewaris dari keluarga Sanzen'in tidak memiliki pilihan lain selain berjuang keras dan memenangkan pertandingan ini. Dengan keringat menetes di pipi mereka dan detak jantung mulai memanjat, kedua gadis kaya bisa diatur untuk pergi keluar, dalam mengejar kemenangan. Sebagai pertempuran ini akan berlangsung, yang mana dari dua pendapat Anda membutuhkan suara Anda yang paling? |

Sengoku Nadeko (Bakemonogatari) vs. Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
For both Sengoku Nadeko and Nagato Yuki, spoken words are rare commodities. While these maidens usually try to limit their conversations, the reasoning behind that differs. Goofy hat-wearing Nadeko’s ‘refusal’ to talk a lot is a result of her shyness. Her reluctance to call for aid can also be attributed to her being the only child in her household. Unlike most children her age, Nadeko would rather heed her own counsel, even when the situation is dire and a need presses her to tell others what is on her mind. If not for a chance encounter with a former vampire, her life might still be in danger due to her tight-lipped nature. Pale, purple-haired Yuki’s overall silence is a result of her stoic and taciturn innate behaviour. Possessing a wealth of knowledge, but having little empathy for others, she will often give short precise answers when questioned. But when she starts to give more exhaustive explanation, it is normal for others to be gobsmacked by the spiels she spouts. As the world quiets around them, which girl will be able to convey her message better? Untuk Sengoku Nadeko dan Nagato Yuki, kata-kata adalah komoditas langka bagi mereka. Sementara kedua gadis biasanya mencoba untuk membatasi percakapan mereka, alasan di balik yang berbeda. Yang konyol, Nadeko 'menolak' bicara banyak adalah karena sifat pemalunya. Keengganannya untuk meminta bantuan dapat dikaitkan dengan dirinya sebagai anak tunggal di rumah tangganya. Tidak seperti kebanyakan anak seusianya, dia lebih akan membuat segalanya menjadi penasihat sendiri, bahkan ketika situasi yang mengerikan, dan kebutuhan yang menekan baginya untuk memberitahu orang lain apa yang ada di pikirannya. Kalau bukan karena kesempatan pertemuan dengan mantan vampir, hidupnya masih mungkin dalam bahaya karena menjadi dirinya bungkam. Yuki berambut perak, selalu diam adalah hasil dari perilaku tenang dan pendiam bawaannya. Memiliki banyak pengetahuan, tetapi memiliki empati sedikit untuk orang lain, dia akan sering memberikan jawaban yang tepat dan pendek ketika dia dipertanyakan. Tapi ketika dia mulai memberi lebih banyak penjelasan lengkap, itu adalah normal bagi orang lain untuk terkesima oleh spiels yang diberikan dia. Ketika dunia quietens di sekitar mereka, siapa perempuan yang akan dapat menyampaikan pesan dengan lebih baik? |

Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
vs. Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!)
Amethyst Round 5 will become witness to a deathly match of tsundere between Suzumiya Haruhi and Katsura Hinagiku. Both of these girls are still untouched by any loss, and this battle will decide their futures. This time, they will prove themselves with weapons. Suzumiya Haruhi looks like an ordinary human that always hangs out with her friends. But the true fact is that she is not just a regular girl. She is a human with "Godly" powers who can make anything in her mind become truth, even if it is impossible. If she becomes bored, an unpredictable power will come from her body and bring the world to an end. In turn, Katsura Hinagiku is an ordinary human who doesn't have any special, god-like power. But she is known for her expertise at the sword, especially with her sword, Masamune. In the case of a dangerous situation, or when her emotions are uncontrolled, she uses Masamune to fight her enemy. Every weapon has its own superiority, but only one weapon today can show its greatness. Who will win this match—Haruhi with her divine powers, or Hinagiku with her Masamune? Putaran Amethyst 5 akan menjadi saksi untuk pertandingan mematikan antar Tsundere antara Suzumiya Haruhi Katsura Hinagiku dan. Kedua gadis ini masih tak tersentuh dari setiap kekalahan, dan pertempuran ini akan memutuskan masa depan dari anak perempuan. Kali ini mereka akan memperlihatkan mereka senjata untuk pertempuran ini. Suzumiya Haruhi terlihat seperti manusia biasa yang selalu bergaul dan bermain dengan temannya. Tapi faktanya, dia bukan hanya seorang manusia biasa. Dia adalah seorang manusia dengan kekuatan "Dewa" yang membuat segala sesuatu dalam pikirannya menjadi kenyataan, bahkan yang mustahil dalam kehidupan normal. Jika dia menjadi bosan, kekuatan tak terduga akan datang dari tubuhnya, membuat dunia menjadi dekat sampai akhir. Katsura Hinagiku adalah manusia biasa, yang tidak memiliki kekuatan khusus seperti Allah. Tapi ia dikenal karena keahliannya di pedang, terutama pada pedangnya, Masamune. Dalam hal terjadi situasi berbahaya atau jika emosinya tidak terkendali, ia akan menggunakan Masamune nya untuk melawan musuhnya. Setiap senjata memiliki keunggulan mereka sendiri, hanya satu senjata yang menunjukkan kebesaran itu, siapa yang akan memenangkan pertandingan ini? Haruhi dengan kekuasaan dewanya atau Hinagiku dengan Masamunenya? |

Saber (Fate/stay Night) vs. Senjōgahara Hitagi (Bakemonogatari)
After eleven rounds in the Regular Season, the leaderboard has already started to give a clearer picture of who the pretenders and the contenders are for the coveted spots in the Postseason. Both Saber and Senjōgahara Hitagi are perfectly placed to claim their own slots for the season-ending fireworks. With ten wins already under her belt, the Heroic Spirit can even try and push for a higher placing at the end with a win against her challenger, who most fans will agree is her equal, to give her an easier path during the Single Elimination period. Added to that, by winning this match, Saber will be able to put a dent in her opponent’s charge toward the Amethyst Necklace. For Hitagi, winning this bout will tie her with her adversary, but, more importantly, it will put her above Saber by the virtue of a head-to-head victory. While many would argue that the Amethyst theme suits her, she will need to reign victorious to enhance her chance to staking a claim for the necklace. As the dust settles, which maiden will the Goddess of Victory smile upon? Setelah sebelas putaran musim reguler, dewan pemimpin telah mulai memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas pada orang yang berpura-pura dan pesaing untuk tempat bergensi di musim pos. Baik Saber dan Senjōgahara Hitagi sempurna ditempatkan untuk mengklaim slot mereka sendiri untuk musim ini. Dengan 10 kemenangan sudah di bawah ikat pinggang dia, Arthuria dengan semangat heroik bahkan dapat mencoba dan mendorong penempatan lebih tinggi di akhir musim reguler, untuk memberikan jalannya lebih mudah selama periode eliminasi dengan menang melawan penantang. Ditambahkan itu, dengan memenangkan pertandingan ini, ia akan dapat menempatkan slot untuk mengisi lawan dia untuk Kalung Amethyst. Untuk Hitagi di sisi lain, dengan memenangkan pertarungan ini akan mengikat dia dengan musuhnya, tetapi lebih penting menempatkan Saber di bawahnya oleh kemenangan head-to-head. Sementara banyak akan berpendapat bahwa sesuai tema Amethyst, dia harus memerintah menang untuk meningkatkan kesempatannya untuk saham klaim atas kalung itu. Sebagai debu menetap, siapa yang akan keluar dengan senyum kemenangan? |

Katsura Hinagiku & Nishizawa Ayumu (Hayate no Gotoku!)
vs. Akiyama Mio & Tainaka Ritsu (K-ON!)
A best friend is always there for you, in the good times and the bad, and is able to talk to you about personal things such as life problems and love. The search for love entwines Katsura Hinagiku's and Nishizawa Ayumu's paths as they both love the same person. Yet Hinagiku, who values her friendship more than anything else, first helps Ayumu out with her love, only to confess her own feelings for him as well. The humble and serene Ayumu thanks Hingiku for telling her this, for it means a lot to her that she is able to talk like this with her. When children, Akiyama Mio and Tainaka Ritsu never clicked at first, for Mio's quiet and serious personality highly contrasted Ritsu's upbeat and wild one. However, it took a few courageous words uttered by Ritsu to allow Mio to truly conceive her as a friend. Since then, the two have been inseparable, as Mio became used to Ritsu's everyday nonsense. In a challenge to see how strong their friendships can be, will it be the team of Hinagiku and Ayumu, or Mio and Ritsu, who will be able to win this match victorious together? |

Kurosaki Karin & Kurosaki Yuzu (BLEACH)
vs. Tsukamoto Tenma & Tsukamoto Yakumo (School Rumble)
While their personalities highly contrast with each other, these sisters still care about one another as though they were their world. Kurosaki Karin takes the role of a down-to-earth person, one who tries to maintain order in the family and is rarely seen crying. Kurosaki Yuzu has a more motherly side with taking care of all of the housework, as well as showing much emotion to the things round her. Despite their differences in appearance and personality, the two take care of each other whenever one of them feels down and share a common worry for their brother’s wellbeing. Tsukamoto Tenma has a highly eccentric personality and likes nothing more than to have as much fun as possible. Tsukamoto Yakumo is a more responsible girl who helps out in many endeavors, from emotional support for a friend to chores and other housework. Both wish for the other to live a happy life, while also making sure the other does not worry about her too much. Karen and Yuzu and Tenma and Yakumo will have their sisterly bonds challenged as they make their ways to the arena to see who the best sisterly pair is in this match. |
Thanks to Eclairs, Jeffrey-sama, chan12, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Amethyst 6 — Thursday, 14 June 2012

Charlotte Dunois (IS <Infinite Stratos>) vs. Victorique de Blois (GOSICK)
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Having grown up without the love and support of their mothers, these two girls have battled through many difficulties and hardships to get to where they are today. Although they may have wanted to just give up at times, their perseverance allowed them to trudge on, knowing there would be a light at the end of the tunnel. For Charlotte Dunois, she was forced to become a male spy at the specialized IS Academy because of her selfish father's wishes. What seemed to be an unnecessary annoyance ended up being a blessing in disguise as she eventually met a great friend at this academy. Through this fated meeting, Charlotte was able to obtain the happiness that she had longed for. Similarly, Victorique de Blois suffered at the hands of her father who had decided to isolate her in the depths of the de Blois mansion, and later her school's library, for most of her life. But despite this situation, she wound up meeting an unlikely companion who changed her life forever. With him, she finally got to see the true beauty of the world with her own eyes. Now that you know their stories, who will get your vote today? |

Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto) vs. Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
They are the best of friends and also the best of rivals. Once you look past their constant arguments and disagreements in virtually everything, it is easy to see that both Gokō Ruri and Kōsaka Kirino really value their unlikely friendship. Although they live a similar lifestyle—that of an otaku—the two cannot be any more different. Ruri is the more reserved one of the two, exuding a dark aura and choosing to do battle with her sharp tongue and witty responses. She is a fan of gothic lolita clothes and often cosplays as her favourite anime character who happens to wear those clothes too. As for Kirino, her boisterous and talkative personality, as well as her tendency of resorting to violence in order to get her point across, contrasts greatly with Kuroneko's. Being an avid eroge gamer and a fan of anything moe, she often gets into arguments with Ruri over which of their preferred genres is superior. The stage is now set for this exciting intra-series clash. In this highly anticipated battle between Gokō Ruri and Kōsaka Kirino—Maschera and Stardust Witch Meruru—who will you support? |

Sengoku Nadeko (Bakemonogatari) vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
Fresh from the bout in the previous round, where a HanaKana camp maiden got one over the Kugyū camp, Amethyst Round Six serves a twin dose of the same rivalry match up. This fixture takes place in the Stella division, where Sengoku Nadeko will square off against Aisaka Taiga. While both of them are petite in stature, their personalities are different. The shy, short haired and kind hearted Nadeko heads this match, after racking ten wins from her first twelve fixtures. Tipped to be in the running for the Postseason shake up, the goofy cap girl will further enhance her chance to slip into the Postseason if she manages to score another win in this round. But awaiting her is none other than one of the Stella division favourites, Taiga. The fierce, longhaired Palmtop Tiger has not lost any of her previous fixtures, swatting aside most of the challengers. For her, a win here is of utmost importance, for she is reckoned to be vying for the Amethyst Necklace. Will Taiga avenge her comrade’s loss in the previous round, or will Nadeko further rubberstamp her camp dominance instead? Masih segar dari pertarungan di babak sebelumnya, di mana gadis dari kamp KanaHana telah mendapat salah satu dari kamp Kugyū, Amethyst Putaran Keenam menjadi pertarungan antar dua kamp terserbut. Salah satunya terjadi di divisi Stella, di mana Sengoku Nadeko akan mencoba untuk menyeimbangkan kekuatan Aisaka Taiga. Sementara kedua dari mereka memiliki perawakan yang mungil, kepribadian mereka berbeda. Nadeko yang pemalu, berambut pendek, dan baik hati, telah meraih sepuluh kemenangan dari dua belas pertandingan. Untuk membuka jalan ke Post Season, gadis bertopi ini akan lebih meningkatkan kesempatannya untuk masuk ke Post Season jika dia berhasil mencetak kemenangan di babak ini. Tapi lawannya tidak lain adalah salah satu favorit divisi Stella, Taiga."The Palmtop Tiger" tidak tersentuh kekalahan sebelumnya, telah mengusir sebagian besar penantang sebelumnya. Baginya, kemenangan di sini adalah dari paling penting, karena ia diperhitungkan untuk bersaing memperebutkan Kalung Amethyst. Taiga akan membalas kawan dia yang kalah di babak sebelumnya, atau akan Nadeko melanjutkan dominasi kampnya? |

Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
Superficial words and phrases are not enough to aptly depict a scenario where two of ISML’s most decorated maidens are paired up against each other. With over four hundred Regular Season wins combined under their belts, both Katsura Hinagiku and Shana’s assets still hold strong, even into the fourth and fifth seasons of their respective participation in ISML. Both sport long wavy hair, fiery determination to achieve their own set goals, and are proficient in using either the bokken or katana. Hina and Shana are one of the select few who have won an ISML period necklace. For Hinagiku, she reached a pinnacle in 2009, when she defeated none other than Shana in the final to grab the Heavenly Tiara for herself. But unlike the other Tiara winners, her power does not seem to wane, and she once again looks like a sure bet for the Single Elimination Period. Shana, on the other hand, has kept plugging on, and entered the Tiara match again last year, only to be denied by another Stella goliath. With a long history between them, which one of the two Stella veterans will show the white flag as their bokken and katana clash again? "Hanya yang paling veteran yang akan hidup dan menceritakan kisahnya." Frase tang cocok untuk dua gadis ISMaL yang paling hebat dalam pertandingan ini. Dengan lebih dari empat ratus kemenangan di Musim Reguler dari mereka berdua, baik Katsura Hinagiku dan Shana masih memiliki kekuatan, bahkan ke dalam musim keempat dan kelima dari partisipasi mereka dalam ISML. Berambut panjang bergelombang, tekad yang berapi-api untuk mencapai tujuan mereka sendiri, serta sangat mahir dalam menggunakan bokken atau katana, Hina dan Shana adalah salah satu dari beberapa orang terpilih yang telah memenangkan kalung periode ISML. Untuk Hinagiku, ia mencapai puncak pada tahun 2009, ketika ia mengalahkan Shana di final untuk meraih Tiara untuk dirinya sendiri. Namun tidak seperti pemenang Tiara lain, kekuatannya tidak tampak memudar, dan ia sekali lagi tampak yakin untuk Periode Eliminasi. Shana di sisi lain, telah terus menanjak, dan memasuki pertandingan Tiara lagi tahun lalu, namun ditolak oleh goliath Stella yang lain. Dengan sejarah panjang antara mereka, siapa salah satu dari dua veteran Stella yang akan mengibakan bendera putih? |

Kotobuki Tsumugi (K-ON!) vs. Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
"Diversity is beautiful" is a phrase that well describes the differences between these two girls. No one denies that they are as different as heaven and Earth. Kotobuki Tsumugi is known as a friendly person in Hōkago Tea Time, and always brings snacks for the other members in her club. Although she is a wealthy person, she is always humble towards others and does not use her money as power. She is the keyboardist of her band, and takes an important role in any concert. On the other side, Nagato Yuki is known as an uncommunicative person who almost never talks to her friends, except if they need some help from her, and she always obeys others without the slightest rebellion. But behind that face is an alien who behaves like a human for an investigation. If there is some trouble that requires her hand, she will act to fix it. In this battle featuring noticeably dissimilar girls, who will show her difference as a greatness in power —Friendly Mugi or Silent Yuki? Tidak ada yang tidak indah dalam menanggapi perbedaan antara kedua gadis ini. Tidak ada yang membantah bahwa dua anak perempuan memiliki banyak perbedaan seperti langit dan bumi. Kotobuki Tsumugi dikenal sebagai orang ramah di Band Hokago Tea Time yang selalu membawa snack untuk anggota lain di klubnya. Meskipun ia adalah orang kaya, tapi dia selalu rendah hati untuk orang lain dan tidak menggunakan uang sebagai kekuatannya. Pekerjaannya di bandnya adalah keyboardist, dan dia mengambil peran penting dalam bandnya dalam konser apapun. Di sisi lain, Nagato Yuki dikenal sebagai orang yang pendiam yang hampir tidak pernah berbicara dengan temannya, kecuali jika temannya butuh bantuan kepadanya, dan dia selalu menuruti kata-kata orang tanpa pemberontakan sedikit pun. Di belakang sana, dia sebenarnya alien yang menyamar menjadi manusia untuk melakukan penyelidikan. Jika ada suatu masalah, dia sipa untuk melakukan suatu aksi jika dibutuhkan. Dalam pertempuran yang menampilkan perbedaan yang sangat mencolok di kedua gadis ini, siapa yang akan menunjukkan perbedaan dirinya sebagai kekuatan kebesarannya - Mugi yang Ramah atau Yuki yang Pendiam? |

Andō Minawa (Mahoromatic) & Sumomo (Chobits)
vs. Karakuri Chachamaru (Mahō Sensei Negima!) & Flower (Kowarekake no Orgel)
She is more than just an android; she is a friend, someone to take care of, and someone to care about. All Andō Minawa ever wanted was a heart, something that would make her more human instead of a robot. When told that the various emotions she lets out already define her humanity, Minawa tries her best to repay the kindness people around her have given her. Sumomo always retains a bright personality no matter what the situation may be. While mostly acting childish and innocent, she can act like a guardian by leading her friends and making sure that none of them get into any trouble. Karakuri Chachamaru was created to only serve and fight, but sometimes she gets curious about how to exhibit emotions. Chachamaru is always seen helping people, but fears that she is nothing more than an empty shell. Flower tries her best to work around the house, even if she has a poor memory. When push comes to shove, Flower will do everything in her power to find a way to make someone smile, even if it is only for a day. These girls wish to be something more than just a doll. Will it be the team of Andō Minawa and Sumomo, or Karakuri Chachamaru and Flower, who will have their wishes come true today? |

Heiwajima Shizuo & Orihara Izaya (Durarara!!)
vs. Hijikata Tōshirō & Okita Sōgo (Gintama)
It is hard to figure out whether or not these four men are actually friends, or enemies who cannot wait to kill each other. Heiwajima Shizuo is known for his violent fits of rage, but is actually a nice person who dislikes violence. Orihara Izaya is an information broker who gives out various types of information for his own amusement. The two have despised each other since middle school, even to the point that every time they see each other, it results in a brutal fight. Yet no one around them gets hurt in the crossfire, because Shizuo is usually the one to take the pain or get embarrassed. Hijikata Tōshirō is a man who takes work seriously and makes sure that things get done on time. In contrast, Okita Sōgo is lazy, laid back, and is mostly seen taking light naps instead of doing his job. However, Sōgo has a dark side that highly despises Tōshirō and will try to find every opportunity it can to embarrass or heavily injure him. Nevertheless, the two respect each other not only as members of the same committee, but also as swordsmen who protect the city from harm. While both teams lack the correct chemistry needed to work together, they will try to put their differences aside to win this one match. Can Shizuo and Izaya stay temporarily allied as the match progresses, or will Tōshirō & Sōgo find a way to work together to slay their opponents? |
Thanks to Jeffrey-sama, Eclairs, chan12, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 (Indonesian).
Amethyst 7 — Sunday, 17 June 2012

Shiomiya Shiori (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
vs. Elucia de Lute Ima (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
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Two girls and two different characters meet up in one arena. They must cross each other’s paths to walk toward the things most precious to them. Books are her best friends, the library is her palace, and letters are her nutrition. That is a short way to describe Shiomiya Shiori, the silent librarian. She is unable to convey her thoughts to other people, and is very intolerant about book violations. For years she has tried to overcome her problems, and she has always failed. But she continues to believe that one day she’ll be able to overcome them. As an ex-janitor, brooms have been her best friends for over three hundred years; even after she joined the loose spirit squad, she has never parted with her broom. Elucia de Lute Ima had to wait that long to see her dream come true, and she must do her best to make sure that it isn’t ruined. So far, she is doing well. This is the day they face off against each other. They can be clumsy at times, but that won’t greatly influence the match, as they each know their opponent well. Will it be the day for the quiet librarian? Or will it be a cheerful day for the demon? Dua wanita, dan dua karakter yang berbeda, bertemu di satu arena. Mereka harus menyela satu sama lain untuk mencapai sesuatu yang sangat berarti bagi mereka. Buku adalah teman terbaiknya, perpustakaan adalah istananya, dan huruf adalah energinya. Sebuah gambaran singkat Shiomiya Shiori �sang pegawai perpus yang diam�. Tak mampu untuk mengutarakan apa yang ia pikirkan pada orang lain, dan sangat intoleran terhadap pelecehan buku-buku. Selama bertahun-tahun dia selalu mencoba mengatasi masalahnya, dan ia gagal. Tetapi dia selalu percaya, bahwa suatu hari, dia akan bisa mengatasi masalahnya. Sebagai bekas petugas kebersihan, sapu telah menjadi teman setianya selama tiga ratus tahun, bahkan setelah ia menjadi skuad penangkap roh, dia tak pernah berpisah dengan sapunya. Elucia de Lute Ima harus menunggu selama itu untuk melihat cita-citanya jadi nyata, dan dia harus memberikan yang terbaik untuk memastikan bahwa mimpinya tak berantakan. Sejauh ini, Elsie telah bekerja dengan baik untuk menjaga mimpinya. Dan ini adalah hari dimana mereka harus melawan musuh mereka, mereka bisa kikuk pada saat seperti ini, tapi itu tak akan mempengaruhi pertandingan ini, karena mereka tahu satu sama lain dengan baik. Akankah ini menjadi hari bagi sang penjaga perpustakaan? Ataukah ini akan menjadi hari ceria bagi Elsie? |

Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
vs. Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto)
Very rarely is there a match where two challengers are almost mirror images of each other. Both challengers are similar to a point where the same seiyū represents both character's alternate personalities in a similar way. Gokō Ruri and Hasegawa Kobato both cosplay their favorite characters from anime with comparable personalities. Behind the scenes, Kobato helps out a little with the chores and relies on her brother when she is in trouble. Ruri, on the other hand, takes care of most of the chores and helps out her younger sisters on her own. Both look to venture out and make friends; Kobato looks for attention when her brother is not around, while Ruri wants to make friends and not have to worry that her hobby might impact her chances of being accepted. Kuroneko has already proven that she can contend in Saimoe; she won the Sapphire Necklace, reached the semi-finals of ISML, and reached the top 8 of AST last year. This may be Kobato’s first year in ISML, but she is already looking to follow in her opponent’s footsteps. Both rely on the powers of darkness, but only one will succeed in today’s match. Sangat jarang ada pertandingan di mana dua penantang hampir sama cermin satu sama lain. Kedua penantang mirip samapi ke sebuah titik di mana seiyuu yang sama wakili memiliki kepribadian yang sama. Gokō Ruri dan Hasegawa Kobato kedua menggambarkan karakter favorit (cosplay) mereka dari sebuah acara anime dengan kepribadian serupa. Di belakang layar, Kobato akan membantu sedikit dengan tugas dan bergantung pada kakaknya saat dia dalam kesulitan. Ruri di sisi lain akan mengurus sebagian besar tugas dan membantu adik-adiknya sendiri. Kedua tampilan untuk menjelajah dan berteman, Kobato mencari perhatian ketika kakaknya tidak ada, sementara Ruri ingin mencari teman dan tidak perlu khawatir bahwa hobinya mungkin berdampak peluangnya untuk diterima. Kuroneko telah membuktikan bahwa dia bisa bersaing di Saimoe, dia memenangkan kalung saphire, mencapai semifinal ISML dan mencapai 8 besar AST (J-Saimoe) tahun lalu. Ini mungkin tahun pertama Kobato di ISML, tapi dia sudah ingin mengikuti jejak lawannya. Keduanya akan mengandalkan kuasa kegelapan, tetapi hanya satu akan berhasil dalam pertandingan hari ini. |

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Charlotte Dunois (IS <Infinite Stratos>)
Tachibana Kanade and Charlotte Dunois provide us with a very entertaining match at the end of the Amethyst Period. It is a battle between two girls of different cultures, and is also a battle between two girls of a similar quality. One is from Europe, and the other is from Asia. Kanade, a mist of Japanese beauty, has her silver hair and golden eyes, which have never failed to stun us. On the other side, Charlotte’s appealing French beauty goes well with her gentle smile and flawless blond hair. Kanade's deadly weapon, Handsonic, may once again prove its fatality against the spy. And we will see how well Charlotte counters it with her own set of skills; it is assured that today will not be an easy match for Kanade. The two of them also have massive records so far. Both Kanade and Charlotte have managed to outrun their opponents, with only slightly different performances. Let the battle begin! Tachibana kanade versus Charlotte Dunois memberi kita pertandingan yang sangat menghibur di akhir periode Amethyst. Ini adalah pertandingan antara dua perempuan yang punya kebudayaan yang berbeda, pertandingan antara dua perempuan yang punya kualitas sama. Satu dari Eropa sementara yang lain dari Asia. Kanade, dengan kecantikan misterius khas Jepang. Rambut peraknya, pupil mata emasnya, tak pernah gagal untuk menghipnotis kita. Di sisi lain, Charlotte dengan kecantikan khas Prancis yang menggoda, kecantikannya sangat serasi dengan senyum lembut dan rambut blondenya. Handsonic, senjata mematikan itu akan sekali lagi membuktikan seberapa mematikan ia dalam melawan sang mata-mata. Dan kita akan melihat seberapa baik Charlotte membalas Handsonic Kanade, dengan skill khas mata-mata miliknya, dan ini menjamin pertandingan ini akan menyusahkan bagi Kanade. Keduanya punya rekor hebat sejauh ini, baik Kanade dan Charlotte berhasil mengalahkan lawan-lawan mereka, dan performa mereka sejauh ini hanya beda tipis satu sama lainnya. Dimulailah pertandingan antara penghuni 5 besar ini, dan kita akan lihat sejauh mana keduanya beraksi dalam melawan musuhnya. |

Kanzaki H. Aria (Hidan no Aria)
vs. Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)
Sometimes, the word “breast” can be either a blessing or a curse. It all depends on how well she is endowed. While not every guy loves shapely busts, the same can be said of modest ones. In this case, both Kanzaki H. Aria and Kashiwazaki Sena’s assets are worlds apart. The twin-tailed, crimson-eyed butei is a supple girl. Her petite stature and childish behaviour make people question her status as a high school student. Coupled with that, most of her love rivals are well developed. As a result, she is very sensitive when the subject of breasts is brought forward, often lashing and snapping in retaliation. On the other hand, the turquoise-eyed and golden-haired gamer has a considerable bust size. As the owner of a pretty face and a well-developed body, most men are smitten with her. Unlike her opponent, Sena has one of the largest bosoms amongst her love rivals. As a result, she is often called “Niku” by one of her rivals as a mockery of her chest. Which type will woo the voters: flat ones like Aria, or the shapely ones like Sena? Kadang-kadang, kata "payudara" dapat berupa berkat atau kutukan. Semuanya tergantung pada seberapa baik mereka diberkati. Meskipun tidak setiap pria mencintai indahnya payudara, yang sama dapat dikatakan dengan memiliki yang sederhana. Dalam hal ini, baik Kanzaki H. Aria dan Kashiwazaki Sena memiliki ukuran aset dunia yang berbeda. Berkepang dua, bermata merah dari butei adalah salah satu gadis yang lentur. Bersama dengan perawakan mungil dan perilaku yang kekanak-kanakan, membuat orang mempertanyakan statusnya sebagai seorang siswa SMA. Ditambah itu, sebagian besar rival cintanya yang telah berkembang dengan baik. Akibatnya, dia sangat sensitif ketika subjek dibawa ke depan, sering memukul dan gertakan. Di sisi lain, gamer berambut zamrud bermata emas dan memiliki ukuran payudara yang cukup besar. Sebagai pemilik wajah cantik dan tubuh yang berkembang dengan baik, kebanyakan pria akan dipukul oleh dia. Tidak seperti lawannya, Sena memiliki salah satu dada terbesar bila dibandingkan dengan saingan cintanya. Akibatnya, ia dipanggil oleh Niku salah satu saingannya untuk mengejek dadanya. Jenis dada mana akan merayu pemilih, yang datar seperti Aria atau yang indah seperti Sena? |

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs. Yui (Angel Beats!)
Our next two challengers have been given second chances to become stronger and to do the most important things that they were unable to do in the past. Deep down, Nakamura Yuri cannot get over the fact that she was unable to protect herself or her family from the enemy. As leader of the SSS, she is determined to get tougher so she can protect herself and her new friends and teammates from those who oppose them. While not as tragic, Yui’s injuries prevented her from doing tasks she used to see on television. She became leader of an all girl band to experience the fun while proving herself dependable to her friends and fellow band members. When it comes to bragging rights, Yui-nyan has already proven that she can get the best of her leader; she barely won 3191-3188 during Amethyst 6 last year. With a potential necklace at stake, can the Girls Dead Monster guitarist repeat her hit performance, or will the SSS leader get revenge when it really counts? Dua penantang selanjutnya telah diberi kesempatan untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan melakukan hal-hal yang paling penting dimana mereka tidak dapat melakukannya di masa lalu. Jauh di lubuk hati, Nakamura Yuri tidak bisa melupakan fakta bahwa ia tidak mampu melindungi dirinya sendiri atau keluarganya dari musuh di masa lalu. Sebagai pemimpin dari Brigade SSS, dia bertekad untuk menjadi lebih kuat sehingga dia bisa melindungi dirinya dan teman-teman barunya (atau tim) dari mereka yang menentang dirinya. Meskipun tidak tragis, (Yui-nyan ini) cedera mencegahnya dari melakukan hal menyenangkan ia digunakan untuk melihat di televisi. Dia menjadi pemimpin kelompok gadis melakukan hal menyenangkan sambil membuktikan dirinya diandalkan untuk teman-teman dan anggota band sesama. Ketika datang untuk hak membual, Yui telah membuktikan bahwa dia bisa mendapatkan yang terbaik dari pemimpinnya, dia menang tipis 3191-3188 pada Amethyst 6 tahun lalu. Dengan kalung yang dipertaruhkan, bisakah gitaris Girls Dead Monster mengulangi performa hitnya, atau akan pemimpin SSS Brigade melakukan balas dendamnya? |

Sakagami Tomoyo (CLANNAD) vs. Furukawa Nagisa (CLANNAD)
I stand at the bottom of the hill, looking at the cherry blossom trees in full bloom. Beautiful pink petals dance through the air, carried across the sky by a light breeze; it is a relaxing sight to behold. But what draws my attention away are the figures of two beautiful girls walking in the distance. The first girl is Sakagami Tomoyo, a candidate for the position of student council president at their school. Despite her bad track record as a violent girl who beats up delinquents, I know that deep down inside, she's a hardworking and kind girl. She does not seek the power that comes with being student council president to look down on others, but to save the sakura trees instead. Beside her is Furukawa Nagisa, daughter of the local bakery's owners. Even though she has a frail body that has caused her to fall behind in school, there is no doubt in my mind that she is a very strong person mentally. As the two girls walk their separate ways, I know I have to make a decision quick. Who should I pursue—Sakagami Tomoyo or Furukawa Nagisa? |

Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Holo (Spice and Wolf)
Animal spirits appear above the two figures within the Sanzen’in mansion's grounds. The smaller form is represented by a dragon, clearly the household's master, Sanzen’in Nagi; the other throws back her head to reveal her animalistic ears as the form of a wolf of equal size takes spirit form over her head. Holo visibly licks her chops as the cloak she is wearing is thrown aside to reveal her bushy brown tail, wagging in anticipation of the battle. As these two ready themselves, a voice is heard from the building in the background. "Nagi-san. Someone is looking for some fiscal advice from you," it calls. The wolf's expression changes from the threatening grin of battle anticipation to curious interest, and it seems that a hold has been called on the battle. The two females approach each other before turning toward the house, clearly in some conversation that they both find interesting, tails wagging vigorously. It seems that this battle will be decided by the voters instead—will you cast your vote for the one who stands to inherit the Sanzen’in fortune, Nagi, or for the fiscal wolf who lives the life of a traveling merchant, Holo? |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
vs. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
The sky has taken on a darker hue. The calm breeze, which swept gently until only a while ago, has all but ceased. As vortexes of concentrated electromagnetic waves congregate upon a single point, electrical sparks illuminate, giving a stark contrast to the grim and brooding atmosphere. As the tension rises, a single ray of lightning zaps Misaka Mikoto: a girl with short chestnut hair in the centre of the vortexes. But instead of vaporising her, the intensity of the beam increases. Tossing the coin she is holding, the maiden significantly accelerates the charged coin. As it is about to hit the intended target, its trajectory seems to be altered. The vector has been changed by Nagato Yuki, a pale, purple-haired girl. She seems to rewrite the laws of the universe as she murmurs some inaudible incantations. While she looks like a quiet person, her presence exudes a mysterious aura. Undisturbed by her earlier attempt being thwarted, Mikoto reenergises the air around her and prepares her next assault on the unassuming Yuki. Will the Electromaster be able to overpower her opponent, or will the humanoid interface stop her in her tracks instead? Langit menjadi lebih gelap. Angin tenang, yang sedang meniup perlahan sampai beberapa waktu yang lalu telah ada lagi. Seperti pusaran gelombang elektromagnetik berkumpul terkonsentrasi pada satu titik, percikan listrik menyala, memberikan sebuah kontras dengan suasana muram dan merenung. Saat ketegangan meningkat, sinar tunggal petir dari Misaka Mikoto, seorang gadis dengan rambut pendek kastanye di pusat pusaran. Tapi, bukannya menguap, intensitas meningkat. Melempar koin yang dia memegang, gadis itu berhasil secara signifikan mempercepat peraihan koin yang dibebankannya. Saat koin dibuat untuk memukul target, lintasan tampaknya akan diubah. Vektor ini telah diubah oleh Nagato Yuki, seorang gadis berambut perak pucat. Dia tampaknya menulis ulang hukum alam semesta dengan gumamnya beberapa mantra tak terdengar. Sementara dia tampak seperti orang yang tenang, kehadirannya memancarkan aura misterius. Tidak terganggu oleh upaya sebelumnya dia sedang digagalkan, Mikoto mengisi udara di sekitarnya, dan mempersiapkan serangan berikutnya pada Yuki. Akankah Electromaster yang dapat mengalahkan lawannya atau akankah humanoid antarmuka menghentikannya pada treknya? |

Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
As the school’s Christmas festival reaches its conclusion, I rush to the main hall to witness what’s in store for the students. After listening to several mediocre performances, I am about to make my way out of the hall, only to be stopped by my best friend. She tells me that the next performance will not disappoint, as the Light Music Club is performing. The club exhibits its talents and I am left speechless by the second vocalist, Akiyama Mio. Besides playing the bass guitar, her powerful voice is a joy to behold. Her long dark hair sways according to her body motion while playing her instrument. After this unforgettable performance that I doubt can be bested, up stands a pair of maidens to sing the closing song of the day, ‘O Holy Night’. My gaze fixates on the shorter girl with long chestnut hair and sweet vocals. Aisaka Taiga is known as the Palmtop Tiger and is not just another cute girl. As the festival comes to a close, I am glad that both Akiyama Mio and Aisaka Taiga have performed live. Saat festival natal di sekolah mencapai klimaksnya, saya bergegas ke ruang utama untuk menyaksikan apa yang ada di toko untuk para siswa. Setelah mendengarkan pertunjukan biasa-biasa saja, aku akan membuat jalan keluar dari aula, harus dihentikan oleh teman saya yang terbaik. Dia memberitahu saya bahwa kinerja berikutnya tidak akan mengecewakan, karena Light Music club akan melakukan yang terbaik. Sebagai klub penuh bakat, saya meninggalkan kata-kata dengan vokalis kedua, Akiyama Mio. Selain bermain gitar bass, suara lembutnya sanagt kusukai. Rambut hitam yang panjang bergoyang sesuai dengan gerakan tubuhnya saat bermain instrumennya. Setelah kinerja yang tak terlupakan itu, saya meragukan bahwa hal itu dapat dikalahkan, tetapi sampai berdiri sepasang gadis menyanyikan lagu penutupan hari dengan judul 'Malam Kudus'. Pandanganku terpaku pada gadis yang lebih pendek, dengan rambut cokelat panjang. Sementara dia dikenal sebagai Harimau Palmtop, sedikit saya tahu bahwa Aisaka Taiga sebenarnya bukan sekadar gadis cantik, dengan vokal manis. Saat festival Natal hendak selesai, saya senang baik Akiyama Mio dan Taiga Aisaka telah tampil secara lansung. |

Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate/stay night)
Everyone encounters huge tasks in the course of their lives. With their own occupations, both Katsura Hinagiku and Illyasviel von Einzbern already feel the weight of carrying out vast responsibilities. As the president of Hakuō Academy’s student council, Katsura Hinagiku is forced to direct her mind entirely to the affairs of the school, making it difficult to perform common routines like other girls. But she always enjoys her job and performs almost perfectly every time, making her an unofficial idol at the academy. On the other side, Illyasviel von Einzbern has the burden of being the successor of the Einzbern family. She participates in the Fifth Holy Grail War with a mysterious and unrivalled power. Her cute appearance fools everyone and masks her ability to control that power. Only one girl can carry out her duties properly in this match. Which of them will make it to victory? Setiap orang selalu memiliki tugas besar sebagai bagian dari hidup mereka. Baik Katsura Hinagiku dan Illyasviel von Einzbern sudah merasakan beratnya menjalankan tugas besar dengan pekerjaan mereka sendiri. Sebagai Presiden Dewan Siswa di Akademi Hakuo, Hinagiku Katsura dipaksa untuk mengarahkan pikirannya sepenuhnya untuk urusan sekolah, membuatnya sulit untuk melakukan rutinitas umum seperti gadis lain. Tapi dia selalu menikmati dengan pekerjaannya, dan dia bisa melakukan pekerjaan itu hampir sempurna, membuat dia sebagai maskot tidak resmi di Hakuo Acedemy. Di sisi lain, Illyasviel von Einzbern memiliki beban sebagai penerus keluarga Einzbern. Dia sekarang kirim ke Perang Holy Grail Kelima dengan kekuatan misterius yang kekuatannya tidak ada bandingannya. Kemampuannya untuk mengontrol kekuatan itu yang membuat semua orang tertipu oleh penampilan lucunya. Hanya satu gadis yang bisa menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik, siapa dari dua gadis ini yang dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik dan menjadikannya sebagai kemenangan di pertandingan ini? |

Saten Ruiko & Uiharu Kazari (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
vs. Sakura Kyōko & Miki Sayaka (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica)
These four girls would not be who they are today had they not befriended each other. Saten Ruiko is usually a laidback girl who enjoys having as much fun as possible. Uiharu Kazari is serious when it comes to doing her job, but relaxed whenever she is having fun with her friends. If Ruiko had not met Kazari, she would not have known what it was like to be relied on when she was the only person who could save her friends from their predicament. If Kazari had not met Ruiko, she would have not known her full capabilities when it comes to searching for a criminal and tracking that criminal down. Sakura Kyōko only cared about herself, believing that it was every magical girl for herself, leaving no room for friends. Upon meeting Miki Sayaka, she would relearn humility and remember the main reason why she was fighting witches in the first place. Sakaya has a strong sense of justice and will do things that she believes are correct. Upon meeting Kyōko, she learned to think about everyone else before jumping to conclusions about what she should do. Truly, these girls would have walked very different paths if they had not met. Today, their friendship is put to the test to see who has the best compatibility for each other. |

Sakai Yūji & Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
vs. Kyon & Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
To create another world, a world in which they can be together, how much are they willing to sacrifice? For Sakai Yūji, he is willing to give up his life, his existence, and even his love so that he can create a world where Flame Hazes and Denizens do not have to fight anymore. Yet Shana does not accept such an idea, believing that a perfect world created without him would not be a world she would want to go. Shana will fight for a one where they can be together, no matter where they go, using love as her fuel to drive her decisions. Suzumiya Haruhi is willing to give up the entire world and its people, so that she can be alone with Kyon while supernatural phenomena surround her everyday. While technically the world he wants, Kyon does not want it to be quite like this. Instead, he wishes for their original world where they can both see their friends again and spend time doing the same things that they do everyday. These competitors are willing to sacrifice anything to create their ideal worlds, but only one will be chosen by the end of the day. Will the voters decide to live with a world created by Yūji and Shana or Kyon and Haruhi? |
Thanks to Eclairs, Roo-loves-Elsie, Jeffrey-sama, hinakatbklyn, chan12, Bastion, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by chan12 and Roo-loves-Elsie (Indonesian).
Translations by chan12 and Roo-loves-Elsie (Indonesian).
Amethyst Necklace Showdown — Thursday, 21 June 2012

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
vs. Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto)
vs. Saber (Fate/stay night)
vs. Yui (Angel Beats!)
vs. Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
vs. Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
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As the moon lights up the ISML arena, so too do the hearts of those who wish for the moon's power in their hands. Current Amethyst Necklace holder, Nagato Yuki, is not looking to drop the necklace to anyone just yet. Yuki, the mystical and enigmatic maiden who has held the necklace for two consecutive years, prepares to keep it for a third time, breaking the record for longest consecutive title reign. However, there are several other girls who also wish to command the moon. Aisaka Taiga, who harnesses the powers of the sun and nature, would like to obtain another source of light for her growing personality. Gokō Ruri, who holds the power of the earth, wants nothing more than to have the moon and its glistening warmth orbiting around her. Shana, who has not touched the powers of the moon yet, would like nothing more than to add it to her collection of necklaces. Eucliwood Hellscythe, who was granted the powers of emotion, wishes to understand and accept the moon’s darkness. Although Saber and Yui have not had a necklace before, both would like to find out what makes this one so special. Over time, Saber has learned that one cannot dwell in the past any longer, but must live for the present in order to create a brighter future. Yui was able to overcome her fears of solitude and can finally reveal a genuine smile. With the moon high above their heads, which of these seven contestants will accept the darkness in her heart and create her own serene path? Saat Purnama menerangi Arena ISML, begitu juga dengan mereka yang berharap agar kekuatan bulan berada di genggaman mereka. Juara bertahan Amethyst -Nagato Yuki- takkan pernah berencana untuk memberikan gelarnya paada siapa pun, dan berencana untuk menjadikan momen ini hat-trick untuknya, memecahkan rekor kemenangan berturut-turut sebelumnya. Aisaka Taiga yang kekuatannya berasal dari matahari dan ibu pertiwi, akan mencoba untuk mencari cahaya penerang pribadinya yang sedang tumbuh. Goko Ruri, yang menguasai elemen bumi, berharap agar bulan berputar mengitarinya dan memberinya cahaya kehangatan. Shana yang belum pernah merasakan kekuatan sang bulan, sangat berharap ia dapat menambah koleksi necklace-nya. Eucliwood Hellschyte, yang diberi kekuatan untuk menguasai emosi, akan mencoba memahami sisi gelap bulan dan menerimanya. Walaupun Saber dan Yui belum pernah memperoleh necklace sebelumnya, keduanya akan mencoba mengetahui apa yang membuat kekuatan bulan sangat istimewa. Seiring waktu, Saber belajar bahwa seseorang tak dapat hidup dalam masa lalunya, tetapi hidup menjalani hari ini untuk membuka jala bagi cerahnya masa depan. Yui telah berhasil mengatasi rasa takutnya, takut tak seorangpun yang akan mau bersanding dengannya, dan kini ia dapat tersenyum dengan tulus. Dengan bulan yang menggantung tinggi diatas mereka, Siapakah diantara tujuh kontestan ini yang akan mencoba menyadari kegelapan yang ada di hati mereka untuk menciptakan kedamaian di depan mereka? |

Shimada Minami (Baka to Test to Shōkanjū)
vs. Shiomiya Shiori (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
vs. Fear Kubrick (C³ - Cube×Cursed×Curious)
vs. Suzutsuki Kanade (Mayo Chiki!)
vs. Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!)
vs. Holo (Spice and Wolf)
vs. Ikaros (Sora no Otoshimono)
With the contestants coming from such a vast variety of backgrounds and having such contrasting personalities, this match may turn out to be an unpredictable one. German-born Shimada Minami is one of the more violent girls in this group. She has a "hobby" of beating up one of her male friends, sometimes doing so for no particular reason. And because of her headstrong attitude, she does not come to terms with the idea of "love." On the other hand, Shiomiya Shiori represents one of the quieter girls. She tends to spend her days in the sanctuary that is the school library, reading shelves upon shelves of books. She is often unable to voice her opinions, and thus is seen as strange by others, but eventually succeeds in doing so with the unlikely help of a fellow anti-social peer. Another energetic girl of the bunch is Fear Kubrick, a being who was initially created to be used as an object of torture and execution. However, because of the hate she was subject to, Fear was turned into the boisterous girl she is today. The next two girls—Suzutsuki Kanade and Sanzen'in Nagi—come from wealthy families and have experienced luxurious lives. While Kanade is more passive, albeit slightly sadistic, Nagi's aggressive tsundere personality is what defines her. But despite their origins, both maidens know that they will have to fight with their own strengths today. Rounding out this battle royal are two supernatural beings: Holo the Wise Wolf of Yoitsu and Ikaros the Pet-Class Angeloid type Alpha. As a wolf harvest deity, Holo used to be a subject of worship for the townspeople who desired a good harvest. However, as time went on, the people began to forget her, causing Holo to feel the pain of loneliness. Fortunately, she was rescued from isolation by a travelling merchant who agreed to let her accompany him on his journey. The silent Ikaros usually displays a submissive and melancholic personality. Despite this, she has at times shown moments of great aggression, thus making her an unpredictable foe. With these seven girls now set to face off against one another, which one will you be supporting? |

Ariel (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?) & Chris (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
vs. Chitanda Eru (Hyōka) & Ibara Mayaka (Hyōka)
Perhaps the bigger mystery is finding out who each of these girls truly are. Ariel comes off as a simple-minded and easygoing teacher who wishes to have fun while protecting her students. While she can be a doll to her friends, she can just as easily be cruel to the enemies who hurt her students. Usually drunk most of the time, Chris can act like a child, but gives advice to others to cheer them up. Although an upbeat character, there are several moments when she recalls the past and wonders if her current life is truly worth living or not. Chitanda Eru comes across as a bubbly lady of royalty who is fond of mysteries. However, the motivation for solving even the smallest of mysteries leads to a tragic story that she wishes to solve but is unable to on her own. Ibara Mayaka seems like a brash girl who is quick to jump to conclusions and gets easily irritated. However, she cares about her friends dearly and has a clear perception of what everyone is capable of and so much more. For all four of these girls, the wish to find out who they truly are still lingers in their minds. Yet here they stand, prepared to face each other for the victory. Maybe then will the missing holes in their hearts be filled. Mungkin, misteri terbesar adalah siapa sebenarnya gadis-gadis ini. Ariel adalah seorang guru yang berpikiran sederhana dan easy-going, seorang guru yang berharap mendapat kesenangan saat menjaga anak didiknya. Saat dia dapat menjadi ‘boneka’ bagi teman-temannya, ia juga dapat menjadi kejam saat berhadapan dengan musuh yang telah menyakiti muridnya. Selalu mabuk di setiap saatnya, Chris berperilaku seperti anak-anak yang memberi saran-saran pada mereka untuk menghibur mereka. Meskipun dia adalah karakter yang urakan, ada saatnya ia memikirkan masa lalunya dan bertanya-tanya pada dirinya apakah hidupnya saat ini bermanfaat atau tidak. Chitanda Eru adalah seorang gadis yang berimajinas tinggi, dan sangat senang akan misteri. Meskipun begitu, motivasinya untuk memecahkan bahkan misteri terkecil yang bermuara pada kisah tragis yang ia ingin selesaikan, tak mampu ia pertahankan. Ibara Mayaka nampaknya adalah gadis yang reaktif yang suka cepat ambil kesimpulan dan mudah tersinggung. Walaupun begitu, ia peduli terhadap teman-temannya, dan punya visi yang jelas tentang kemampuan seseorang, dan banyak lagi. Keempat gadis ini, dalam pikirnya semuanya berharap untuk mengetahui jati diri mereka. Dan, disinilah mereka berdiri, bersiap untuk bertarung satu sama lain untuk sebuah kemenangan. Mungkin dengan ini mereka dapat mengisi celah di hati mereka. |
Thanks to Momento10 and Jeffrey-sama for contributing today's match previews.
Translations by Roo-loves-Elsie (Indonesian).
Translations by Roo-loves-Elsie (Indonesian).